1.The processing technology of chestunt and raw milk fermentable beverage was studied in the paper.本研究建立了以板粟酶解液、鲜牛奶为主要原料,生产出一种纯天然保健乳饮料的工艺,并对加工过程中的护色、酶解和稳定剂的选择等进行了探讨,最终确立了产品的最优配方和生产工艺。
2)Niphades castanes Chao板粟雪片象
1.Scavenging Activity on Hydroxyl Free Radical and Component Analysis of Water Extracts from Hydrogen Peroxide Stress Millet;过氧化氢胁迫粟水提取物的羟自由基清除活性与成分分析
2.A Study on Ancient Barley, Wheat and Millet Discovered at Changguo of Tibet;西藏昌果古青稞、古小麦、古粟的研究
3.The words "qonaq" and "t∫y■gyn qonaq" in "A Grand Dictionary of Turkic Language" have been translated into Chinese as "millet" and "maze".《突厥语大词典》中的qonaq及t y gyn qonaq,汉文版分别译为“粟”和“玉米”(或“苞米”)明显不妥,均应汉译为“粟”或“谷子”。

1.Having the appearance of millet seeds.粒状的有粒的外形的
2.Papaver nudicaule var.pleiopetalum,A New Variety of Papaver L.from Xinjiang,China新疆罂属一新变种——重瓣野罂
3.Characterized by the presence of small skin lesions that have the size and appearance of millet seeds.粒状的,粒性的以皮肤上出现粒大小和外形的小泡为特征的
4.Isambert's disease急性粒性咽喉结核
5.The chef sprinkled poppy seeds on the cake .厨师往蛋糕上撒罂籽。
6.The painting, named Poppy,这幅名为“罂”的画,
7.Strategy for Coca and Opium Poppy Elimination消除古柯和罂战略
8.multispectral opium poppy sensor system多谱段罂探测系统
9.a grass of the genus Cenchrus.草(蒺藜草)属的一种草。
10.Sweet Corn Soup and two Yeung Chow Fried Rice, please.米汤和两碟扬州炒饭。
11.Bei jing Holds Activities to Celebrate 110 th Birth Anniversary of Liu Haisu沧海一 北京举办刘海诞辰110周年纪念活动
12.There is Poppy Everywhere--On the Poppy Imago in Feminine Articles in New Period;遍地罂——新时期女性作品中的罂意象探析
13.A Drop in the Ocean, Great Career in Artistic Education --Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Death of Mr. Liu HaiSu;沧海一 艺教伟业——刘海先生逝世十周年祭
14.CT characteristics of acute miliary pulmonary tuberculosis and miliary lung metastases急性粒型肺结核与粒性肺转移瘤的CT特征
15.Any of several similar or related plants, such as the California poppy.罂几种相似于罂或与其有关的植物一种,如加利福尼亚花菱草
16.There are 10 species of genus Papaver in Xinjiang-Province in North Western china, 6 of them to sect.我国有罂属植物12种,新疆有10种,其中6种属于高山罂组。
17.Objective:To establish the quantitative determination method of nudicauline in papaver nudicaule.目的 :建立野罂药材中野罂碱的含量测定方法。

Niphades castanes Chao板粟雪片象
1.Scavenging Activity on Hydroxyl Free Radical and Component Analysis of Water Extracts from Hydrogen Peroxide Stress Millet;过氧化氢胁迫粟水提取物的羟自由基清除活性与成分分析
2.A Study on Ancient Barley, Wheat and Millet Discovered at Changguo of Tibet;西藏昌果古青稞、古小麦、古粟的研究
3.The words "qonaq" and "t∫y■gyn qonaq" in "A Grand Dictionary of Turkic Language" have been translated into Chinese as "millet" and "maze".《突厥语大词典》中的qonaq及t y gyn qonaq,汉文版分别译为“粟”和“玉米”(或“苞米”)明显不妥,均应汉译为“粟”或“谷子”。
4)Setaria Italica (L.) Beauv粟米
1.Study on Extracting and Stability of Edible Yellow Pigment from Setaria Italica (L.) Beauv;食用粟米黄色素的提取及稳定性研究
5)Castanea henryi锥粟
1.Studies on test and selection of the nursery scion Clones of Castanea henryi;锥粟采穗圃无性系统测定与选择的研究
6)Papaver somniferum L罂粟
1.A preliminary study on species differences among Papaver somniferum L,Papaver rhoeas L and Cannabis sativa L by AFLP technique;AFLP技术鉴别罂粟、虞美人和大麻种属差异的初步研究
2.Objective The feasibility of Papaver somniferum L.目的探索TD-RAPD技术用于罂粟品种鉴定的可行性。
3.Infrared spectra of Papaver somniferum L.应用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪,借助OMNI采样器直接、快速、准确地测定罂粟及虞美人的红外光谱。

板粟菜谱名称 《中国益寿食谱》之益寿食物--板粟所属菜系 其它菜系所属类型 健康菜谱基本特点基本材料板粟为壳斗科植物粟的果仁,又名大粟、粟子、粟果等。味甘性温。具有健脾养胃,补肾强筋,滋补强身,抗衰延年等功能。板粟含有丰富的营养,如蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素、无机盐等。研究表明,其含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸、维生素c、a、b1、b2,胡萝卜素以及磷、钙、铁、钾等矿物质,有预防和治疗高血压、冠心病、动脉硬化、骨质疏松、癌症等疾病的作用。长期食用可滋补强身,抗衰延年。