1.The effects of applying lanthanum(La)on surface structure and quantitative characters of spores,cystidia and hyphae in Agaricus blazei Murill were studied with scanning electronic microscope(SEM)in the paper.应用扫描电子显微镜观察添加外源镧对姬松茸子实体菌皮和菌褶表面结构及孢子、囊状体、菌丝大小和个数的影响。

1.oxaliferous cystidium具草酸结晶的囊状体
2.A pathological accumulation of serous fluid in a bodily cavity, especially in the scrotal pouch.水囊肿囊状体腔内浆液性积水,尤指阴囊积水
3.A small flask-shaped fruiting body in ascomycetous fungi that contains the ascospores.子囊壳某些含有子囊的孢子囊菌的瓶状小实体
4.an item resembling one of the membranous sacs in animals.形状象动物体内有膜囊状器官的物体。
5.The saclike cavity within the body of a coelenterate.体肠腔腔肠动物体内的囊状腔
6.The effect of lens epithelial reservation on transparence of lens anterior capsules in the lensectomy保留晶状体前囊晶状体切除后其前囊的病理观察
7.Of, relating to, or resembling a utricle.囊状的,囊的,类似囊的
8.A pitcherlike part, such as the leaf of a pitcher plant.瓶状叶,瓶状体瓶状部分,如囊叶植物的叶子
9.A stalklike outgrowth of the thallus of certain lichens, bearing the apothecium.子囊果柄某些地衣叶状体的茎状衍生物,长有子囊盘
10.YAG laser capsulotomy钇铝石榴石激光晶状体囊切开术
11.Study of Cultured Lens Anterior Capsule and Capsular Bag in the Other Anterior Chamber of the Same Rabbit;兔眼晶状体前囊及囊袋在同体另眼前房内培养的研究
12.Isolation and Characterization of Thylakoid Membrane and Photosystem Ⅱ from Conchocelis of Porphyra haitanesis坛紫菜丝状体类囊体膜和光系统Ⅱ的分离鉴定
13.The Expression and the Relation of Tissue Transglutaminase in Human Lens Epithelial Cell and Fibronetin in Human Lens Anterior Capsules;人晶状体前囊膜上皮细胞tTG与前囊膜FN表达及关系研究
14.Relationship of optic materials with anterior and posterior capsule opacification as well as capculorhexis contraction of lenses光学材料与晶状体前后囊混浊及撕囊收缩量的关系
15.Exfoliation of the lens capsule may be either true exfoliation or pseudoexfoliation.水晶体囊之层状剥落可能为真性层状剥落或假性层状剥落。
16.Incision into a capsule, especially that of the crystalline lens of the eye, as to remove cataracts by surgery.囊切开术,晶状体切开术指被膜或囊的切割,尤指眼球晶状体的切割,如通过外科手术摘除白内障
17.Cystoid macular oedema in paediatric apha-kia and pseudophakia儿童无晶状体眼及人工晶状体眼的囊样黄斑水肿
18."Some seaweeds have hollow, gas-filled floats that keep their fronds at the surface of the water."有些海藻有空心气囊,使叶状体浮在水面。

3)Lens capsule晶状体囊
1.This paper presents observations on the vascular of lens capsule the ultrastructure of lens capsule and the lens epithelium in fetuses of different age by means of operating microscopy,light microscopy and electric microscopy.应用手术显微镜、光、电镜观察了不同胎龄晶状体囊的血管、晶状体囊及晶状体上皮超微结构的发育。
5)Lens capsular晶状体囊膜
6)posterior lens capsule晶状体后囊
