1.We had done varieties comparison test of several major green-skinned pumkin in 2008,the results showed that Beijing-tianli variety showed excellent characters in earliness,high-yield,disease resistance,quality to be fitting for Beijing in spring greenhouse.2008年对国内绿皮西洋南瓜几个主要栽培品种进行比较试验,结果表明:北京甜栗在早熟性、丰产性、抗病性、品质等综合方面表现优秀,适合北京春季大棚生产;京绿栗、锦栗、东英在丰产性、抗病性、品质等方面表现较好,但锦栗、东英生育期较长。

1.policy paper [green paper or white paper]政策文件〔绿皮书、白皮书〕
2.Any of several varieties of green-skinned apples.绿皮苹果绿皮苹果的任何变种
3.Great Green Document on Human Rights in the Age of the Masses, The民众时代人权绿皮
4.Green book绿皮书(意大利官方文件)
5.A variety of squash having an elongated shape and a smooth, thin, dark green rind.绿皮密生西葫芦一种细长的南瓜,表皮光滑呈深绿色
6.any of various juicy purple- or green-skinned fruit of the genus Vitis; grow in clusters.所有葡萄属种紫皮或绿皮的多汁果实;丛生。
7.The green book is at the bottom of the pile and the red one is on top.绿皮的书在那一摞的底下, 红皮的在上边.
8.The green book be at the bottom of the pile and the red one be on top绿皮的书在那一摞的底下, 红皮的在上边
9.The green book is at the bottom of the pile and the red one is on top绿皮书在那一堆书的底下,红皮书在上边。
10.A variety of pear with green skin and firm, smooth flesh.安茹梨一种绿皮,果肉硬而润滑的梨
11.Government policy is outlined in the green paper政府政策概述的绿皮书里
12.Apples have red or green peel.苹果有红的或绿的果皮。
13.squash plant having dark green fruit with skin mottled with light green or yellow.有深绿色果实,果皮搀杂有浅绿色或黄色。
14.Her skin looks as green as an old cheese.她那皮肤绿得像块干酪了。
15.How about this green leather one?你看这种绿色皮茄克又如何呢?
16.Ground that is green with grass;turf.草皮,草地覆盖绿草的地块,草坪
17.firm-fleshed green-skinned pear.坚实的果肉绿色的果皮的梨。
18.Green paper money lay soft within the note.柔软的绿色钞皮夹在信里。

mung bean hull绿豆皮
1.A method of extracting flavonoids from the mung bean hull;绿豆皮中黄酮类化合物提取工艺
2.Extraction and analysis of antioxidants in mung bean hull;绿豆皮抗氧化物质的提取及初步分析
3)+"Green paper"BBC绿皮书
4)green paper绿皮书
1.Recently,European Commission promulgated the green paper of Europe s trade defence instruments so as to deal with issues .最近,欧盟发布贸易救济工具绿皮书,试图化解矛盾、革新贸易救济政策,客观上也给包括我国在内的产品出口国进一步谋求公平贸易环境带来了契机,当前,理性分析并深刻领会绿皮书出台的背景、内容及其精神实质,拿出行之有效的对策,对于最大化、最优化地争取和保护我国相关企业的贸易利益意义重大。
5)Green Paper traits绿皮性状
6)Peltigera aphthosa绿皮地卷
1.The result showedthat, the phycobiont of Peltigera aphthosa was growing well under the condition of temperature 18~25℃ and atthe lighting intensity 1 500~2 000 lux.对绿皮地卷(Peltigera aphthosa)共生藻进行了分离、纯化,并对其培养特性进行了实验观测,结果表明:绿皮地卷(Peltigera aphthosa)共生藻在光照1500~2000lux,温度18~25℃下生长良好;地衣型真菌培养基——土壤浸汁培养基不仅可以用于地衣型真菌的培养,也是培养地衣共生藻的理想培养基,用此种培养基在试管中培养的共生藻可保存一个半月到两个月,而在用蜡带封口的培养皿中可保存几个月至一年。

绿皮黄筋竹绿皮黄筋竹介绍 绿皮黄筋竹 (Phyllosta ehyscv.Houzeauana)科属: 禾本科 别名: 形态特征: 高度10(M),竹秆之纵槽淡黄色分布与习性:分布于长江流域地区,阳性,喜温暖湿润气候繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:庭园观赏图片: