1.Effects of Flower Thinning on the Mesocarp Cell Division and Expansion of‘Okubo’ Peach Fruit;疏花对大久保桃中果皮细胞分裂与膨大的影响
2.The antioxidant activity of essential oil from flavelo and extracts from mesocarp and seed of Shatian shaddock in linoleic acid system was investigated by ferric thiocyanate method.用硫氰酸铁法测定了沙田柚外果皮精油、中果皮和果核提取物在亚油酸体系中的抗氧化活性 ,发现沙田柚中果皮的乙醚提取物和果核的乙酸乙酯提取物对亚油酸的过氧化抑制率高达 99。
3.Main vascular bundles include embryo vascular bundle,endocarp vascular bundle and mesocarp vascular bundle(ventral bundle and dorsal bundle,and vascular bundles on endocarp from pedicel).结果表明,桃果实中的维管束分为骨干、分支和毛细3级,其中骨干维管束又分为种胚维管束、内果皮维管束和中果皮维管束(腹维管束、背维管束及分布在内果皮两侧着生于果柄的维管束),分别为种仁、内果皮、中果皮的物质运输通道。

1.The middle, usually fleshy layer of a fruit wall.中果皮果皮中间通常含肉较多的那一层
2.A story endocarp may or may not become free from the mesocarp.坚硬的内果皮易于或不易与中果皮分离。
3.The epicarp and mesocarp may be brightly colored thus attracting animals, which disperse the fruit, as also pericarp. tomato.外果皮和中果皮色泽鲜艳,用来吸引动物传播果实的如西红柿。
4.Extraction and Utilization of Orange Oil, Pectin and Glucoside in the Orange Peel;柑橘皮中橘皮油、果胶、橙皮苷的提取与利用
5.Study on the Technique of Pectin Extraction from Skin Residue of Circassian Fruit从海红果皮渣中提取果胶的工艺研究
6.Optimization of Extraction Technique of Anthocyanidin from Red Peel of Nanguo Pear南果梨红果皮中花青素提取工艺研究
7.Study of Extraction Technology of Naringin and Pectin from Pomelo Peel柚皮中同时提取柚皮甙和果胶工艺研究
8.Study on the determination of naringin in Citri Grandis from different area生产区对毛橘红果皮及花中柚皮苷含量的影响
9.medium-sized largely seedless mandarin orange with thin smooth skin.中型的、果皮光滑的、无籽中国柑桔。
10.The outermost layer of the fruit wall.外果皮果皮的最外层
11.The dry outer covering of a fruit, seed, or nut;a husk.果皮,外皮水果、种子或坚果的干外皮;果皮
12.Product Description: The Avocado,when ripe, has a dull skin colour and creamy yellow flesh.中文描述:鳄梨熟时,暗色果皮,乳脂状黄色果肉。
13.Study on Extracting and Separating Technologies of Pectins and Flavonoids from Akebia Trifoliate Koiaz Peels;三叶木通果皮中果胶和黄酮的提取分离研究
14.The Research on the Concerning Utrasonic-assisted Pectin Extraction from Passionflower Peel超声波辅助提取西番莲果皮中果胶的研究
15.Preliminary Study of Anthocyanin Extraction from Nanguo Pear and Hawthorn南果梨红果皮中花青素提取工艺的初步研究
16.The agricultural chemicals soak and remain in the peel wax.因为农药浸透并残留在果皮的蜡制中。
17.tree bearing fruit enclosed in a shell or involucre or husk.包膜、花被或外皮中含有果实的树木。
18.Product Description: The Beurre Bosc pear is bell-shaped with a brownish skin.中文描述:形状好看,果皮为褐色。

pomelo mesocarp柚中果皮
1.Water-holding and swelling properties of water-insoluble dietary fiber(IDF) from pomelo mesocarp were determined.测定了柚中果皮水不溶性膳食纤维(IDF)的持水力和膨胀力,探讨了吸附时间及温度、IDF用量及粒径和胆固醇浓度与胆固醇吸附量的关系。
1.Isoflavonoid Glycosides from the Pericarps of Sophora japonica;槐果皮中的异黄酮甙类成分
2.Isolation and identification of pterocarpans and isoflavones from the pericarp of Sphaerophysa salsula DC;苦马豆果皮中紫檀烷和异黄酮类化合物的分离与鉴定
3.Cycloartane triterpenoids from the pericarp of Sphaerophysa salsula DC.;苦马豆果皮中的环阿尔廷型三萜成分
1.Study on the Mechanism of Browning of Pomegranate Peel in Different Storage Conditions;石榴贮期果皮褐变机理的研究
2.Observation and Studies on Peel and Pulp Growing Characters of Different Crack in Jujube Fruit Varieties;裂果性不同的枣品种果皮及果肉发育特点观察研究
1.Suitable methods for protein extraction from wine grape berry,skin and seed;适合酿酒葡萄果实、果皮及种子的蛋白质提取方法
2.Tomato pomace consisting principally of seeds and skins is the processing waste of tomato pastes(juice).番茄皮渣是生产番茄酱(汁)后的废弃物,主要由种子和果皮组成。
6)fruit peel果皮
1.Effect of exogenous AOS stress on the antioxidative capability of apple fruit peel tissue;外源活性氧处理对苹果果皮组织抗氧化特性的影响
2.Responses of primary photochemical reactions in apple fruit peel to the changes of incident PFD and air temperature in sunny days晴天条件下光、温变化对苹果绿色果皮原初光化学反应的影响
3.Selection of Ultraviolet Absorbents Extracted from Fruit Peels and Optimization of Combination果皮的紫外吸收剂提取筛选及优化复配研究
