1.A total of 14 Fuarium oxysporum isolates were obtained from wilt plants ofwatermelon(Citrullus lanatus(thunb) Mansfeld), cucumber(Cucumis sahvus L.从海南岛种植区的西瓜上分离到11个尖镰孢菌株,青瓜和毛瓜上分离到3个尖镰孢菌株。
2.Grafted seedlings of cucumber usually show disease resistance, high yield, fast growth and fertilizer saving, and are hence widely used in agricultural production.尤其是近几年,随着农民种植冬季瓜菜积极性的不断提高,青瓜嫁接苗的需求日益增长。

1.Mix jelly fish, shredded cucumbers,red peppers with seasonings. Add USA smoked turkey drumstick slices and sprinkle with sesame to serve.将海哲、青瓜丝、红椒丝、调味料拌匀,加入美国烟火腿、?⑸现ヂ榘柙燃纯山?场
2.Young men think old men fool, old men know young men is.青年把老人看成老糊涂,老人把青年看成大傻瓜。
3.the edible young of esp. herrings and sprats and smelts.可食用的青鱼、鲱鱼和胡瓜鱼的幼鱼。
4.out of sunflower seeds and bits of grass.她就吃一些瓜子和一些青草。”
5.Study on Biosorption of Heavy Metals on Loofa Sponge Immobilized Biomass of Penicillium Simplicissimum;丝瓜瓤固定简青霉吸附重金属的研究
6.The Research about Trichoderma spp. Against the Cucumber Fusarium Wilt and the Green Pepper Phytophthora Blight;防治黄瓜枯萎、青椒疫病木霉菌的研究
7.Breeding of 'Qingnongluli No.1'-a New Winter Squash F_1 Hybrid食用南瓜新品种青农绿栗1号的选育
8.Papaya And Mixed Greens A very pretty salad with vibrant summer colours and a fresh dressing.青木瓜沙拉色香味俱佳的青木瓜及各种青菜配上清新的酌料.肯定让你的餐桌生色不少!
9.An evergreen tree(Averrhoa bilimbi), native to tropical Asia and grown for its edible fruits.黄瓜树一种常青树木(黄瓜树),生于亚洲热带,因其果实可食而栽种
10.The Study of Cultivating Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis in Vitro and the Effect of Artesunate on Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis;小瓜虫体外培养研究及青蒿琥酯等药物对小瓜虫的影响
11.relish of chopped pickled cucumbers and green peppers and onion.切碎的盐渍黄瓜、青辣椒和洋葱组成的小菜。
12.Studies on Biological Control of Pepper Bacterial Wilt and Cucumber Blight;辣椒青枯病和黄瓜疫病生物防治的研究
13.However, they do not belong there.而究其源头,这些小青蛙和夏威夷原本却毫无瓜葛。
14.Nanning city clean, spring-like seasons, fruits breeze, known as the "Green City" reputation.南宁市山青水秀,四季如春,瓜果飘香,素有“绿城”之美誉。
15.Isolation and Expression Analysis of Key Genes Involved in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis of Cineraria瓜叶菊花青素合成关键结构基因的分离及表达分析
16.Effect of Penicillin and Lactic Acid on Controlling Bacteria Contamination in Watermelon Tissue Culture青霉素和乳酸对西瓜组织培养中细菌污染的抑制作用
17.Benincasa hispida Cogn. var. chiehqua How.节瓜 -俗称: 毛瓜
18.Cucumis melo L. var. conomon Makino越瓜-俗称 :梢瓜

Winter melon青皮冬瓜
3)Netherlands cucumber荷兰青瓜
1.The tissue culture of the Netherlands cucumber was studied by using the asepsis seeding of apical buds as the explants.以荷兰青瓜无菌苗的顶芽为外植体进行组织培养。
4)Sautéed Diced Chicken with Cucumber青瓜鸡丁
5)Cucumber salad青瓜片
6)green papaya青木瓜

金钩烩青瓜原料: 原 料:材料:干虾肉15克、嫩青瓜200克、枸杞10克、蒜子10克、鸡腿菇20克。调味料:花生油8克、盐5克、味精1克、白糖1克、湿生粉适量、熟鸡油1克。制法: (1)干虾肉洗泡好,加绍酒入蒸柜蒸透,嫩青瓜去皮去籽切条,枸杞泡透,蒜子、鸡腿菇切片。(2)锅内烧水,待水开时,投入青瓜条、鸡腿菇煮片刻,捞起过凉水。(3)另烧锅下油,放入蒜片、干虾肉爆香锅,注入清汤,加入嫩青瓜、鸡腿菇、枸杞,调入盐、味精、白糖烩至入味,用湿生粉勾芡,淋入熟鸡油,盛入碟内即可。特点: 青瓜不能煮太熟,以清爽为佳。