再概念化,reconceptualization on curriculum studies
1)reconceptualization on curriculum studies再概念化

1.Does Translation Exist in the Post-colonial Condition? -Introduction to the Re-conceptualization of "Translation;后殖民状况下还有翻译吗?——“翻译”的再概念化简论
2.Rethinking the Concept of "Chinese Marxism"对“中国化的马克思主义”概念的再思考
3.Rethinking the Conceptual Construction of "Legal Culture": An Interrogation of the Concept and Question Proper;关于法律文化概念构建的再思考——对概念和问题本身的诘问
4.Political Democratization in the Age of Globalization:a Re-research on Conceptions and Relations;全球化时代的政治民主化:概念与关系的再探讨
5.Reincarnation is a concept that perceives an evolution of the soul on a physical plane.再生的概念是指知觉灵魂在物质层面上的进化。
6.Understanding "Thinking in a Foreign Language" as Spontaneous Employment of FL Mode of Conceptualization;外语思维再思考——论外语思维的“概念化模式”内涵
7.On Evolution and Practical Significance of Definition of Mental Retardation;再论智力障碍概念的演化及其实践意义
8.Assimilation and recreation driven by function in conceptual design概念设计中功能驱动的消化吸收再创新研究
9.Sex,Love and Pornographos--On the Conception of Erotic-novels in the View of Culture;性别、爱情与艳情——文化史视野下对艳情小说概念的再思考
10.Discussion on the Problems of QianYe s Theory --The thought of rethink the concept of “legal culture”;“千叶之结”及其症因——关于法律文化概念构建的再思考
11.ny new embodiment of a familiar idea.对熟悉概念的具体化。
12.Conceptualization of the Meaning of Cause-Effect Sentence Introduced by "Because";Because-因果句的语义概念化
13.An Investigation into Recreation of Concepts in Secondary Mathematics Teaching;中学数学教学中概念“再创造”的研究
14.Concept,Character and Discontinuance Pattern:Research on Abettor;概念、性质与中止形态:教唆犯再考察
15.Reflection and Reconstruction: New Thinking of the Concept of Mixed Crime;反思与重构:对结合犯概念的再思考
16.World Civilizations:The Global Experiences and the Concept of World History;《全球文明史》与“世界史”概念的再思考
17.The intensive research on definition and statistical caliber of population migration;再论人口“迁移”的概念与统计口径界定
18.Rethinking of Some Notions in the Field of Web-based Course Building;对网络课程建设中若干概念的再思考

3)presentative conception再现概念
5)chemical concept化学概念
1.The representation of chemical concepts is an important topic in educational psychology for chemistry.化学概念表征是化学教育心理学的重要研究对象。
2.Learning chemical concepts is the basis of good learning of chemistrv.化学概念的学习是学好化学的基础,针对师范生的学习特点,分析形成化学概念的心理过程,有效地采用相应的教学策略,将能更好地帮助他们学好化学。
3.Based on the main views of Constructivism Learning theory, this paper presented four ways for making the teaching of chemical concepts easier: using students prior knowledge; creating teaching situation to help students understand the concepts; constructing the concepts in learning activities; and describing the concepts with the aid of graphic drawings.根据建构主义学习理论的主要观点,尝试提出了以建构主义为指导搞好化学概念教学的四条途径:了解并充分利用学生头脑中的原有概念进行教学;创设教学情景促进学生概念的形成;在对话与协作中建构概念;通过绘制概念图促进学生对概念及其关系的理解。
6)chemical concepts化学概念
1.In this article the writer tells the differences of sixteen linking but different chemical concepts that are frequently used but easily confused.对常见的、容易混淆的、有联系又有区别的十六个化学概念进行辨析。
2.The understanding and mastering of chemical concepts is theessential condition to improve students logical thinking ability.化学概念是化学学科建立和发展的基础,是中学化学学习的主要内容。
