
1.chartreuse green卡尔特绿(黄绿色
2.A strong to brilliant greenish yellow to moderate or strong yellow green.淡黄绿色一种深的明亮的带绿的黄色至中等或深黄绿之间的颜色
3.sweet green or greenish-yellow variety of plum.一种甜的、绿色或浅黄绿色李子。
4.Red, orange, yellow, green,红色,橙色,黄色,绿色,
5.Pink, Orange, Purple, Green粉红色,橘黄色,紫色,绿色
6.absinthe yellow苦艾黄(暗绿光黄色)
7.chartreuse yellow卡尔特黄(浅绿黄色)
8.midway between yellow and green.介于黄色和绿色之间。
9.The cotyledons of the mature embryo are either green, yellow or chalky yellow.成熟胚的子叶是绿色,黄色或浅黄色。
10.a grayish green yellow.一种淡灰的绿黄色.
11.He has been coughing up rusty or greenish-yellow phlegm.他咳嗽带有绿黄色的痰。
12.Blue, red, yellow, and green are colours.蓝、红、黄、绿都是颜色。
13.small dark green or yellow ribbed squash with yellow to orange flesh.小的暗绿色或黄色棱纹的南瓜,瓜肉黄色到橙色。
14.Green tea is pale, greenish yellow, and the black tea is a deep amber color.绿茶的颜色是带淡绿的黄色,红茶是深琥珀色。
15.squash plant having dark green fruit with skin mottled with light green or yellow.有深绿色果实,果皮搀杂有浅绿色或黄色。
16.If you mix blue and yellow you get green.把蓝色和黄色调在一起,就会变成绿色。
17.and a palette with green and yellow colors on it.和有着绿色和黄色颜料的调色盘。”
18.You can mix blue and yellow paint to make green one.你可以把蓝色和黄色油漆混合成绿色。

3)thallite['θ?lait]黄绿色绿 石
4)yellow-green pigments黄绿色素
1.A bacteria producing yellow-green pigments is isolated from the roots, branches and leaves of the rape via conventional surface disinfection method.研究一株产黄绿色素的油菜内生细菌的分离及其所产色索的性质。
5)pistache; pistachio green淡黄绿色
6)viridine yellow浓黄绿色

黄飞鸿对黄飞鸿huangfeihongduihuangfeihong(1993)导演:李力持 lik-chi lee主演:谷德昭 vincent kok曾志伟 eric tsang黄秋生 anthony wong chau-sang类型:动作 / 喜剧更多外文片名:master wong vs. master wongonce upon a time a hero in china ii国家/地区:香港对白语言:粤语