威胁面子的行为,face-threatening acts
1)face-threatening acts威胁面子的行为
1.It also concerns with the factors determining the degree of face-threatening acts (FTA), so as to explain why conversational joking can achieve successful interpersonal communication.笔者主要从Brown和Levinson提出的“面子保全论”角度,研究会话幽默中的礼貌策略的实现;并通过考虑影响面子威胁行为大小的因素,以及权势与同一的悖论,进而解释会话幽默能实现成功交际的原因。

1.An Explorative Analysis of Face Threatening Acts and Politeness Strategy in Teacher Talk教师话语中的面子威胁行为及策略探析
2.Pragmatic Strategies Concerning FTAs in Political Discourse: An Adaptation-based Approach;政治语篇中面子威胁行为作为语用策略的顺应性研究
3.a threat or the act of threatening.一个威胁或一种威胁的行为。
4.Dominance is maintained by aggressive or threatening behaviour on the part of one animal.支配地位靠某只动物方面的侵略性或威胁性行为来维持。
5.They enforced payment by threats of legal action.他们以合法行为相威胁迫使支付。
6.procurement of another person by threats以威胁促致他人作非法的性行为
7.The act of attempting or threatening to harm another person.试图伤害或威胁要伤害他人的行为。
8.The act of robbing someone at gunpoint.持枪相威胁,抢夺他人财物的行为。
9.gender-based acts and threats of violence针对性别的行为和暴力威胁
10.The man's lunatic behavior is a menace to society.那个人的疯狂行为构成对社会的威胁。
11.He threatened to inform the government of his radical activities.他威胁说要向政府告发他的激进行为。
12.Study on Behavior Tendency of Insider Threat in Information Security;信息安全中内部威胁者行为倾向研究
13.The big hole outside the house is a menace to children's safety.房子外面的大窟窿对孩子们的安全是个威胁。
14.The comments are a rebuke to Taiwan's President Chen Shui-bian over his plans for a referendum on Beijing's military threat.这一言论是对台湾当局领导人陈水扁不顾中国军事威胁,继续推行“公投”的行为发出的正面谴责。
15.These action is interpret as a threat to national sovereignty这些行为被理解为一个对国家统治权的威胁
16.These action is interpreted as a threat to national sovereignty.这些行为被理解为一个对国家统治权的威胁。
17.The Electronic Confrontation Threatens Confronted By Ship-based Radar And The Reply Channel舰载雷达面临的电子对抗威胁及应对措施
18.I answered his threat with a blow on his nose.我给他迎面一拳作为对他的威胁的报复。

1.It also concerns with the factors determining the degree of face-threatening acts (FTA), so as to explain why conversational joking can achieve successful interpersonal communication.笔者主要从Brown和Levinson提出的“面子保全论”角度,研究会话幽默中的礼貌策略的实现;并通过考虑影响面子威胁行为大小的因素,以及权势与同一的悖论,进而解释会话幽默能实现成功交际的原因。
3)face threatening act面子威胁行为
1.In international business communication, the politeness principle should be used tactically to keep the negative face and positive face of the business partner thus avoiding the face threatening act(FTA); additionally, the different cultures and customs in different countries should also be taken into account.在国际商务沟通中如何遵守礼貌原则,即如何恰当地对待面子威胁行为(FTA),尽量保留交易对方积极、消极两方面的面子,都需要恰当地运用礼貌和礼貌语言策略。
4)face threatening acts面子威胁行为
1.The experiment to analyze invitation refusals between different sexes conducted on Chinese College students supported the views of negative politeness and face threatening acts identified by Brown and Levinson.对中国大学生拒绝邀请的礼貌策略的性别差异的调查和研究 ,支持了为 Brown和 L evinson的关于消极礼貌和面子威胁行为的观点 ,暗示中国社会是一个注重消极礼貌的社
1.It extends the concept of FTAs (face-threatening acts) into FTAs and non-FTAs, and then demonstrates that politeness language can roughly be divided into five categories as its different levels.本文继承了中外学者关于语言礼貌问题的合理见解 ,在此基础上作者提出了自己对礼貌概念的看法 ,拓展了威胁面子行为的概念 ,并进一步分析了礼貌语言的五个层级。
6)threat actions威胁行为
1.In this paper, the threat actions to the routing protocol are classied into serven kinds accorting to their manners.本文对路由协议的成胁行为进行了分类,并分析了各种威胁行为可能给网络带来的影响。
