1.Finishing of the superior wool cape;高档纯毛披肩的整理工艺

1.High-grade areas located" fence" should not blame the" high-grade" residents?高档小区设"栅栏"该不该责备"高档"居民?
2.Enhance the Sense of Archives and Improve the Archives work in Higher Institutions;提高档案意识 促进高校档案工作
3.The driver changed up from third to top.驾驶员将车速从第三档调到最高档
4.Heighten the Dissemination of Files Awareness Enhance the Whole Quality of Archivists;加强档案意识宣传 提高档案人员素质
5.Exterior wall: Face brick plus top-grade stone and coating.外墙:以高档面砖为主,局部配高档石材或高档涂料。
6.Equipped and furnished to a high standard.设施配备精良/高档
7.Of superior grade or quality.品质优良的或高档
8.There's always a ready sale for high-quality furniture.高档家具总是很畅销.
9.metal connecting fitting of high grade furniture高档家具五金连接件
10.Maotai be one of the top - rated among them .茅台是高档酒之一。
11.I've cut down on luxuries.我已经减少用高档货了。
12.exclusive shops.经营高档商品的商店
13.top-gear speed on gradient上坡时的高档行驶速度
14.To shift a motor vehicle into a higher gear.换高速档将汽车调至较高速档
15.Enhancing Archives Awareness and Improving University Archives Management增强档案意识 提高高校档案管理水平
16.He exchanged high gear into low one when driving on a slope爬坡时,他将高速档换成低速档。
17.Relation of Colleges and Universities Electronic Commerce File and Paper File;高校电子商务档案与纸质档案之关系
18.Improving the Social Archives Consciousness Located in Family Archives;以家庭档案为触角,提高社会档案意识

high gear高档,高速档
3)high-speed luxury高速高档
1.The design of high-speed luxury middle coach and chassis for EQ6891L series;EQ6891L系列高速高档中型客车及底盘的设计
4)high-grade conventional mining高档普采
1.From width of coal mining machine, depth of cut, style of cut and support beam layout, this paper gives an introduction on the management method of roof over loft of high-grade conventional mining working face.从采煤机机身宽度、截深、进刀方式及顶梁布置方面,介绍了高档普采工作面机道上方顶板的管理方法。
2.The successful experiences to apply high-grade conventional mining technique under complicated geological conditions in Xiyu mine are introduced.介绍了太原西峪煤矿在复杂地质条件下应用高档普采工艺的成功经验 ,并提出了如何提高工作面单产的问题。
5)graded yarn高档纱
6)High ranking conventional coal mining高档普采
1.In this paper the experiences applying high ranking conventional coal mining mode to build high yield and high efficiency coalmine is introduced.介绍了使用国产高档普采设备建设高产高效现代化矿井的经验 ,指出只有依靠技术进步 ,搞好质量标准化 ,转换经营机制 ,提高机械化装备水平 ,才能高标准、高层次地建设高产高效矿
