
1.An area or a greenhouse for growing vines.葡萄园,葡萄暖房种葡萄树的地方或温室
2.Hungarian wine made from Tokay grapes.由葡萄树制成的一种匈牙利的葡萄酒。
3.The hill was clothed with vines这山为葡萄树所覆盖。
4.Vines straggled over the yard.葡萄树在院子里蔓生。
5.trees heavy with fruit; vines weighed down with grapes.果实沉甸甸的树;挂满沉重的葡萄的葡萄树
6."For their vine is the vine of Sodom, from the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are the grapes of evil, and the berries are bitter:"他们的葡萄树是所多玛的葡萄树,蛾摩拉田园所生的。他们的葡萄是毒葡萄,全挂都是苦的。
7.Almost all of the missions grew grapes and produced wine.几乎所有的布道团都种植葡萄树和生产葡萄酒。
8.grape from a cultivated variety of the common grape vine of Europe.欧洲普通葡萄树的人工培育品种的葡萄。
9."Son of man, what is the vine-tree more than any branching tree which is among the trees of the woods?"人子阿,葡萄树比别样树有什么强处。葡萄枝比众树枝有什么好处。
10.Son of man, What is the vine tree more than any tree, or than a branch which is among the trees of the forest?「人子啊,葡萄树比别样树有甚麽强处?葡萄枝比众树枝有甚麽好处?
11."Then the trees said to the vine, You come and be king over us."树木对葡萄树说,请你来作我们的王。
12.Then the trees said to the vine, You come and reign over us.12众树对葡萄树说,请你来作我们的王。
13."He is like a vine whose grapes do not come to full growth, or an olive-tree dropping its flowers."他必像葡萄树的葡萄,未熟而落。又像橄榄树的花,一开而谢。
14.He will drop off his unripe grape like the vine, And will cast off his flower like the olive tree.伯15:33他必像葡萄树的葡萄、熟而落、像橄榄树的花、开而谢。
15.Look!The vine is putting forth its tendrils.看!这棵葡萄树在长卷须了。
16.But it was uprooted in fury and thrown to the ground.但这葡萄树因忿怒被拔出摔在地上。
17.I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.约15:1我是真葡萄树、父是栽培的人。
18.I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.我是真葡萄树、我父是栽培的人。

grapevine small tree葡萄幼树
4)Vitis vinifera ×labrusca葡萄实生树
5)extract from red grape红葡萄树提取液
1.This article showed that A study of the protective action of antioxigen about gum of oleaster to extract from red grape.该文就沙枣树胶对红葡萄树提取液抗氧性的保护作用及其变化进行了初步研究,结果表明:红葡萄树提取液具有极强的抗羟自由基(HO·)能力,而抗超氧阴离子自由基(O2-·)的能力较弱,即在空气中易氧化、抗氧活性迅速降低、消失;当加入沙枣树胶初期,其抗氧性能迅速降低,3d后开始上升,15d后其对超氧阴离子自由基清除率达到30%,60d后对羟自由基清除率达到68%,其后,一直保持稳定。
6)Tree body of red globe grape红地球葡萄树体

  葡萄是一种攀援的藤本植物,枝条及卷须的生长非常有趣:卷须每一回转的时间大约是2小时14分;新枝顶端每一回转需4小时。葡萄黄绿色的花瓣并不美丽,但能招引44种昆虫为它传粉。   葡萄也是一种最古老的栽培植物,在世界上传播的范围,除小麦外就算葡萄了,估计有2000多个品种。我国新疆吐鲁番的无籽葡萄非常有名;云南怒江两岸的葡萄每颗长得有枇杷那么大。目前栽培的葡萄,每株单产1000~1500千克,已算是高产了。而1842年种在美国加利福尼亚州卡品特里亚的一株葡萄树,最高的年产量是7吨。要是按每人分250克的话,可以供28000人吃个痛快。可惜这棵葡萄树在1920年死去了。   现在世界上最大的葡萄树,是英国苏格兰1891年栽的一株。它的树冠覆盖面积达460多平方米,最长的枝条有90多米,茎的直径17厘米。据统计,到1963年的73年里,从这棵树上采摘的葡萄,共有10万余果穗,平均每年结1370个果穗。如果每个果穗以2千克计算,一年可收2740千克。这个产量要赶上已死去的葡萄“大哥”,还得加很大的劲呢!