1.The physical and chemical properties of job's-tears starch granules and paste were systematically studied comparing with corn starch and sweet potato starch.以玉米淀粉、红薯淀粉为对照,系统研究薏米淀粉的理化特性。
2.The basis of Job's-tears is starch.淀粉是薏米的主要成分 ,其结构和性质对薏米的加工和薏米食品的品质有重要的影响。

1.Extraction and Application of the Active Ingredients in Coix Lachryma-jobi薏米中生物活性物质的提取及应用研究
2.Experimental Study on Therapeutic Mechanism of Yinqiaoyimi Decoction on Murine Viral Myocarditis银翘薏米汤对病毒性心肌炎小鼠治疗作用机制的实验研究
3.The Construction of Molecular Genetic Linkage Map for Coix-A Close Relative Genus of Maize;玉米近缘属植物—薏苡遗传连锁图的构建
4.Analysis of Heterotic Groups with Heterosis in Maize and Comparative Genomics between Maize and Coix;玉米杂种优势群与杂种优势及其与薏苡比较基因组研究
5.Determination of Coixol in Coix lacryma-jobi L. var. mayuen(Roman.) Stapf by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定薏苡中薏苡素的含量
6.Coix Culture Reflected by Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells of the Shang Dynasty;甲骨文披露的薏苡文化——薏苡物种的判定
7.Comparisons of Germination Percentage between Coix Agrextis Lour and Coix lacryma-jobi L. in Fujian福建野生薏苡与栽培薏苡的种子发芽比较研究
8.Comparisons of Biology Characters Between Coix Agrextis Lour and Coix Lacryma-jobi L. in Fujian福建野生薏苡与农家栽培薏苡的生物学特征比较
9.Alois opened it and looked out fearfully.爱露薏丝打开窗户怯怯地往外看。
10.③ Linear equation had the best simplicity in measurement and calculation in the 5 regression equations.帜P驮げ庵涤胧导手滴薏钜臁
11.The extraction, separation and purification study of polysaccharide on Coix lacryma-jobi L.var.mayuen(Roman.) Stapf薏苡多糖的提取、分离与纯化工艺研究
12.Thus Alois was kept away from her good friend.就这样,爱露薏丝和她的好朋友被分开了。
13.Louise: Don't you feel bad that Mary's going out with him now?露薏芝:现在玛丽和他一起,你会不会感到不痛快?
14.Draw water for the siege, strengthen your defenses! Work the clay, tread the mortar, repair the brickwork!阋?蛩?け甘芾АR?峁棠愕谋U稀u咄梁湍啵?薏棺┮ぁ
15.Molecular Cytogenetics Study for Coix L. and Its Closest Relatives;薏苡及其近缘种的分子细胞遗传学研究
16.Construction of Genetic Linkage Map and Location of Agronomy QTL in Coix;薏苡遗传图谱的构建及重要性状QTL定位的研究
17.Treatment of Chronic Endometritis with Job s-tears and Wolf s-bane Ointment Analysis 31 Cases;薏苡附子败酱散加味治疗慢性子宫内膜炎31例
18.A Study on the Auxiliary Protective Effect of Ciyi Compound against Radiation Caused Injury刺薏复方对辐射危害的辅助保护功能研究

1.The physical and chemical properties of job's-tears starch granules and paste were systematically studied comparing with corn starch and sweet potato starch.以玉米淀粉、红薯淀粉为对照,系统研究薏米淀粉的理化特性。
2.The basis of Job's-tears is starch.淀粉是薏米的主要成分 ,其结构和性质对薏米的加工和薏米食品的品质有重要的影响。
3)Coix Lacryma-jobi薏米
1.Spectrofluorometric determination of trace germanium in Coix Lacryma-jobi;荧光分光光度法测定薏米中的痕量锗
2.After enzymolysised and extruded power of Coix lacryma-jobi ,water soluble composition increased to 70%-78%Oiliness composition was included by -CDPressed powed cold be prepare solidified beverage and tea pocked with bagIt extended the utilization limits of Coix lacryma-job薏米粉经酶解或膨化后,水溶性成分提高到73%~78%;β—CD包结酶解残渣的脂溶性成分。
4)Job's tears薏米
1.Processing technology of auricular auricula and Job's tears beverage without sugar was studied.对无糖黑木耳薏米保健饮料的加工工艺进行了初步探讨研究。
5)seed of job's tears薏米
1.We have prepared a new kind of dietetic beverage with acidophilus bacteria by using defat wheat germ, sugar, milk and the seed of Job's tears.研制了以脱脂麦胚为主要原料,辅以薏米、奶粉、蔗糖,经乳酸菌发酵后配制的一类营养型饮料。
6)Coix seed薏苡仁
1.This paper introduces the technique of producing the bifidobacterium bifidum formulation and the lactic acid bacteria fermentation agent respectivel y taking the coix seed as the main raw material and producing the coix seed-mad e bifidobacterium bifidum lactic acid through inoculated mixed bacteria fermenti ng.介绍了以薏苡仁为主要原料,分别制作双歧杆菌制剂与乳酸菌发酵剂,同时接种混菌发酵生产薏苡仁双歧杆菌酸乳的工艺。
2.In this study, coix seeds were subjected to fermentation by Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus oryzae and Monascus, respectively.研究以黑曲、米曲、红曲分别发酵薏苡仁,然后对发酵液中多肽、总糖、多酚、DPPH自由基清除率进行测定,以考察不同曲霉发酵过程中,薏苡仁发酵液中的各种物质含量及抗氧化性变化。
3.Coix seed is one of traditional Chinese medicine,which contains rich nutrients and special ingredients with a variety of pharmacological activity.薏苡仁是我国的传统中药,含有丰富的营养成分和特殊的药用成分,具有多种药理活性。

米友仁(1086~1165)  中国北宋末南宋初画家。书画家米芾之子,初名尹仁,后更名友仁,字元晖,别号懒拙道人,太原(今山西省太原市)人。19岁时,其父进呈他所画《楚山清晓图》,得到宋徽宗赵佶的赏识,由此声名卓著。 宣和(1119~1125)年间任大名少尹。宋高宗赵构南渡后,米友仁流寓于溧阳(今江苏省溧阳县)、平江(今江苏省苏州市)等地。后历任提举两浙西路茶盐公事、兵部侍郎、敷文阁直学士等职。他精于鉴别,高宗赵构每得书画名迹,均请他鉴定并加以题跋。    米友仁的画与其父齐名,世称"二米"并称其"小米",他们所画的山水被称为米氏云山或米家山。米友仁擅长以纸本作水墨画,题材多为表现湿润多雨、烟雾漫的江南山水,给人以朦胧飘缈之感,其友翟耆年有诗云:"善画无根树,能描濛云",指出了米友仁水墨山水画的特色。他自评其画与职业画家的作品大相径庭,说:"不可以古今画家者流画求之。"把自己的画叫作"墨戏"。他与文同、苏轼、米芾等人共同奠定了文人画的基础,对于以后元、明、清的绘画有着巨大的影响。他的代表作有《潇湘奇观图》、《云山墨戏图》(均藏故宫博物院)、《云山图》(藏上海博物馆)等,均充分发挥了水墨渲染的效果,具有独特的风格。