1.The Syzygium Plant Resources and Its Application on Landscape in Guizhou Province贵州省蒲桃属植物资源及其园林应用
2.A new species of Syzygium Gaertner (Myrtaceae), S.对香港桃金娘科蒲桃属一新种,凹脉赤楠Syzygium impressum N。

1.The Syzygium Plant Resources and Its Application on Landscape in Guizhou Province贵州省蒲桃属植物资源及其园林应用
2.An evergreen tree(Syzygium aromaticum)native to the Moluccas and widely cultivated in warm regions for its aromatic dried flower buds.丁香树一种常绿树木(丁香蒲桃属),原产摩鹿加群岛,因其芳香的干花苞而被广泛种于温暖地带
3.The Systematic Relationships of Acorus Together with Araceae and Typhales;菖蒲属与天南星科及香蒲目的系统关系探讨
4.Separation and purification of total alkaloids from the peels of Carya cathayensis Sarg. by macroporous adsorption resin大孔吸附树脂分离纯化山核桃蒲壳总生物碱
5.Growth Adaptability of Photinia×fraseri and Syzygium campanulatum in Shenzhen红叶石楠和钟花蒲桃在深圳的适应性研究
6.Determination of Rutin Content in Syzygium jambos Leaves by Differential Pulse Voltammetry差分脉冲伏安法测定蒲桃叶中芦丁的含量
7.Australian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young.澳洲蒲葵属植物,幼树的叶芽可食。
8."Any of about 20 species of deciduous trees in the genus Juglans, family Juglandaceae."亦称核桃。胡桃科胡桃属植物,约二十种落叶乔木。
9.A central Asian dandelion(Taraxacum koksaghyz)having fleshy roots that yield a form of rubber.橡胶草,青胶蒲公英一种中亚的蒲公英(橡胶草蒲公英属),长有能分泌一种橡胶的肉质根
10.The Primary Study on Micromorphology of Leaf and Chemical Component of Syzygium Grijsii (Hance) Merr.et Perry轮叶蒲桃叶片显微形态与植物体化学成分的初步研究
11.The Study of Syzygium Hancei Formation and Its Ecological Distribution in Coastal Ecotone of Guangxi;广西滨海过渡带红鳞蒲桃群系及其生态分布的研究
12.Producing Potassium Carbonate and Potassium Pyrophosphate with Endoconches of Hickory,Bancoul Nut and Oiltea;利用山核桃、油桐、油茶蒲壳生产碳酸钾和焦磷酸钾
13.Study on qualitative identification of chemical constituents in peels of Carya cathayensis sarg and extraction techniques of total alkaloids山核桃蒲壳化学成分定性鉴定及总生物碱提取工艺研究
14.Comparison of Leaf Type and Leaf Epidermis Features from Different Populations of Syzygium grijsii in Fujian福建省不同居群轮叶蒲桃叶形态与表皮特征比较
15.an asterid dicot genus of the family Compositae including dandelions.菊科的一个海盘车单子叶植物属,包括蒲公英。
16.Stress responses and bioaccumulation of heavy metals by Zizania latifolia and Acorus calamus菰和菖蒲对重金属的胁迫反应及其富集能力
17.A hickory tree(Carya cordiformis)of eastern North America, having thin - shelled nuts with bitter kernels.心果山核桃,山胡桃一种北美东部的山核桃树(心果山核桃山核桃属),有薄壳坚果,果核苦味
18.any of various trees of the genus Juglans.属于胡桃属的任何一种树。

Syzygium jambos Alston蒲桃
1.Analysis and Comparison of the Volatile Oils from the Stems,Leaves and Flowers of Syzygium jambos Alston by Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry;蒲桃茎、叶和花挥发油化学成分的气相色谱-质谱分析
3)Syzygium cumini L海南蒲桃
4)Xanthostemon youngii年青蒲桃
1.Effect of Light Intensity on the Growth of 1-year Old Seedlings of Xanthostemon youngii;不同光强对年青蒲桃1年生幼苗生长的影响
5)Acmera acuminatisima肖蒲桃
1.Based on 65 days indoor incubation,potential emissions of three greenhouse gases CO2,CH4,and N2O from pot soils which were under Acmera acuminatisima,Schima superba and Cryptocarya concinna seedling and caught in acid rain for 42 months were studied.通过对土壤65d的室内培养,比较研究了种上荷木、肖蒲桃和黄果厚壳桂幼苗并受模拟酸雨淋洗42月的盆栽土壤温室气体CO2、CH4、N2O排放的差异。
6)Syzygium samarangense洋蒲桃
1.Anatomy of Vessel Elements in the Secondary Xylem of Syzygium samarangense;洋蒲桃次生木质部中导管分子的解剖学

蒲桃疔蒲桃疔 蒲桃疔   病名。疔肿之形色如紫葡萄者。出《外科启玄》卷二。亦名葡萄疔。因其疔内为紫黑色血水,其疱如水晶状,故而得名。治宜将疱内黑血毒水去之,用追毒丹;内治可用夺命丹加托毒之品。