1.Impact of Different Sterilization Methods and Concentrations of Gibberellin Acid on Pteridophyte Seedling Growth不同灭菌方法和赤霉素浓度对凤丫蕨幼茎成苗的影响

1.The Leaf Epidermis Characteristics of Six Species of Coniogramme凤丫蕨属6种植物叶表皮特征的研究
2.Impact of Different Sterilization Methods and Concentrations of Gibberellin Acid on Pteridophyte Seedling Growth不同灭菌方法和赤霉素浓度对凤丫蕨幼茎成苗的影响
3.a genus of ferns belonging to the family Pteridaceae.属于凤尾蕨科的一个蕨类植物属。
4.a genus of ferns belonging to the family Dennstaedtiaceae.凤尾蕨科的一个蕨类植物属。
5.Ping'er in the novel "A Dream of the Red Mansions", is a maid servant brought by the bride from her parents' home.《红楼梦》里的平儿, 是王熙凤的陪房丫环。
6.An ultrastructural study of the mature spermatozoid of the fern Pteris fauriei傅氏凤尾蕨成熟精子超微结构的研究
7.an extinct seed-producing fernlike plant of the order Cycadofilicales (or group Pteridospermae).苏铁属(或凤尾蕨属)的一种已经灭绝的类似于蕨类的种子植物。
8.common European mountain fern having fragrant lemon or balsam scented fronds.复叶具有柠檬和凤仙花香的普通高山欧洲蕨。
9.Research on the Selection and Cultivation Technologies of Pteris cretica ‘Mayii’ Spore Parent Ramet蜘蛛人凤尾蕨采孢母株的选择和栽培技术研究
10."Since this was Xifeng's first meeting with Qin Zhong but she hadn't prepared the usual gifts, some of her maids had hurried back to consult Pinger. ""早有凤姐的丫鬟媳妇们见凤姐初会秦钟,并未备得表礼来,遂忙过那边去告诉平儿."
11.tropical Old World or Australian epiphytic fern frequently forming tufts in tree crotches.分布于热带东半球或澳洲的一种附生蕨类,经常使树的丫杈部分成簇状。
12.any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants.一种带有羽状复叶的常见家庭种植凤尾蕨属植物。
13.any of several ferns of the genus Blechnum.乌毛蕨属的蕨类植物。
14.any of various ferns of the genus Dryopteris.鳞毛蕨属的蕨类植物。
15.A bed or collection of ferns.簇生的蕨蕨圃或蕨集聚生长在一起
16.Twin-lock : Tie the hair into two firm bundles like two branching tree stumps, also called “hair locks”.丫髻:在头顶编结两个像树丫状的实心发髻,又称「丫头」。
17.Polystichum jiucaipingense,a New Species of Dryopteridaceae from Guizhou,China贵州产耳蕨属(鳞毛蕨科)一新种—韭菜坪耳蕨
18.and the flowers are ticking our toes.鲜花亲挠着我们的脚丫。

1.The Leaf Epidermis Characteristics of Six Species of Coniogramme凤丫蕨属6种植物叶表皮特征的研究
3)Coniogramme intermedia Hieron.f.striata花叶普通凤丫蕨
4)C. simplicior f. concinna花叶单网凤丫蕨
1.Advances in study on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of plants of genus Pteris;凤尾蕨属植物化学成分及药理活性研究进展
2.Resource investigation of medicinal plants of Pteris in western Guangdong;粤西凤尾蕨属药用植物组种资源的调查
3.This article reports a sort of endophytic fungi(JJF006)which was separated from the rhizome of Pteris multifida.报道了从凤尾蕨属井栏边草(Pteris multifida)根状茎中分离出一内生真菌——菌株JJF006,对其形态特征进行了初步研究,并用TLC对该菌株培养物进行了分析。
1.Spore Morphology of Pteridophytes from China Ⅵ.Pteridaceae;中国蕨类植物孢子形态的研究Ⅵ.凤尾蕨科
2.The research advancement on the structures, physical and chemical properties, and spectroscopic characteristics of 1H-inden-1-one sesquiterpenoids isolated from the spices of pteridaceae was systematically reviewed.系统综述了从凤尾蕨科植物中分离得到的1H 茚 1 酮类倍半萜的结构、理化性质和波谱学特征等方面的研究情况。
3.The research advancement on the chemical synthesis, chemical transformation and biological activities of 1H-inden-1-one sesquiterpenoids, together with the dimeric and tricyclic 1H-inden-1-one sesquiterpenes isolated from the spices of pteridaceae was comprehensively reviewed.综述了凤尾蕨科植物中分离得到的1H 茚 1 酮类倍半萜的化学合成、化学转化、生物活性以及1 茚酮倍半萜的二聚体化合物和三环1 茚 1 酮倍半萜等方面的研究情况。

【药物名称】凤丫蕨 【别名】大叶凤凰尾巴草,散血莲,蛇眼草,凤丫草。 【科属】裸子蕨科 【植物形态】植物形态:多年生常绿草本,高达1.2米。根茎长而横走,被有淡褐色鳞片。叶疏生。叶柄长50~60厘米,禾秆色,有时带赤褐色,除基部外无毛,腹面有沟,叶为一回羽状复叶,长50厘米,宽25~30厘米,羽片互生,2~5对,下部的羽片常再裂为2小叶至数小叶,小叶线装长椭圆形,长达20厘米,宽约2厘米,基部楔形,多少下延,具短柄,先端长渐尖。边缘有细锯齿,顶端羽片较大,与侧面羽片稍同形,叶薄革质,无毛,叶脉由中肋斜上,羽状分出,二叉分枝,在中肋两侧形成网眼,每条细脉到叶缘形成棒状增粗的水孔。苞子囊群长线形,沿侧脉着生,由中肋达边缘附近,无子囊群盖。 生态分布:产我国中部和南部,多生于沟谷丛林边或岩石边阴湿的草丛中。 药用部分:根茎及全草入药,全年可采收。 用途:性味苦,凉。去风湿,凉血散瘀。用量:根及全草5~7钱。孕妇忌用。