1.Study on the saccharification and alcoholization of vinegar production raw material;食醋生产原料糖化及酒化模型探讨
2.Solid-state fermentation was carried by saccharification and alcoholization at the same time,and then acidification.研究了以玉米提取淀粉和蛋白后获取的玉米皮渣为糖化曲制备原料和食醋酿造原料,采用边糖化边酒化、再醋化工艺,固态法酿造食醋。
2)alcoholic beverages culture酒文化
1.The alcoholic drinks making of Tibet nationality begins thousands of years ago, and specific alcoholic beverages culture forms with the development.藏族有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,早在几千年前就已经开始酿酒,在漫长的历史进程中,形成了独特的藏族酒文化。
2.To realize the renaissance of Chinese alcoholic beverages culture,we should start from the renaissance of Chinese liquor cul-ture and the renaissance covers not only scholastic field but also market field.振兴中华酒文化应从振兴中国白酒文化开始,而这种振兴不只是学术上的振兴,更重要的是在市场上的振兴。

1.The comparison of" Dream of the Red Chamber" and wine culture of" the Water Margin"--The comparison of noble s wine culture and brave man s wine culture;《红楼梦》与《水浒传》酒文化的比较——“贵族”酒文化与“好汉”酒文化的比较
2.The Influence of Liguor Drinking and the Spirit of Liquor Culture on Tang Poetry;诗酒风流——试论酒与酒文化精神对唐诗的影响
3.The wine and poetry with a combination--a research on the wine culture view of Song poetry;诗酒乐天真——宋代诗词的酒文化观照
4.Being the Guider of Chinese Cultural Liquor -The Power Displayed by Jiugui Liquor Cultural Management Strategy;做中国文化酒的引领者——“酒鬼”酒文化经营发展战略再绽新姿
5.The Inspiration of Lingnan Wine Culture on Modern Guangdong's Wine Industry--A View of Lingnan Wine Culture from Three Historical Materials岭南酒文化对现代广东酒业的启示——从三家史料看岭南酒文化
6.Wine Culture Connotation Study of the Words Related to the Radical 酉 in Explanation of Articles and Words;《说文解字·酉部》字的酒文化内涵
7.The Chinese wine culture reflected by Chinese characters containing the structural part you(酉) in Analytical Dictionary of Chinese Characters《说文解字》酉部字反映出的中国酒文化
8.The Boom of Wine Industry in Rong Zhou in Song Dynasty and the Development of the Wine Culture;宋代戎州酿酒业的兴旺与酒文化的发展
9.A comparison between some featured Chinese and English words expressions on wine culture;从酒文化的语词形态异同点看东西方文化特质
10.Fusion and Development of Wine Culture and Minorities' Traditional Sports Culture酒文化与少数民族传统体育文化的融合与发展
11.Expressing gloomy mood by wine --Investigating the influence of wine culture on ancient Chinese writers creation from Li Qingzhao s works;酒意翻作愁情——从李清照的作品看酒文化对文人创作的影响
12.Causes for Highlighting the Cultural Importance of Wine in Li Famo's Poetry Creation李发模诗歌创作中酒文化表现的原因
13.The TCM Literature Study of Syndrome and Therapeutic Principles Research on Alcoholic Hepatic Fibrosis (Jiu Pi);酒精性肝纤维化(酒癖)的中医文献研究
14.A Research on Clothing Design and Culture in Chinese Hotel;中国酒店服饰的设计与酒店文化研究
15.On the Culture of JIU LING--Taking example of HUA QUAN in Haizhou;雅俗共赏的酒令文化——从海州划拳酒令谈起
16.Aroma of Liquor Rural,Deep emotion of Immigration--Simple Comments of Lu Da-xian s New Novels Named Liquor Rural;酒乡酒香 移民情长——浅析陆大献新作《酒乡》对三峡移民文化的重塑
17.A Research on the Mixture and Innovation between Hotels Culture and Domestic Culture;我国酒店企业文化与本土文化的融合与创新
18.Tokaj Wine Region Historic Cultural Landscape托卡伊葡萄酒产地历史文化景观

alcoholic beverages culture酒文化
1.The alcoholic drinks making of Tibet nationality begins thousands of years ago, and specific alcoholic beverages culture forms with the development.藏族有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,早在几千年前就已经开始酿酒,在漫长的历史进程中,形成了独特的藏族酒文化。
2.To realize the renaissance of Chinese alcoholic beverages culture,we should start from the renaissance of Chinese liquor cul-ture and the renaissance covers not only scholastic field but also market field.振兴中华酒文化应从振兴中国白酒文化开始,而这种振兴不只是学术上的振兴,更重要的是在市场上的振兴。
3)wine culture酒文化
1.A comparison between some featured Chinese and English words expressions on wine culture;从酒文化的语词形态异同点看东西方文化特质
2.Random discussion on wine culture and tourism;酒文化与旅游的关系漫谈
3.Wine Drinking and Poem Creation ——Examining wine culture;酒象与诗魂——酒文化探微
4)beer staling啤酒老化
1.In this paper, we present some recent work about the mechanism of beer staling and about several methods to control staling.啤酒老化是影响啤酒风味的重要因素 ,近年来 ,国内外对其形成机理及控制方法都进行了许多深入的研究 ,从啤酒老化机理、抗老化啤酒酵母的选育、工艺控制、老化的快速评价方法及自动化控制等方面综述了国内外研究的最新进
5)liquor-producing power酒化力
1.The determination methods of Daqu"liquor-producing power"was investigated and the determination methods of liquefaction power,saccharifying power and fermenting power of traditional Daqu was compared to introduce the measure index-"liquor-producing power"to guide liquor production in practice.通过对大曲“酒化力”检测方法的探讨,并与传统大曲生化指标中的液化力、糖化力和发酵力检测方法对比研究,确立了对现实酿酒生产具有指导意义的大曲产酒能力衡量指标———“酒化力”,以“酒化力”指标衡量不同贮存时间和不同感官等级的大曲,其“酒化力”基本趋于一致,进而印证了这种“酒化力”的检测方法具有现实指导意义。
6)famous liquor with cultural backgrounds文化名酒
