情感阐释,the interpretation of emotion
1)the interpretation of emotion情感阐释

1.Cognitive Affective Analysis and Mutidimensional Development of English Postgraduates' Academic Competence;英语专业研究生学术能力的认知情感阐释与多维发展研究
2.Elucidating the Mixture of Chinese Patriotism and National Sensibility;中华爱国主义与民族情感的混融及其阐释
3.Dialogue:Walking into the Emotional World of the Text--On the Reading and Interpretation of Lyric Text;对话:走进文本感情世界的深处——论抒情文本的阅读与阐释
4.Seeking Emotional Ideal of Chinese Painting in Creating Oil Painting──An explanation in creating oil painting 《Ancient Charms at Min Nan(Southern Fujian)》;在油画创作中寻找中国绘画的情感境界——《闽南古韵》油画创作阐释
5.Amoretti: Interpretation of Eternity through Love;《爱情小诗》:超越爱情,阐释永恒
6.Picasso's self-indulgent and variant emotions lead to the varieties of feelings of the pictures and the artistic manners, while Lin Fengmian links closely the nation, personal feeling and the artisric creation.分别阐释毕加索放纵、多变的个人情感,导致画面情绪与艺术风格的多变;
7.The other part is about Electra complex and concrete analysis of texts.下编,厄勒克特拉情结与具体文本阐释。
8.The Differences and Similarities of Tujia “Bitter Love Songs” and Their Cultural Interpretations;土家“苦情歌”之异同及其文化阐释
9.The Expression in Art and Interpretation in Esthetics about Loneliness Complex Expressed in QU Yuan s Poems.;屈原孤独情结的艺术表现及审美阐释
10.Expound on the Image of the Character Disappointed in Love in Dong Nationality s“Love Songs”;侗族“情人歌”的失恋人物形象阐释
11.An Interpretation of Aesthetic Images in Guqin Music from View point of Feeling and Scene Theory古琴音乐审美意象生成的情景说阐释
12.A Further Inquiry of Creative Mechanism of Emotion Metaphor "Joy"“喜悦”情绪概念的建构路径新阐释
13."West-Running Brook":Phenomenological Interpretation of Love and Time“西流的小河”:爱情与时间的现象学阐释
14.Implications of the Plots of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Readers' Interpretations《三国演义》情节的蕴涵与读者的阐释
15.John Donne's Metaphysics of Love in "The Extasie"“出神”:约翰·多恩爱情玄学的诗性阐释
16.The Ardour of Interpretation and the Breaking out of Criticism--A brief review of Reading on the Text and Interpretation on the Art by DAI Guan-qing;阐释的激情与批评的突围——评戴冠青的《文本解读与艺术阐释》
17.New Interpretation of the Synergism Between Psychological Inspiration and Intuition灵感和直觉心理现象的协同论阐释
18.The Good Man s Guilt: A Psychoanalytical Interpretation of the Assistant;好人的罪恶感:《伙计》的心理阐释

Pan-sentiment explanation泛情化阐释
3)A Cognitive Interpretation of Modality情态的认知阐释
4)affective annotation情感注释
1.A method of affective annotation of images based on multi-feature is proposed in this paper.针对解决图像有效情感标注的问题,提出了一种多特征综合的图像模糊情感注释方法。
5)emotion releasing情感释放
1.Space emotion releasing under cover表皮覆盖下的空间情感释放
1.Abstraction, Explanation and Creation of City Spirit -Urban Design of Qidong Economic Development Zone;城市精神的提炼、阐释与创造——启东经济开发区城中城地块城市设计
2.On the Explanation of Western Dynasty Tomb Mural Painting in Luoyang;洛阳西汉墓壁画内容之阐释

情感情感feeling  人们对周围事物持有不同态度时的相应内心体验。情感活动与认识活动、意志活动密切相关。情感活动与边缘系统、下丘脑及新皮层(颞、额叶皮层)的生理功能有关。情感活动时常伴有一系列的躯体变化,如面部表情肌活动、手势及姿势、语调变化;特别是植物性神经功能活动,如心率、呼吸、血压、竖毛、汗腺分泌等变化。通过这些变化和言语、文字的内容,以及绘画、音乐等,可以表达与了解人的情感活动。正常人的表情与其内心体验是一致的。