1.Culture Connotation of Geographic Name--Culture Information Reflected from Geographic Name Linyi;地名的文化内涵——临猗地名折射出的文化信息
2.Survey and Analysis of Orchard Soil Formula Fertilization in Linyi County临猗县果园土壤配方施肥调查分析

1.Study on Ziziphus Jujuba cv. Dongzao and Ziziphus Jujuba cv. Linyilizao Fruit Development and Quality Formation;冬枣、临猗梨枣果实发育及品质的形成
2.Culture Connotation of Geographic Name--Culture Information Reflected from Geographic Name Linyi地名的文化内涵——临猗地名折射出的文化信息
3.The System Movement Analysis of Anti-Fluoride Water Supply Project of Linyi County in Shanxi Province;山西省临猗县防氟供水工程系统运行分析研究
4.It is to briefly analyze the cultural connotation which contains in the geographic name "linyi" from the aspects of linguistics, social cultural cast of mind, historical culture and terrain landform.文章拟从语言学、社会文化心态、历史文化及地形地貌等方面简要分析临猗地名所包含的文化内涵。
5.Narration of the Cultivation History of Cymbidium;猗猗九畹易消歇 奕奕百亩多淹留──兰花栽种历史考述兼释《楚辞》之“兰”
6.From "Qiyuzi" to "Mansou"--Discussion on the Poetry of Yuanjie in Wuchang(Nowadays Ezhou);由“猗(王于)子”到“漫叟”——浅论元结在武昌(今鄂州)的诗文创作
7.The Broken Stone Tablet of Yilu(猗卢) and Its Two Inscriptions:A Sub-discussion on Its Suspicions Findspot;关于拓跋猗卢残碑及题记二则——兼释残碑出土地点之疑
8.Evil Flowers From Different Perspectives--A Kind of Reading about San Xian-gu, Cao Qi-qiao and Si Yi-wen;不同性别视角观照下的“恶之花”——三仙姑、曹七巧、司猗纹形象的一种解读
9.temporary advance"临时预支,临时预付款"
10.Provisional Electoral Council临时选举委员会(临选委)
11.temporary housing area [THA]临时房屋区〔临屋区〕
12.temporary deficit"临时逆差,临时亏空"
13.Don't be unscrupulous in money matters; don't shrink in face of disaster临财毋苟得,临难毋苟免
14.Mitchell, so nice of you to come.Mitchell,欢迎光临。
15.(of a pregnant woman)about to give birth(指孕妇)临产.,
16.A moment at which death or ruin is imminent.临死,临终临死或毁灭的时刻
17.Whitsunday or Whitsuntide.圣灵降临节圣灵降临节或圣灵降临周
18.casual employment; a casual correspondence with a former teacher; an occasional worker.临时雇用;和一个级任教师的临时通信;临时工。

Z.jujuba Mill.cv.Linyilizao临猗梨枣
1.Variation of K,Ca,Fe,Zn during fruit developing process of Ziziphus jujuba Mill.cv.Dongzao and Z.jujuba Mill.cv.Linyilizao;冬枣、临猗梨枣果实发育期K、Ca、Fe、Zn含量变化
3)Linyi dialect临猗方言
1.With a brief introduction of Linyi county, this paper describes the phonological system, and its major features and a detailed syllabary of Linyi dialect.本文扼要介绍了山西临猗县的概况,描写了临猗方言的音系和主要语音特点,详细整理出临猗方言的同音字汇。
2.Linyi dialect is divided into two districts: Yishi dialect and Linjin dialect.临猗方言内部分猗氏和临晋两个小片,本文着重对临猗城关方言(猗氏片)的语音系统进行分析并确定其归属。
4)Linyi County临猗县
1.Analysis and Assessment on the Fluoride Content of Drinking Water in Linyi County of Shanxi Province临猗县饮用水氟含量调查与评价
5)Linyi M_L5.0 earthquake临猗5.0级地震
6)YI Dun猗顿
1.An Inspiration of YI Dun s to be Rich: After Reading WANG Shui-ling s Epitaph of Repair Zhou citizen YI Dun s Grave;猗顿致富的启示——读清·王水龄《重修周遗民猗顿氏之墓记》

猗那1.柔美﹑盛美貌。 2.《诗.商颂.那》是殷商的后代宋国祭祀商朝的建立者成汤的乐歌。首句是"猗与那与",后以"猗那"借指祭祀祖先的颂歌。 3.表示赞美之辞。