1.Studies on Herbivory and Its Influencing Factors of Plants in Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest;亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶片虫食及其影响因素研究
2.Our objective is to measure damage throughout leaf expansion to understand the herbivory pattern and the defense strategy for young leaves of Castanopsis fargesii.叶片的虫食主要发生在展叶期。
3.To explore the effects of leaf traits on herbivory during leaf expansion, leaf production, leaf expansion rate, N concentration, soluble sugar content, chlorophyll content, water content, tannin content and toughness were measured.叶片虫食主要发生在展叶期间,虽然展叶期只是一个短暂的阶段,却可能是了解植食性昆虫和植物之间相互关系的关键。

1.Feeding on insects.食虫的以昆虫为食的
2.robber robberly【动】食虫虻, 盗蝇
3.An insectivorous plant, such as the Venus's - flytrap.食虫植物一种如捕蝇草等的食虫
4.An organism that feeds mainly on insects.食虫动植物主要以昆虫为食的动植物
5.small insectivorous American songbirds.小型的美洲食虫鸣禽。
6.Food Intake Capacity and Starvation Endurance of Ummelita Insecticeps;食虫沟瘤蛛摄食量与饥饿耐受性研究
7.Capable of trapping and absorbing insects, as the pitcher plant.能食虫的,能捕捉或吸收昆虫的,如瓶子草
8.The larvae eat worms, snails and slugs.它捕食蠕虫,蛇和鼻涕虫,
9.dark-colored insect having predaceous aquatic larvae.深色昆虫,幼虫水栖、食肉。
10.Feeding on wood, as certain insects or insect larvae.食木的以木头为食的,如某些昆虫或昆虫幼虫
11.some insects are anthophagous.有一些昆虫是食花的。
12.being defended by a Christmas beetle.一只食根虫为我辩护。
13.f-eating insect遭受食叶性昆虫的危害
14.the ventricose gullet of an insect.昆虫的一侧鼓出的食管。
15.insectivorous mouse of western North America.北美洲西部的食昆虫鼠。
16.Birds feed on worms and grains.鸟以虫和谷物为食。
17.Effect of Bisultap on Predatory Function of Paederus fuscipes Curtis杀虫双对梭毒隐翅虫捕食功能的影响
18.Predation of Cyamophila willieti by the adults of Harmonia axyridis异色瓢虫成虫对槐豆木虱的捕食作用

3)insectivorous insects食虫昆虫
4)edible insects食用昆虫
1.In the present paper, advances in edible insects as traditional food, nutrient value and healthy function of edible insects, industrialization of insect-foods were reviewed.从食用昆虫的历史、食用昆虫的营养价值、保健功能和食用昆虫的产业化等方面介绍了食用昆虫资源开发的研究进展。
2.The history,custom,plasmid resource,production and status of edible insects in China were described. 介绍了中国食用昆虫的历史及食虫习俗、食用昆虫种质资源,分析了食用昆虫产品开发的现状及影响其开发的因素,指出了开发食用昆虫资源的应对措施及食用昆虫在中国的发展前景。
3.They are common edible insects in Yunnan.在云南 ,胡蜂幼虫和蛹是最常见的食用昆虫种类 ,夏秋季 ,许多地方的农贸市场有带巢出售的胡蜂幼虫及蛹 ,各种餐厅、饭店也有胡蜂菜肴出售 ,价格十分昂贵。
5)insect food昆虫食品
1.Research and development of insect food;昆虫食品研究与发展探讨
2.In this paper, the definition of insect foods and their functional ingredients such as protein, amyloses, axunges, vitamins, microelements, hormone and anticancer substance are introduced.论述了昆虫功能食品的概念,介绍了昆虫食品的保健成份,并对昆虫保健食品的研究与开发进行了初步探讨。
3.The value of the insects as food resource and the present research status of the insect food are introduced.介绍了昆虫作为食品资源的价值和国内昆虫食品的研究现状 ,从发展昆虫美食、昆虫加工食品及其功能性成分提取利用三方面分析了昆虫食品产业化存在的问题 ,并提出了相应的对策。
6)Edible insect食用昆虫
1.As one kind of food, edible insect has the character of vast in species, population and quantity.作为食物被人类利用的食用昆虫具有种类繁多 ,资源数量大 ,繁殖力强 ,可培育等特点。
2.Four species edible insects in Homoptera have been recorded in this paper for first time.本文首次记载了同翅目中的4 种食用昆虫,包括2 种蝉类和2 种介壳虫,对云南少数民族食用这几种昆虫的习俗进行了描述,并对其中3 种食用昆虫进行了主要营养成分分析和评价。
3.The development of the edible insect, which has been regarded as the "sun industry of the globe", has great significance on enlarging food recourses, improving nutrition structure, widening agriculture industry and keeping zoology balance.食用昆虫的开发被誉为全球性阳光产业,对扩大食物来源、改善营养结构、拓宽农业产业、维持生态平衡等方面具有重要意义。

食后【食后】 (术语)律,自明相现至食时谓之朝食前,自朝食至日中,谓之食后。见行事钞中三之三。