1.Establishment of AFLP analysis system in Chieh-qua;节瓜基因组AFLP体系建立的研究
2.Study on Inheritance of Fruit Colour in Chieh-qua;节瓜果皮颜色遗传规律的研究
3.Control efficacies of antagonistic bacteria against chieh-qua Fusarium wilt;拮抗细菌bio-d4对节瓜枯萎病的防治试验

1.Benincasa hispida Cogn. var. chiehqua How.节瓜 -俗称: 毛瓜
2.Autumn is the best season to get pumpkins.秋天是收获南瓜最好的季节。
3.My grandmother is doing up some watermelon so that we can eat them on National Day.祖母贮存了一些西瓜以备国庆节时吃。
4.Some children make lanterns out of pumpkins at Hallowe'en.有些儿童在万圣节前夕用南瓜做灯笼.
5.The jack-o-lantern is the symbol of Halloween.“空心南瓜灯”是万圣节的象征。
6.This Thanksgiving, my mom bought me a pumpkin pie.今年的感恩节,妈妈就给我买了南瓜派。
7.Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。
8.Chinese flowering quince can treat oedema, beriberi, and ameliorable joint.木瓜可治水肿、脚气病,且可改善关节。
9.Allhallowmas,I know the pumpkin in my mind!万圣节,记忆中有南瓜之类的东东!
10.Study on Water-saving Irrigation Index for Greenhouse Cucumber during Fruit-bearing Stage;温室黄瓜结果期节水灌溉指标的研究
11.Study on the Direct Adventitious Bud Induction from Cotyledonary Node of Luffa Cylindrical (L.) Roem;普通丝瓜子叶节直接不定芽诱导研究
12.Genetic Analysis and Molecular Marking of Cucumber Internode Length by SRAP黄瓜节间性状的遗传分析与SRAP标记
13.A lantern made from a hollowed pumpkin with a carved face, usually displayed on Halloween.杰克灯,南瓜灯把南瓜挖空并雕成人面形状,通常在万圣节出现
14.Effect of Topping and Fruiting Node on Physiological Charecteristics, Yield and Quality of Muskmelon in Solar Greenhouse;打顶和坐瓜节位对日光温室网纹甜瓜生理特性、产量和品质的影响
15.Effects of Different Fruiting Nodes on Leaf Senescence,Single Fruit Weight and Sugar Content of Muskmelon不同节位坐瓜对厚皮甜瓜叶片衰老及单果质量和含糖量的影响
16.In Europe pumpkin is served mainly as a vegetable; in the U.S. and Canada pumpkin pie is a traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas dessert.番瓜在欧洲主要用作蔬菜,番瓜馅饼在美国与加拿大则是感恩节和圣诞节的餐后甜点。
17.A victim of one of these jokes is called an April Fool.这些玩笑中的“受害者”被称为“愚人节的傻瓜”。
18.Pumpkins are used in the U.S. for Halloween decorations.番瓜在美国也作为万圣节前夕的装饰品。

1.Flower Bud Differentiation and Sex Expression in Field of Chiehqua;节瓜花芽分化及其性别的田间表现研究
2.Genetic study of yield traits on chiehqua;节瓜产量性状的遗传研究
3.The relationship between the endogenous hormones content and fruit development in Chiehqua (Benincasa hispida Cogn.研究了不同磷水平下节瓜果实内源激素与果实发育的关系。
3)Thrips palmi节瓜蓟马
1.Effects of semichemicals of non-preferable plants on the populations of Thrips palmi;非嗜食植物次生化合物对节瓜蓟马种群的作用
2.Control effects of entomogenous fungi on the population of Thrips palmi;虫生真菌对节瓜蓟马种群的控制作用
3.The Functional Response of Campylomma chinesis to Thrips palmi;中华微刺盲蝽对节瓜蓟马的捕食效应
4)Thrips palmi (Karny)节瓜蓟马
1.Natural predators of Thrips palmi (Karny) and their role in natural control;节瓜蓟马的主要捕食性天敌及自然控制作用
5)Benincasa hispida Cogn var. chich-qua How节瓜植株
1.The experiments were conducted to determine the physiological and growth changes of Benincasa hispida Cogn var.对感染花生根结线虫的节瓜植株主要生理指标和生长量的变化进行了测定- 结果表明:花生根结线虫的侵染明显降低节瓜根系的活力,引起节瓜苗期植株的N、P、K 和Mg 含量显著下降,但对Ca 的吸收则有所增加;植株的叶绿素含量和光合强度均显著降低,但呼吸强度在线虫接种量为3 000 和5 000 条时则明显提高;植株生长的各项指标也发生不同程度的变
6)Benincasa hispida seed节瓜种子
1.This paper deals with the effects of ultra-dry(UD) storage on seed vigor and storability of Benincasa hispida seeds.杂交的节瓜种子经过超干贮藏后,发芽率和简化活力指数都显著地高于对照种子。

节瓜【通用名称】节瓜【其他名称】节瓜 (《纲目拾遗》) 【来源】为葫芦科植物节瓜的果实。 【植物形态】节瓜 一年生攀援草本,为冬瓜的变种。茎略成方形,被黄褐色毛,卷须分枝。单叶互生;有长柄;叶片阔卵形或肾状卵形,具5~7棱角或浅裂状,先端尖,基部心形,边缘有小锯齿。花单性,雌雄同株,单生于叶脓;雄花花柄长可达10余厘米;花萼管状,5裂,裂片三角状卵形,有锯齿;花冠黄色,5裂几达基部;雄蕊3,花药分离;雌花柄短;子房下位,长椭圆形,子房在生活状态下被污浊色、黄色粗毛,柱头3裂,略扭曲。瓠果长柱形,远较冬瓜为小,长15~25厘米,直径4~10厘米;老熟后仍被有疏粗毛,表面无白色蜡质粉末。种子多数,长卵形。花期5~6月。果期6~8月。 栽培于广东一带。 【采集】夏季果实成熟时采收。 【性味】《本草求原》:"甘,淡。" 【功用主治】①《纲目拾遗》:"止渴生津,驱暑,健脾,利大小肠。" ②《本草求原》:"功同冬瓜,而无冷利之患。益胃,长于下气消水。"