1.Intergeneric cross-compatibility between Dendranthema and some genus of tribe Anthemideae;菊属与春黄菊族部分属间杂交亲和性初步研究
2.Heredity of Several Flower Characters in Dendranthema;菊属种间杂种若干花器官性状的表现
3.Compatibility of Interspecific Cross in Dendranthema Genus;菊属植物远缘杂交亲和性研究

1.Studies on Phylogenetic Relationships between Several Taxa of Dendranthema and Ajania;部分菊属与亚菊属植物亲缘关系研究
2.knapweed; star thistle.黑矢车菊矢车菊;矢车菊属的各种植物的任一种。
3.any of several plants of the genus Arctotis having daisylike flowers.开有像雏菊般花冠的蓝目菊属植物。
4.A plant of the genus Doronicum, which includes the leopard's bane.多榔菊属植物一种多榔菊属植物,包括车前多榔菊
5.in some classifications many plants usually assigned to the genus Chrysanthemum have been divided among other genera: e.g. Argyranthemum; Dendranthema; Leucanthemum; Tanacetum.在有些分类中许多常归入菊属的植物已归入其它属;如菊蒿属。
6.A similar, related Eurasian annual plant(Matricaria recutita.母菊一种相似的有关联的欧亚大陆一年生植物(母菊母菊属
7.A Mediterranean species of star thistle(Centaurea calcitrapa)naturalized in North America.矢车菊星蓟的一个地中海种(星苞矢车菊矢车菊属),原长于北美洲
8.Phylogeny of Tribe Anthemideae (Asteraceae) from East Asia and Intergeneric Cross between Dendranthema×grandiflorum (Ramat.) Kitam. and Ajania Pacifica (Nakai) K.Bremer & Humphries;东亚春黄菊族系统演化及栽培菊花与矶菊属间杂交研究
9.any plant of the genus Gazania valued for their showy daisy flowers.亮丽的类似于雏菊花冠的勋章菊属植物。
10.Studies on the Pollen Morphology of Three Species of Echinacea Moench.菊科松果菊属三种药用植物花粉的形态研究
11.any of numerous perennial Old World herbs having showy brightly colored flower heads of the genera Chrysanthemum; Argyranthemum; Dendranthema; Tanacetum; widely cultivated.东半球多年生草本植物,各色亮丽花色的菊科植物;木茼蒿属;菊属;菊蒿属;被广泛种植。
12.Any of numerous, mostly Eurasian plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the composite family, many of which are cultivated as ornamentals for their showy, radiate flower heads.菊,菊花一种菊科菊属植物,多数产于欧亚,有艳丽的放射头状花序,被栽培作为装饰物
13.used in former classifications for plants later placed in genus Chrysanthemum and now often included in genus Tanacetum.在以前的分类中,用于后来归入菊属现在归入菊蒿属的植物。
14.Morphological characters cluster and phylogenetic relationship analysis of several Dendranthema and Ajania species部分菊属与亚菊属植物的形态学聚类及亲缘关系分析
15.hybrid garden flower derived from Chrysanthemum maximum and Chrysanthemum lacustre having large white flower heads resembling oxeye daisies; often placed in the genus Chrysanthemum.开有大白花的陆生大滨菊和湖生大滨菊的杂交园林培育品种;经常属于滨菊属植物。
16.any of various plants of the genus Helenium characteristically causing sneezing.任何堆心菊属能引起喷嚏的植物。
17.any plant of the genus Centaurea.矢车菊属的任何一种植物。
18.any plant of the genus Verbesina having clustered white or yellow flower heads.有串状白色或黄色花冠的春菊属植物。

1.Preliminary Study on the Formation of Plants During Embryo Rescue of Hybrid Chrysanthemum;菊属种间杂交胚拯救过程成苗途径的初步研究
2.The tests of inter - generic hybridization between Opisthopappus with Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium,C.本试验以太行菊属的太行菊与菊属的甘菊、异色菊、神农香菊、野菊、委陵菊、银背菊、毛华菊、亚菊属的亚菊以及F11(矶菊×毛华菊)、F12(矶菊×毛华菊)作为远缘杂交的亲本,计20个杂交组合,共获得2063粒种子,694株幼苗,经过形态学鉴定,初步筛选出23株杂种苗,分别为太行菊×异色菊、太行菊×野菊、太行菊×甘菊、甘菊×太行菊、太行菊×亚菊、亚菊×太行菊的杂交种
3)chrysanthemum n.菊;菊属
4)Prenanthes L盘果菊属
1.Progress in study on the chemical constituens about sesquiterpene lactones and steroidal saponins from genus Vernonia and their pharmacological activities;斑鸠菊属的倍半萜内酯类及甾体皂苷类化学成分及药理活性研究进展
1.Research progress on chemical constituents of Laggera plants in China;我国六棱菊属植物化学成分研究进展
