1.Status Analysis and Dvelopment Suggestions of the Grape Planting in Hangu关于加速汉沽葡萄种植业转型发展的建议
2.Hangu biological stabilization pond was set up in 1993.汉沽生物稳定塘建于1993年。

1.Status Analysis and Dvelopment Suggestions of the Grape Planting in Hangu关于加速汉沽葡萄种植业转型发展的建议
2.Hangu has formed its own comprehensive industry system with the ocean chemical industry as a principal category.汉沽已形成以海洋化工为基础,多门类综合发展的工业体系。
3.The Operation of Multi-stage Bio-chemical Process for the Landfill Leachate Treatment in Hangu Landfill Disposal Plant;汉沽垃圾填埋场渗滤液多级生化处理工艺的运行分析
4.Project Management Analysis of Hangu Waste Treatment Plant in Tianjin Binhai New Area天津市滨海新区汉沽垃圾处理场工程项目管理分析
5.You have pressure! I have pressure! Why do you provoke me?⒛阌醒沽Γ∥矣醒沽Γ∧阕鲞闾粜莆野。
6.It's better to designate Tanggu as the loading port.在塘沽装货比较合适
7.Tianjin Tanggu Muyang Oil & Fat Factory天津市塘沽牧洋油脂厂
8.He used to angle for prestige.他过去一贯沽名钓誉。
9.A spell which produces a fountain of wine from the end of the wand.可以使葡萄酒从魔杖顶端沽沽留出的咒语。
10."The sons of Naphtali by their families: of Jahzeel, the family of the Jahzeelites: of Guni, the family of the Gunites:"按着家族,拿弗他利的众子,属雅薛的,有雅薛族。属沽尼的,有沽尼族。
11.When condiment bottles are not full and are coated at the neck .配料瓶是半空的或瓶口是干沽的。
12.and the sons of Naphtali: Jahzeel and Guni and Jezer and Shillem.拿弗他利的儿子是雅薛,沽尼,耶色,示冷。
13.Demonstrate the excelaa lent performance under pressure, adapted to the requriement of over-time work.⒂掠诔械9ぷ餮沽Γ?视?ぷ骷影嗟男枰?
14.John like to make a martyr of himself.约翰好为沽名钓誉作出点牺牲。
15.Various kinds of ancient clocks in our curio shop are waiting for the respective highest Bids.本古玩店收藏的各种古钟,待价而沽。
16.In 1316 in the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368), Zhi'Gu'Zhai was renamed Hai'Jin'Zhen wherein hai or sea is the name of the river, jin or ferry point is the same character as the jin in today's Tianjin and zhen means a small town.1316 年元朝(1206-1368)时,将“直沽寨”改称“海津镇”。
17.With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe, and not ape Hsiang Yu the conqueror seeking idle fame.宜将剩勇追穷寇,不可沽名学霸王
18.I'm sure I could acquit myself quite creditably in the examinations."若论时尚之学,晚生也或可去充数沽名."

Hangu Stabilization Pond汉沽稳定塘
1.The purification efficiency of the Hangu Stabilization Ponds and its relationship with biodiversity of protozoan community;原生动物群落多样性变化与汉沽稳定塘水质净化效能相互关系的研究
3)Hangu precinct汉沽管理区
1.Developmental condition of farmland and irrigation works in Hangu precinct;汉沽管理区农田水利发展状况
1.Study on Best Afforestation Techniques of Heavily Saline-alkali Soil Greenbelt in Highway of Coastal Region of Tanggu District;塘沽滨海地区重盐碱地高速公路绿化带最佳造林技术研究
2.Investigation and Structure Analysis of Macrobenthos Community in Tanggu Intertidal Zone;塘沽潮间带大型底栖动物调查及群落结构分析
3.Thought on Promoting Cultural Connotation and Brand of Tanggu;提升塘沽文化内涵和文化品牌的思考
1.INVERSION TECTONICS IN THE ANNINGHE FRACTURE ZONE (On the example of Lizhou-Lugu belt);安宁河断裂带中的倒转构造──以礼州、泸沽一带为例
1.China s First Foreign Debt In Railway Construction: Loan For Jin-Gu Railway;中国铁路外债之始:津沽“洋债”

汉沽区  天津市辖区,华北制盐及海洋化工业集中地。位于天津东部,渤海之滨。蓟运河由北向南蜿蜒纵贯全区。面积416平方公里,人口16.63万。区府驻寨上镇。汉沽唐以前属雍奴县,唐改称武清县,辽属香河县,金属宝坻县,清属宁河县。1954年设汉沽市,为河北省辖市。1958年划归天津市,1960年划归河北省唐山专署,1962年复归天津市。区境地势低平(海拔3米以下),属暖温带大陆性气候,春旱多风,夏热多雨,秋高气爽,冬干严寒。自然环境为制盐业与海洋化工业提供了优越的条件。工业发达,尤以制盐业和海洋化工业占重要地位。天津化工厂是中国重点化工企业之一。烧碱产量超过10万吨。其他产品有农药、聚氯乙烯等20多种,销售国内外。汉沽盐场所产原盐色白、味醇、颗粒均匀,年产量近百万吨。除产原盐、精制盐,还生产溴素、元明粉等。