1.Development of the New Pumpkin F_1 Hybrid Xingshuhongmi南瓜新品种兴蔬红蜜的选育
2)Xingshu 201兴蔬201
1.Breeding of a New Hot Pepper Variety-Xingshu 201;辣椒新品种兴蔬201的选育
3)Red-fleshed Sweet Pomelo红肉蜜柚
1.Identification of Main Pigments in Red-fleshed Sweet Pomelo;红肉蜜柚果肉红色色素鉴定
2.But pollinated with other cultivars’ pollen,the fruits of red-fleshed sweet pomelo and Guanxi sweet pomelo could form many developed seeds or rud.红肉蜜柚系选育于琯溪蜜柚园中的优变株系,其果实成熟期、汁胞呈色显著不同于琯溪蜜柚,而其它生物学特性则与琯溪蜜柚难于区别;两者混栽或人工授粉均表现不亲和性,而授两者以外品种花粉,果实均能形成大量发育或发育不完全的种子,同时,两者花粉形态特征相似;ITS-PCR扩增片段大小一致、条带单一,进一步证实两者亲缘关系相近,不存在种间、近缘属间差异。

1.Pollen morphology of red-flesh sweet pomelo红肉蜜柚与琯溪蜜柚亲缘关系孢粉学鉴定
2.Cloning of Genes for Partial Member Enzymes of β-carotene Biosynthetic Pathway in Grandis[Citrus Grandis (L.)Osbeck];红肉蜜柚β-胡萝卜素合成途径相关酶基因的克隆
3.The Comparative Study of Nutrient Composition between Citrus Grandis var. Shatinyu Hort and Citrus Grandis cv. Rongxian Pomelo in Rongxian Guangxi广西容县沙田柚与蜜柚营养成分的比较研究
4.Observation and Related-genes Isolation of Self-incompatibility in Guanxi Pomelo and Duwei Pomelo (Citrus Grandis cv.);琯溪蜜柚和度尾蜜柚自交不亲和性观察及相关基因克隆
5.Study on the Debitterring and Processing Techniques of Guanxi Pomelo Juice琯溪蜜柚果汁脱苦及加工工艺的研究
6.grapefruit au curacao [appetizer]红酒甜柚[开胃小菜
7.maroon-purple gooseberry-like fruit of India having tart-sweet purple pulp used especially for preserves.有着酸甜的紫色果肉的栗红色象醋栗的印度水果,通常用来做蜜饯。
8.Self Incompatible Reaction Parts in Citrus grandis ‘Guanximiyou’ and ‘Duweimiyou’--Observation of pollination on different pistil parts in vitro琯溪蜜柚和度尾蜜柚自交不亲和阻抑部位的研究——雌蕊不同部位组织离体授粉观察
9.Study on HPLC Determination and Extraction of Bitterness from Pomelo and the Screening of Strains for Debittering;蜜柚苦味物的HPLC检测、提取及脱苦菌株的筛选
10.Study on the Application of SK Spray Oil to Ganxi-Pomelo;绿颖在琯溪蜜柚病虫害防治中的应用研究
11.Differential Proteomics Research during Juice Sacs Development in Citrus Grandis cv. Guanximiyou琯溪蜜柚汁胞发育过程的差异蛋白质组学研究
12.Cloning and Sequence analysis of the Citrus grandis(L.) Osbeck juice sac Beta-tubulin cDNA琯溪蜜柚汁胞BETA-TUBULIN CDNA的克隆及原核表达
13.Determination of Main Bitter Substance in Guanxi Pomelo by High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic蜜柚中主要苦味物质的快速测定方法研究
14.I'd like a half grapefruit, coffee, scrambled eggs and bacon.我要半个葡萄柚、咖啡、炒蛋和熏肉。
15.Cut grapefruit into half and use spoon to remove flesh.葡萄柚横切一半,用汤匙挖出果肉。
16.A mahogany dresser with an inlaid teak design.内嵌有柚木装饰的红木衣柜
17.It is understood that calm pomelo is the international registration marks the first success.据了解,平和?溪蜜柚是我国在国际注册证明商标成功的第一家。
18.Studies on the Extraction and the Microcapsule of Essential Oil of Pomelo Peel;琯溪蜜柚果皮中精油的提取及微胶囊化技术研究

Xingshu 201兴蔬201
1.Breeding of a New Hot Pepper Variety-Xingshu 201;辣椒新品种兴蔬201的选育
3)Red-fleshed Sweet Pomelo红肉蜜柚
1.Identification of Main Pigments in Red-fleshed Sweet Pomelo;红肉蜜柚果肉红色色素鉴定
2.But pollinated with other cultivars’ pollen,the fruits of red-fleshed sweet pomelo and Guanxi sweet pomelo could form many developed seeds or rud.红肉蜜柚系选育于琯溪蜜柚园中的优变株系,其果实成熟期、汁胞呈色显著不同于琯溪蜜柚,而其它生物学特性则与琯溪蜜柚难于区别;两者混栽或人工授粉均表现不亲和性,而授两者以外品种花粉,果实均能形成大量发育或发育不完全的种子,同时,两者花粉形态特征相似;ITS-PCR扩增片段大小一致、条带单一,进一步证实两者亲缘关系相近,不存在种间、近缘属间差异。
1.Breeding of New Late-ripening Peach Cultivar Jinqiuhongmi ;晚熟桃新品种——金秋红蜜的选育研究
1.The sugar - acid ratio of Qiumi,which were plucked from the different fruit branching part on October 16th 2006,were calculated by determining the content of total carbohydrate and titratable acidity in the fruits.对秋红晚蜜桃结果枝不同部位的果实,测定其总糖和可滴定酸的含量,计算糖酸比。
6)"Hong Xiangmi"红香蜜
1.Effect of Bagging on Main Nutritional Components of Pear Fruits of "Hong Sucui" and "Hong Xiangmi";套袋对红酥脆和红香蜜梨果实主要营养成分的影响

蔬帘淡月 和黄伯成吴兴道中韵【诗文】:苍烟古木。渐暝入小溪,鸥鹭如玉。斜倚孤篷眺晚,毳裘寒肃。秋娘渡口山横处,旧曾寻、五陵芳躅。画楼灯火,如今冷落,尘满华屋。柰景物因人反覆。算千古风流,今有谁续。苕水东边月上,酒醒人独。角声吹老梅三弄,想依稀、曾梦蛾绿。西风回首,山中有人,满头黄菊。【注释】:【出处】: