1.Effects of Hot Air Treatment on Quality and Ripeness Characteristics of Gala Apple Fruits;采后热空气处理对嘎拉苹果品质及后熟特性的影响
2.This study was carried in the professor orchard of science and technology in Bao Xi of Shan Xi province, using the material of 9 to 10 years old spindle Gala trees, choosing the branches with same height, position and growth vigor as unit branches, and dealt with the treatment of 40°~50°(Ⅰ),60°~70°(Ⅱ),80°~90°(Ⅲ),100°~110°(Ⅳ).本试验在陕西省宝鸡市农业科技果业专家大院苹果园进行,以9-10年生细长纺锤形嘎拉树为试材,选高度、方位、生长势基本一致的枝条作为单位枝进行40°~50°(Ⅰ),60°~70°(Ⅱ),80°~90°(Ⅲ),100°~110°(Ⅳ)4个角度的拉枝处理。

1.The handcart rattled away.手推车嘎拉嘎拉地过去了。
2.The old cart rattled along the street.这辆旧车沿街嘎拉嘎拉地行进。
3.Is his old car still rattling along?他的老爷车还在嘎拉嘎拉地前行吗?
4.The Musical Study of Burenchugula s Baodigalaba Khan;布仁初古拉《宝迪嘎拉巴可汗》音乐研究
5.I believe that old car would rattle on even if the engine fell out.我想那辆老爷车即使马达掉了也还能嘎拉嘎拉地前行。
6.Why should Her hue be kala, black?为什么她的色调是嘎拉(黑色)呢?
7.Electric Properties of ‘Gala’ Apple Fruit Quality‘嘎拉’苹果果实品质的电学特性研究
8.Trucks and vans were rattling in a noisy line and everywhere men were shielding themselves as best they could.敞篷和有篷的运货马车嘈杂地鱼贯而行,发出嘎拉嘎拉的响声。 到处有人在尽量躲雨。
9.Shortly after blackout we were disturbed by an orderly making his way down the length of train with a rattle.灯火管制开始不久,一个勤务兵顺着列车车身走着,他弄出的嘎拉嘎拉响声惊动了我们。
10.Traditional Galaha Play Game at Northeast of China and Its Effect to Children;东北传统游戏——嘎拉哈及其对儿童成长的影响
11.The Effect Different Foliar Fertilizer Treatment on Fruit Quality of New Gala Apples不同叶面肥对新嘎拉苹果果实品质的影响
12.The Study on the Folk Artisan Mu. Burenchugula's Telling and Singing "Bud Glab Khan"民间艺人穆·布仁初古拉演述的《布迪嘎拉巴可汗》的研究
13.Study on the Effect of the Growth and Fruiting of Gala Apple不同拉枝角度对嘎拉苹果生长和结果的影响研究
14.Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.嘎嘎,嘎嘎,嘎嘎,嘎嘎,嘎嘎。
15.A duck says @Quack, Quack@,鸭子说“嘎嘎,嘎嘎”,
16.GALBADRAKH, Lodoidambyn洛对达姆宾·嘎勒巴德拉赫
17....said the great chief ofthe Maraj6 people putthe Gato to sleep......马拉加的酋长把嘎图放在...
18.Here a quack, there a quack, every where a quack-quack.这里“嘎嘎”叫,那里也“嘎嘎”叫,到处“嘎嘎”叫

1.Geological Characteristics of the Zhulazhaga Gold Deposit in Inner Mongolia,China;内蒙古朱拉扎嘎金矿矿床地质特征
2.Zhulazhaga gold deposit, located in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is the first large-scale deposit found in the Middle-Upper Proterozoic strata along the western part of the north margin of North China Platform.朱拉扎嘎金矿是一个大型矿床 ,赋矿围岩为中元古界变质钙质砂岩、粉砂岩、板岩、大理岩、流纹岩 。
3.5 km 2 were detected in extensive overburden area of the Zhulazhaga gold deposit.朱拉扎嘎金矿 ,经综合物化探普查 ,在大面积覆盖区发现 0 。
3)Gala gold deposit嘎拉金矿
1.This paper has a discussion on geochemical characteristics and ore-forming material source of Gala gold deposit in Garze.本文研究了嘎拉金矿的地球化学特征,认为矿床有三种主要的元素组合:A_u-A-S_b,Cu-Co-NiV和Ba-U-Th。
4)Gala apple嘎拉苹果
1.The main indexes of bagged fruits,compared with the unbagged ones,of Gala apple during storage showed the similarly changing trend,the weight loss ration was higher,the firmness and of soluble solid content were lower,and the peak values of released ethylene and respiration appeared earlier by 20 days.结果表明:嘎拉苹果套袋果实与不套袋果实在贮藏过程中主要生理指标具有相似的变化趋势。
2.Experiment results of using double paper bags on Gala apple showed that bagging could improve outside fruit qualities, enhance fruit cleanness and brightness, increase the contents of anthocyanin, meanwhile, lower the contents of chlorophyll, then accelerate fruit color, but it had no effect on shape index of fruit.套袋还使嘎拉苹果的单果重、糖、酸和vC含量均不同程度地降 低,对果实风味有所影响。
5)Laka Formation拉嘎组
1.Stratigraphy and sedimentary environment of the Laka Formation in the Ngangla Ringco-Taro Co area, Zhongba County, Tibet, China;西藏仲巴县昂拉仁错—塔若错一带拉嘎组的地层特征及沉积环境

嘎锦  侗族曲种。侗语意译为叙事歌。流行于贵州省的黎平、从江、榕江等县的侗族地区,旁及广西的三江、湖南的通道一带。嘎锦的演唱者称为歌师,一般都是有一定艺术修养和丰富生活经验的中年农民。旧时的歌师常在农闲时节走村串寨进行演唱,属于业余性质。由于侗族人民热爱这种艺术,歌师演唱时,往往举寨来听,并给予接待和馈赠。嘎锦一般由歌师自弹自唱,以唱为主,中间夹用口语叙述,与唱词联接起来叙述一个故事。唱词结构采取分节歌的形式,一部作品由数十乃至数百诗节组成。每节的句数不固定,多为偶数;每句的音节也不固定,多为奇数。韵脚有尾韵、腰韵两种,腰韵用在长句的中间语气停顿的地方。嘎锦的音乐曲调可分 3种:①流行于六洞地区的,用大琵琶伴奏,曲调庄严,音域宽,旋律中音程的起伏较大,表现力丰富;②流行于黎平、从江的九洞、十洞地区的,用牛腿琴伴奏,曲调、节奏比较平稳,表情细腻委婉;③流行于黎平、榕江交界村寨的,用中型琵琶伴奏。旋律优美流畅,多由女歌师演唱。嘎锦的曲目,尚在流传的有50多个,多半是侗族的传说故事,如《珠郎娘美》叙述一对侗族青年反抗封建婚姻的故事;《门龙绍女》、《金汉烈美》是歌唱爱情忠贞不二的故事;《芒西留美》、《三郎五妹》等则反映了侗族人民的生活和思想。另外还有汉族的传说故事,如《山伯英台》、《梅良玉》、《凤娇李旦》等。不少作品虽然有着积极的主题,但也有些作品羼杂有或多或少的封建迷信成分。