1.Analysis of Eco-forestry Sustainable Development in Yichun Forest Region of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省伊春林区生态林业可持续发展分析
2.Thirdly, it discusses the importance of eco-forestry constructing for countryside sustainable development, and proposes the model of eco-forestry constructing, the tasks and measures for land comprehensive harness ing and environment protection.对阳曲县侯村乡基本情况进行了调查 ,分析了其自然、经济、土地利用状况及生态环境等方面存在的问题 ,论述了生态林业建设对于农村可持续发展的重要性 ,提出了生态林业发展模式、土地综合治理与环境保护的任务和措施 ,以达到改善农村生态环境 ,实现农村可持续发展的目
3.Along with increasingly degradation of environment in China, the eco-problems we are facing have made the development of eco-forestry urgent and important than ever.目前我国的生态林业建设面临着许多问题。

1.The Efficient Means for Eco-forestry and Forestry Sustainable Development;论生态林业与林业可持续发展的有效途径
2.Discussions about Ecological Forestry Construction after the Ecological Immigration of Wan an Reservoir Area;关于万安库区生态移民后生态林业建设的探讨
3.Analysis of Eco-forestry Sustainable Development in Yichun Forest Region of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省伊春林区生态林业可持续发展分析
4.Study of the eclolgical forestry in the eartern Daxing anling forect region;大兴安岭东部林区生态林业建设的探讨
5.Forest Eco-economic Productivity and the Development of Forestry Produce;森林生态经济生产力与林业生产发展
6.Establish the new position of forestry, build the forest ecological city;确立林业新定位 建设森林生态市
7.Review of Harmonious Development of Forestry Ecology and Forestry Industry;林业生态与林业产业协调发展研究综述
8.Forestry Ecological Afforestation and the Implementation of Quality Supervision Points of Landscaping Projects林业生态造林及园林绿化工程质量监理重点
9.Dynamic Analysis on the Emergy of Agroecosystem in Western Jilin Province;吉林西部农业生态系统能值动态分析
10.Forestry in Canada and Its Implication for the ecosystem construction in Bijie Prefecture;加拿大林业对毕节试验区林业生态建设的启示
11.Community Forestry:the Ideal Combination of Forestry Development and Ecological Soundness;社区林业:林业发展与生态良好的完美结合
12.Advancing Forestry System Restructuring & Boosting the Building of Guangdong Ecological Province深化林业体制改革 推进广东林业生态省的建设
13.Business Plan on Ecotypic Demonstrating Farming Land;生态农牧林业科技示范区创业计划书
14.Integrated evaluation on eco-agriculture during the construction of Jilin ecological province;吉林生态省建设中的生态农业综合评价
15.Enforce the research of forest ecological economy and implement the rich peasant project;加强林业生态经济研究、实施生态建设富民工程
16.Ecology·Benefit Forestry Theories and the Application Study in the Province of Jilin;生态·效益林业理论及其在吉林省的应用研究
17.Analysis of Forestry Ecological Construction Based on the Forest Resource Status in Keerqin Area;从科尔沁区森林资源现状分析林业生态建设
18.Putting Forest Ecological Benefits into Forest Accounting System;将森林生态效益纳入林业会计核算体系的探讨

1.Analysis of Eco-forestry Sustainable Development in Yichun Forest Region of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省伊春林区生态林业可持续发展分析
2.Thirdly, it discusses the importance of eco-forestry constructing for countryside sustainable development, and proposes the model of eco-forestry constructing, the tasks and measures for land comprehensive harness ing and environment protection.对阳曲县侯村乡基本情况进行了调查 ,分析了其自然、经济、土地利用状况及生态环境等方面存在的问题 ,论述了生态林业建设对于农村可持续发展的重要性 ,提出了生态林业发展模式、土地综合治理与环境保护的任务和措施 ,以达到改善农村生态环境 ,实现农村可持续发展的目
3.Along with increasingly degradation of environment in China, the eco-problems we are facing have made the development of eco-forestry urgent and important than ever.目前我国的生态林业建设面临着许多问题。
3)Ecological forestry生态林业
1.The paper proposes the guidelines,principles,objectives and procedures for the ecological forestry building.文章提出了生态林业建设的指导思想、建设原则、建设目标、步骤。
2.The ecological forestry construction faced with serious financial problems.中国生态林业建设面临严重的资金问题,本文通过对我国生态林业发展的资金特点进行研究,分析筹资面临的困难和资金缺口,旨在探讨生态林业资金筹集渠道的财政方式和市场方式,为研究解决生态林业建设资金筹集问题提供思路。
3.The development approach of China s ecological forestry is that: strengthening greatly the eco-moral education of the nation,doing well with the law construction,intensifying the resources management of ecological forestry and establishing thoroughly the sustainable develop.生态林业是一种符合可持续发展思想的现代林业发展模式,其核心是追求生态经济的最佳平衡。
4)forestry ecology林业生态
1.The problem and importance of harmonious development of forestry ecology and industry system was proposed in this paper.提出了林业生态与林业产业协调发展问题的重要性。
2.The author,in view of the severe ecologic environment around the Three Gorge Reservoir Area,puts forward the construction of forestry ecology as the core to improving eco environment around the Reservoir Area.针对三峡库区严峻的生态环境问题,提出林业生态是解决库区生态环境问题的核心,并分析了林业生态建设开展的内容和有利条件。
5)ecological forest生态林业
1.This paper analyzes the necessity of constructing the green Yangquan,probes into the foundational advantages of and main problems existing in the ecological forest construction of Yangquan City,and advances some suggestions on constructing the green Yangquan.分析了建设绿色阳泉的必要性,探讨了阳泉生态林业建设的基础优势和主要问题,提出了建设绿色阳泉的建议。
2.The abundant forest resource in Zherong county is the base of the development of ecological forest.根据福建省柘荣县林业资源优势,结合生态林业建设的实际情况,针对生态林业发展存在的问题,提出加强生物多样性建设、建立自然保护区、发展经济林、发展森林生态旅游、宣传生态林保护意识、加强政府的投入与管理等生态林业发展的对策。
3.This paper describes the concepts of ecological forest and forestry sustainable development, summarizes the achievements of the ecological forest planted during the past 40 years; and according to the problems faced,finds out the solutions for the forestry sustainable development.论述了生态林及林业可持续发展的概念 ,总结了甘肃河西生态林业 40多年建设成就 ,针对河西生态林业可持续发展中所存在的问题 ,提出了生态林业可持续发展的对
6)ecology forestry生态林业
1.The importance of ecology forestry capital operation in state-owned forestry businesses is highlighted.在分析国有森工企业生态林业建设存在问题的基础上,阐述了国有森工企业生态林业资本运营的现实意义,提出了改革传统的生态林运作体制、实行企业化经营、建立林木资本金制度、建立和完善政府投入为主的生态林业筹融资机制、积极尝试生态林业资金市场筹集方式等国有森工企业实行生态林业资本运营的具体建议。
2.Public finance should support the development of ecology forestry.生态林业属于公共物品,理所当然成为公共财政要努力确保和重点支持 的领域。
3.It is necessary for ecology forestry to build a financing system,which will be used to effectively settle down the "Market failure "and compensate the production capital.生态林业发展需要建立一个有效克服“市场失灵” ,解决生态林业生产资金补偿的融资机制。

复合农林业复合农林业agroforestry fuhe nonglinye复合农林业(哭加肠res坷)在一个土地利用单元中,人为地把多年生木本植物与农作物以及畜禽等多种成分有机结合起来进行生产的土地利用方式。它的名称有多种,如农林复合经营、混农林业、农林业、农用林业、生态林业、农林复合生态系统等。复合农林业这种朴素而有效的土地利用实践在世 中国农林复合经曹系统分类梦界各国的古籍和文献中早已有过零星的记述,有许多良好的模式流传至今。这一领域的研究和实践仍是当今世界农业研究的一个焦点。中国重要的复合农林模式有2(X)余种,其分类如表所示。 对复合农林业的系统研究起始于20世纪50年代。70年代后期,国际复合农林业研究委员会(ICRAF)正式成立,复合农林业也被正式确立为一门独立的学科。复合农林业这一学科追求土地资源、生物资源和气候资源的高效持续利用,主要研究内容包括:①多用途树种。搜集、建立多用途树种基因库,筛选、培育、推广多用途树种。②系统结构和系统分类。研究系统组成、空间结构、时间结构及功能类型等。③功能过程。研究不同树木与作物在光、水分、养分方面的竞争和互补关系,研究系统的物候特点,放牧规律与系统生产力、生产效率的关系,建立系统模拟模型。④系统诊断和设计。研究评价指标体系,研究优化调控模型,开发专家系统等。 复合农林业的效益比单一的农业、林业、牧业都有所提高。由于相对复杂的时空结构,提高了光、热、水资源的利用效率,因而生产力较高。复合农林业对改善局部地域的小气候有一定益处;树木的屏障作用使农作物、畜禽得到良好的生存环境。复合农林业还能增加就业,美化环境,减小经营风险。 (李文华)