
1.Of, relating to, or situated at the waterside.水滨的,水边水边的,有关水边的或位于水边
2.Where there is reed, there is water .水边长芦苇,有苇必有水。
3.An organism that lives in, on, or near the water.生活在水中,水上或水边的有机物
4.He lies down beside the water.他在水边躺了下来,
5.This park is located on the hill by the waterside.这公园在水边的小山上。
6.Living or working along the waterside.在水边居住或工作的
7.The road declines to the water's edge.道路下倾,直到水边
8.A moment brought her to the water's edge.瞬息间她到达了水边
9.Don't walk about when you are drinking.不要一边喝水一边走路。
10.You go over that way and I'll hunt around by the spring.你到那边去找,我到泉水旁边看看。
11.My mouth watered as I waited for dinner.我一边等着吃晚饭,一边饿得直淌口水。
12.waterproof hat with wide slanting brim longer in back than in front.后面比前面边儿长的一种防水宽边帽。
13.The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the kitchen.管子破了, 水从厨房的这边喷到那边.
14.Add a little boiling water and stir to a paste.加入适量的冷开水:边加边搅拌成糊状。
15.Bian Tingliu blood becomes seawater, wu Huang opens edge meaning not already.边庭流血成海水,武皇开边意未已。
16.The children were paddling in the sea.孩子们在海边涉水玩。
17.The diver poised himself on the edge of the high board.跳水者在高台边上站稳。
18.a boundary line between land and water.陆地与海水的边界线。

edge water边水
1.Study on restraint of the edge water's incursion of the small fault-block heavy oil reservoirs小断块边水稠油油藏抑制边水侵入对策研究
2.It concludes that horizontal wells are not suitable for bottom water reservoir development,but advantageous for edge water reservoirs with thin layer,low permeabi.因此,水平井并不适合底水油藏的开发,它适合于薄层、低渗和稠油等直井产能较低的边水油藏。
3.With development extending,edge water driven ratio is increasing.杏西油田南块边部油井处于油水过渡带地区,投产后含水较高,由于区块套变井数多,内部注采比低,随着开发的不断深入边水推进速度加快,为了确定该区水体规模,制定合理有效的治理对策,以油田实际生产数据为例,采用容积法、静态法和非稳态法分别计算其水体规模,对该区水体能量进行了评价。
3)water edge水边;水边线
4)fringe water边水;毛细边缘水
5)to paddle at the water's edge在水边戏水
6)edge and bottom water边底水
1.Development practice and understanding in small fault block reservoir with edge and bottom water;小断块边底水油藏开发实践与认识
2.Improve vertical producing degree of heavy oil reservoir with edge and bottom water;提高边底水稠油油藏储层纵向动用程度研究
3.Enhancing oil recovery of edge and bottom water reservoirs in the small fault blocks by usingspecial wells;利用特殊结构井提高小断块边底水油藏采收率

韩国作家柳美里的作品,《水边的摇篮》描写了一个出生于在日韩国人家庭的女孩的成长历程。家族的传统、双亲的不睦、家庭内暴力、在学校遭受到的极尽残酷的欺负,以及自杀未遂……作家的笔触紧紧追随着在和家庭、学校、社会之间连续不断的纠葛与冲突之中一步步走来的自己的身影,并将其升华为绝无仅有的“ 故事”,让人读后禁不住凄然泪下。作者简介:柳美里,1968年6月22日出生于日本神奈川县横滨市,在日韩国人,剧作家、小说家。横滨共立学园高中肄业。1986年以剧作《致水中之友》闻名而开始受到关注,1996年以后主要从事小说创作。代表作品有《水边的摇篮》、《家庭标本》、《私语词典》、《鱼之祭》、《家庭电影》、《淘金热》、《命》等。