1.Vanilla shenzhenica Z.报道了中国兰科Orchidaceae香荚兰属Vanilla的新报道种——深圳香荚兰Vanilla shenzhenica Z。
1.Natural Flavor Prepared from Vanilla Endophyte and its Application in Cigarette;利用香荚兰内生菌制备天然香料及其在卷烟中的应用
2.Study on Volatile Component of Vanilla;云南香荚兰挥发性成分研究
3.Study on biological properties of Fusarium solani on Vanilla root;香荚兰根腐病原茄类镰刀菌的生物学特性

1.About Vanilla Bean, topic Ⅲ--Survey Papers on Present Situation of Chinese Vanilla Bean Industry;香荚兰豆专题系列之三——中国香荚兰产业状况的调查报告
2.About Vanilla Bean,Topic Ⅰ--Overview of Global Vanilla Bean Industrialization & Market;香荚兰豆专题系列之一——世界香荚兰产业及市场概况
3.glucovanillyl alcohol葡糖香草醇;葡萄糖香草醇;葡萄糖香荚兰
4.Studies on the Components of Chinese Materia Medica,Gastrodia elata Blume.Ⅰ.Isolation and Identification of Vanillyl Alcohol中药天麻成分的研究Ⅰ.香荚兰醇的提取与鉴定
5.Implementation and Thought of Courtyard Planting Models on Vanilla in Xishuangbanna西双版纳香荚兰庭院种植模式的实施与思考
6.The Primary Study of the Soil Microorganisms in the Vanilla planifolia Planting Garden of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province;云南西双版纳香荚兰种植园土壤微生物类群初探
7.The seedpod of this plant.香子兰荚这种植物的心皮
8.and you are to make an altar for the burning of perfume; of hard wood let it be made.你要用皂荚木作一座烧香的坛。
9.Of, relating to, or derived from vanilla or vanillin.香子兰的,香草的香子兰的,与香子兰有关的,或从香子兰得来的
10.And thou shalt make an altar to burn incense upon: of shittim wood shalt thou make it.状态离线30:1你要用皂荚木作一座烧香的坛。
11.We had gathered magnolia seed pods for hand grenades;我们把木兰花籽的荚果集拢起来,当手榴弹用。
12.Ingredients: milk chocolate,sugar, co-co, full-milk powder, lecithin, vanillin,toast almond.主要成分:牛奶巧克力,糖,可可脂,全脂奶粉,蛋黄素,香草荚,烤杏仁。
13.Food additive--VanillinGB3861-1983食品添加剂香兰素
14.This brandy has a fine bouquet.这种白兰地酒芳香扑鼻.
15.medium-tall celery pine of New Zealand.新西兰中到大型香水树。
16.It smells like violets.它发出紫罗兰似的香味。
17.The Synthesis of Ethyl Vanillin and Vanitrope;乙基香兰素和浓馥香兰素合成的工艺研究
18.Microbial Transformation of Vanillin to Vanillic Acid with Recombinant Strain E.coli DH5α/pZJF1重组菌转化香兰素生产香兰素酸的研究

1.Natural Flavor Prepared from Vanilla Endophyte and its Application in Cigarette;利用香荚兰内生菌制备天然香料及其在卷烟中的应用
2.Study on Volatile Component of Vanilla;云南香荚兰挥发性成分研究
3.Study on biological properties of Fusarium solani on Vanilla root;香荚兰根腐病原茄类镰刀菌的生物学特性
3)Vanilla planifolia香荚兰
1.The Primary Study of the Soil Microorganisms in the Vanilla planifolia Planting Garden of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province;云南西双版纳香荚兰种植园土壤微生物类群初探
2.The Changes Activity of Two Endogenous Enzymes in Differently Processed Vanilla planifolia Capsule;不同加工处理条件下香荚兰荚果中二种内源酶的活性变化
3.A study on biological character of root crowth and devel opment of Vanilla planifolia;香荚兰根生长发育的生物学特性研究
4)Methylprotocatechuic aldehyde香荚兰醛
6)vanillyl alcohol香荚兰醇

香荚兰醛分子式 C8H8O8 分子量 152.15CAS号 121-35-5 香草醛为白色或极微黄色的针状晶体,具芳香味,微甜。外露于湿空气中慢慢氧化,光照易变质。熔点80-81℃,沸点285℃/101.3kPa;170℃/2kPa。相对密度1.056。1g可分别溶于100ml25℃水、16ml80℃水约20ml乙二醇中。它易溶于乙醇、乙醚、氯仿、二硫化碳、冰醋酸和吡啶,并溶于油类和氢氧化钠的水溶液。香草醛水溶液对石蕊试纸呈酸性。应避光保存。 用途;香草醛为重要的化工中间体,广泛用于制药及食品添加剂行业。在医药工业上主要用于合成治疗对结核病药异烟腙(Ftivazide)、降压药甲基多巴(Methyldopa)、儿茶酚类药物多巴胺(Dopamine)等。