1.Before the "Eighth Five-year Plan"(1991-95),the growth model in Guangzhou was typically extensive."八五"以前,广州市的经济增长方式是典型的粗放型;"十五"期间,开始进入准集约型经济增长阶段。

1.Transform the extensive economic mode into intensive one;into an intensive one粗放型经济转变为集约型经济
2.shift from extensive economy to intensive economy从粗放经济转变为集约经济
3.Bring about a change from extensive to intensive management of economy由粗放经营向集约化经营转变
4.Problems of Market Economy Transmission;粗放型经济向效率型经济转化的症结
5.Relationship Between Regional Competition and Extensive Economy;地方间竞争与粗放式增长方式的形成
6.The Rational Consider About OurCountry s Extensive And Labor-Intensive Industry;我国粗放型劳动密集产业的理性思考
7.What would happen to the model pig under more spartan conditions.在一个粗放的场合下,模拟猪将会发生什么情况。
8.Shen drew upon the inheritance from the painting traditions of the Song and Yuan dynasties and formed his own fresh and elegant painting style.他融汇宋元传统,形成雄伟清新、粗放雅逸的风格。
9.He was a big rough-looking fellow but gentle as a lamb.他身材高大,外表粗放,但是性情却十分温良。
10.His bluff exterior belied a connoisseur of antiques.他作风粗放,令人看不出他是古董鉴赏家。
11.Scientificly Evaluating the Historical Status of Extensive Growth of Chinese Labour-intensive Industry;科学评价粗放型劳动密集产业的历史地位
12.Inspiration of the Extensive Economic Mathematical Model to Economic Development;论粗放型经济的数学模型及对经济发展的启示
13.Extensive growth: an issue needs to be addressed carefully in laboratory construction;实验室建设中应该重视的问题:粗放式增长
14.The deliberation on the coarse industry of being dense labors;对我国粗放型劳动密集产业的理性思考
15.The Austere Challenge Confronting the Crude Labor-Intensive Industries;我国粗放型劳动密集产业面临严峻挑战
16.The Change of Growth Style--the Development Direction of China s Banking Industry;从粗放走向集约——中国银行业的发展方向
17.Electrophoresis analysis of outer membrane proteins from Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans rough strains伴放线放线杆菌粗糙株外膜蛋白的电泳分析
18.Pay out the hawser fast. I do not want that anchor to drag.快放松粗绳,我不希望那锚被拖走。

extensive pasture粗放放牧
3)extensive degree粗放度
1.? On the basis of researching reference,the evaluation model of intensive degree and extensive degree in the economic system is developed.在《经济发展集约化的定量分析》[1]一文的基础上,建立了经济系统集约度与粗放度的评价模型。
2.Evaluation model and application of intensive degree and extensive degree in economic system is developed.建立了离散采样条件下经济系统集约度与粗放度的评价模型。
3.Since China s reform and opening up, the pattern of extensive growth has taken a leading position, especially since 1995 the pattern of economic growth has been in highly extensive degree.改革开放以来,我国经济增长方式以粗放型经济增长为主,特别是1995年之后,经济增长方式一直呈高度粗放型状态,粗放度的波动方向与经济增长率的波动方向相反。
4)extensive management粗放经营
1.The rhizome and root system structure of Phyllostachys edulis stand under extensive management was studied in this paper,and with the root analysis system,WinRHIZO,the morphological characteristics of basal root and rhizome root of Phyllostachys edulis were analyzed.对中国林科院亚热带林业研究所所部大垅粗放经营毛竹林地下鞭系和根系结构进行了研究,采用WinRHIZO根系分析系统,分析了竹根、鞭根各项数量指标。
2.oleifera in the extensive management was slow,the output of C.研究了油茶套作茶叶和油茶纯林粗放经营2种经营模式对油茶生长结实特性的影响,结果表明:套作经营对油茶树高和地径生长影响显著,对油茶春梢生长和冠幅以及结实都有极显著促进作用;粗放经营模式下油茶生长缓慢,产量显著低于套作模式。
5)extensive pattern粗放型
1.At present,Chinese economic development,which building at the basic of extensive pattern produces many serious problems and difficulties in resources,environments,economic structure and international relations.现阶段我国建立在粗放型增长方式基础之上的经济发展,在资源、环境、经济结构和国际关系等方面给我国的社会经济生活带来了许多严重的问题和困难。
6)Extensive coefficient粗放系数
