1.The technics and style characteristic of Jingzhishenniang liquor;景芝神酿酒生产工艺及风格特点
2.Since 1980s,considerable progress has been made in the study on Lu You s creation of Ci and there has come forth many related papers and books which work on the style,thought,theme and art of his creation and the controversy about his Chai Tou Feng.自上世纪八九十年代,对陆游词的研究有了长足的进展,涌现较多涉及陆词的论文和专著,这些论著多从陆词的风格特点、思想感情、题材类型、艺术表现及有关《钗头凤》词的争议这五个方面展开讨论。

1.of or pertaining to or characteristic of the style of William S Gilbert.属于或关于吉尔伯特风格的,或有其风格特点的。
2.Reproducing the Stylistic Features of The Importance of Being Earnest;《不可儿戏》的文体风格特点之再现
3.Styles, Characteristics & Technical Points of Baotuquan Sesame-flavor Liquor趵突泉芝麻香白酒的风格特点及工艺技术要点
4.Schulbert s Two Sets of Vocal Music and Their Singing Essentials;舒伯特两部声乐套曲的风格特点及其演唱要求
5.Characteristics of T.S.Eliot s Poetry - A Statistic Analysis of T.S.Eliots Imagery;从“意象”统计和分析看艾略特诗歌的风格特点
6.Artistic Styles and Characteristic Skills Of the Genre of Zhejiang Zheng浙江筝派的艺术风格特点及特色技法分析
7.Characteristic aspect, tone, or style.特色风格、格调或外观的特点
8.Personality Characteristics of the Chinese (III): Behavior Styles;中国人的人格特点(Ⅲ):行事风格
9.A quality or style that is prosaic.平淡无奇平凡的特点或风格
10.marked by difficulty of style or expression.以在风格或者表达上难度大为特点。
11.the trait of being meticulous about matters of taste or style.在味道与风格方面小心翼翼的特点。
12.characteristic of a revival of an earlier classical style.以复兴早期古典风格为特点。
13.The Formation and Characteristics of Guan Mucun s Vocal Style;论关牧村声乐艺术风格的形成及特点
14.Analysis on the Opening Features of Women s Garments in Tang Dynasty;唐代女子服饰风格的开放性特点解析
15.An Introduction to the Character and Singing Style of Schumann s Art Songs;舒曼艺术歌曲的特点与演唱风格浅析
16.The Features of De Style and Its Influences on the Modern Design;风格派的特点及其对现代设计的影响
17.Melody and Rhythm of Piano Works With Xinjiang Traits;新疆风格钢琴曲中的旋法与节奏特点
18.Tips on the development Styles and Characteristics of Piano Music in China;浅谈中国钢琴音乐的发展风格及特点

style characteristic风格特点
1.The author states the style characteristic of Mongolian long tune folk songs and the reasons that it came into beings.文章分析了蒙古族长调民歌的风格特点以及形成原因,并阐述了蒙古族长调民歌的主要演唱技巧。
3)style characteristics风格特点
1.The text elaborated simply history about the Arts of Inserting Flowers of the Chinese tradition and style characteristicses that it develops.本文阐述了中国传统插花艺术的简史及风格特点
4)stylistic features风格特点
1.This article is to introduce the stylistic features and functions of the Hard-Sell advertisement.本文旨在介绍这一类广告的风格特点和功能。
1.Taishan Tequ Liquor belongs to pure Luzhou-flavor type in Luzhou-flavor liquor and its styles are elegant pit aroma,soft taste and clean aftertaste.泰山特曲风格特点的形成主要因素有:①窖泥微生物的数量和类群;②大曲微生物的数量和类群;③酿酒原料;④酿酒用水;⑤生产工艺;⑥生产环境。
2.This paper makes a study of the origin,styles,features and distribution of secular Kang-pa songs and dances,also of the rich national culture and customs reflected in such songs and dances.本文就这些歌舞的缘源、流布区域及风格特点进行了研究,从中我们可以看出康巴藏族民间世俗性歌舞所积淀的厚重的民族文化,以及折射出的浓郁的民族风情。
6)characteristics and style特点与风格

阿拉伯风格曲  阿拉伯风格原指阿拉伯建筑中花巧的装饰图案。在音乐上,阿拉伯风格曲指旋律富于装饰的作品。R.舒曼(作品18)、C.德彪西等的阿拉伯风格曲是一种带有幻想性、即兴性的抒情特性曲。