相对可论证性,relative motivation
1)relative motivation相对可论证性

1.Interpreting the notion of arbitrariness and the relative motivation in Saussurean Linguistics索绪尔“任意性”与“相对可论证性”解读
2.A Proof of Relativistic Invariance of Dirac Equation;Dirac方程的相对论不变性证明
3.Absoluteness,Relativity and Ident ity of Basic Categories in Dialectical Mat erialism辩证唯物论基本范畴的绝对性、相对性及其一致
4.relevance or admissibility of evidence证据的相关性或可采性
5.A Simple Proot of Relativistic Covariant of Lorenz Force Equations;洛仑兹力公式的相对论协变性的简化证明
6.Relativity and Contradicion between Function and Usability Design论功能设计与可用性设计中的相对性与矛盾性
7.An Exploration of the Feasibility of Uniting Relevance Theory with Equivalence Theory;关联理论与对等理论相结合的可行性研究
8.Fundamental Revision of Einstein's Theory of Relativity--Relativistic Mechanics Based on Variable Speed of Light爱因斯坦相对论的根本性修正——光速可变的相对论力学(上)
9.Research on the Energy-saving Building of Multifunctional Buildings Design;综合楼设计中对节能建筑的可行性论证
10.The Verifiability of Value-Judgment: John Dewey s Criticism on the Anti-Value Theory of Logical Positivism;价值判断的可证实性——杜威对逻辑实证主义反价值理论的批判
11.Evidence from the Persistence and Predictive Power of Main Operating Income vs.One-time Items and Their Effect on the Value Relevance;不同盈利信息的可持续性及其对价值相关性影响的实证分析
12.Reflexivity and Mannheim Paradox: An approach to sociology of relativism反身性与“曼海姆悖论”——兼论相对主义社会学的可能性
13.Two discussions from different points of view may complement each other.由不同观点的两种讨论可以互相参证。
14.Shall I demonstrate? Keep to the same pattern, OK?我可以论证吗?保持相同的句型好吗?
15.On the Correctness of the Theory of General Relativity Based on the Verification of the Bending of Light;从光线弯曲的验证历史看广义相对论的正确性问题
16.relativistic synchrotron instability相对论性同步不稳定性
17.The projection sequence of plane graphs apex and relationship of the sequence and plane faces were discussed in this paper.提出并论证了各种位置直线与平面相交,直线在相邻两投影面上可见性的投影规律。
18.One who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God but does not deny the possibility that God exists.不可知论者相信无法证实上帝的存在但又不否认上帝存在可能性的人

1.The landau damping rate is obtained by solving the dispersion equation of relativistic longitudinal plasmons with the sub-light-velocity numerically.在亚光速区,对处于相对论性振荡的纵等离激元色散方程进行数值求解,得到了朗道阻尼系数的数值解。
3)feasibility study可行性论证
1.With a method of regulation-gap analysis, the paper analyzes the purpose description on the policy feasibility study.借助"规范-差距分析"方法,评价国内40本政策学著作关于"政策方案可行性论证"的目的阐述,发现存在如下缺陷:(1)目的表述完整性、清晰性欠缺:(2)各指标的可考核程度参差不齐;(3)指标的考核方法陈述过于简略;(4)各原则缺乏应有的逻辑联系;(5)实现思路的论述缺乏系统性;(6)操作步骤的表述缺乏现实意义;(7)方法缺乏对全局的指导意义;(8)前述不足造成读者难以从中获得符合常理的知识。
2.Listed companies should attach great importance to the feasibility study of new issues,and the authorities should strengthen the regulation of new issues by listed companies and establish and perfect the restraint mechanism.上市公司要重视增发新股的可行性论证工作 ,管理层要加强对上市公司增发新股行为进行监管 ,尽快建立健全增发新股约束机制。
4)feasibility demonstration可行性论证
1.It s very important on the quality assurance in feasibility demonstration of medical device,this paper study quality control of the medical device in feasibility demonstration from all its aspects.医疗设备的可行性论证对其质量保证是非常重要的,现从多个方面探讨了医疗设备可行性论证质量控制。
2.Feasibility demonstration is the major constitution of real estate development project management and the significant means of real estat.可行性论证是房地产开发项目管理的重要组成部分,是房地产项目决策科学化的重要手段。
5)feasibility argumentation可行性论证
1.Based on the question of feasibility argumentation, the author put forwards technical route of the question in general land use planning, and analyzing the result of the prediction on constructive land scale in Yubei district by the way of rationality discussion.针对土地利用总体规划中建设用地规模预测的可行性论证,提出土地利用总体规划中建设用地规模预测的可行性论证技术路线,并运用合意度论证法对渝北区建设用地规模预测结果的可行性进行分析,指出建设用地规模预测的可行性论证必须定性与定量相结合才能得出科学的结论,从而为管理决策提供科学依据。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-