刺嫩芽,aralia elata
1)aralia elata刺嫩芽
1.Chlorophyll Content Change during Processing Process of Aralia elata and Pteridum aquilinum var.Catiusculam;刺嫩芽、蕨菜加工过程中叶绿素含量变化
2.Aralia elata Acquisition Process in the PPO Activity of Research;刺嫩芽采集加工过程中多酚氧化酶活性研究
3.Influences of different factors on the enzyme activity of polyphenoloxidase in Aralia elata刺嫩芽中多酚氧化酶活性的影响因素研究

1.Influences of different factors on the enzyme activity of polyphenoloxidase in Aralia elata刺嫩芽中多酚氧化酶活性的影响因素研究
2.The trees and hedgerows are in bud.大树小树都已长出嫩芽.
3.The tender young shoots of bamboo are crisp and tasty.竹子的幼芽脆嫩可口。
4.The sprouts have pushed up the earth.嫩芽把土顶起来了。
5.The new buds begin to appear in spring, when plants come into bud.春天嫩芽初绽,正是花蕾含苞欲放之时。
6.There is some tiny fuzz on the newly emerged tender sprouts.刚长出来的嫩芽上有些细小的茸毛。
7.The green buds covered the branches like a delicate rain.那绿色的嫩芽有如点点雨滴,挂满枝头。
8.tender blossoms,plants,shoots,etc,eg that can be harmed by frost娇嫩的花、树木、幼芽等(如易遭霜冻).
9.The trees would be just bursting into leaf.树木一定是刚刚吐出嫩芽。
10.The branch or bud that is grafted is called a scion.这个嫁接的支条和嫩芽叫做接穗。
11.West Indian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young.西印度一种嫩叶芽可食的棕榈。
12."Deer feed on grass, twigs, Bark, and shoots. "鹿类为植食性,以草、嫩枝、树皮及芽为食。
13.Now the first leaves of spring were unfolding.现在,春天初生的嫩叶正在萌芽。
14.(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)(唤出嫩芽,象羊群一样,觅食空中)
15.Automatic detection of overlapped tea leaf sprouts重叠条件下茶叶嫩芽的自动检测方法
16.A detached shoot or bud united or to be united with a growing plant.嫁接用嫩枝嫁接在或将被嫁接在生长植物上的独立的嫩枝或芽体
17.When the spring of the next year was coming, the first one sprouted and held to go up and the other one extruded its buds as soom as it sprouted.第二年春,第一棵树便吐出了嫩芽,憋着劲向上长。另一棵树刚吐出嫩芽,便迫不及待地挤出花蕾。
18.To pierce the quick of(a horse's hoof)while shoeing.刺穿马蹄钉马蹄时钉(马掌)的嫩肉

3)Aralia elata Seem刺嫩芽
1.Study on the Extracting Methods of Total Saponin from Aralia elata Seem;刺嫩芽总皂甙提取条件的研究
4)Aralia elata(Miq)Seem刺嫩芽
1.Separation and analysis of Aralia elata(Miq)Seem saponins by HPLC;刺嫩芽皂甙组分分离及高效液相分析研究
5)Aralia continentalis Kitag草本刺嫩芽
1.Study on Elimination Protein from the Roofs of Aralia continentalis Kitag Polysaccharide;草本刺嫩芽根多糖脱蛋白方法研究
2.Putification,Identification and Anti-oxidation Activity of Polysaccharide AKSP2 of Roof of Aralia continentalis Kitag;草本刺嫩芽根多糖AKSP2纯化、鉴定及体内抗氧化活性
6)tender bud嫩芽
1.Main nutritional ingredients of tender bud of Chinese prickly ash have been determined.对花椒嫩芽主要营养成分进行了测定,结果表明,每千克花椒嫩芽干重中含蛋白质87。
2.Taking the tender bud as the explant,four stages of tissue culture of B.以野生柱穗醉鱼草的嫩芽为外植体,分诱导培养,茎芽增殖,继代培养,生根培养4个阶段进行其组培技术研究,结果表明:外植体消毒用0。

嫩芽黄鱼丝材料: 绿豆芽250克,黄鱼肉200克。调料: 葱一根,芝麻油半大匙,色拉油两大匙,青、红椒各一只; (a)精盐、鸡蛋清、胡椒粉各少许,绍酒、淀粉、芝麻油各半大匙; (b)精盐约一小匙,绍酒半大匙,白糖一小匙。做法: ①将绿豆芽摘去头尾,剩下中间部分洗净。②将青、红椒去籽切丝。③将黄鱼肉切粗丝,加入调料(a),朝一个方向搅拌并拌匀。④将葱切段,加入色拉油,高火2分钟爆香。⑤将爆香过的葱倒入盛有黄鱼丝,绿豆芽,青、红椒的盘内,再加入调料(b)拌匀,加盖高火5分钟后取出,淋上芝麻油即可。