1.Photosynthetic characteristics of Myrica rubra var. Heijing and other three cultivars‘黑晶’等杨梅品种的光合特性研究

1.Photosynthetic characteristics of Myrica rubra var. Heijing and other three cultivars‘黑晶’等杨梅品种的光合特性研究
2.Sometimes she used to give me a searching look, her dark limpid eyes seeming to be half-reproaching and half advising.有时候她深深的看我一眼,她的黑晶晶,水汪汪的眼睛里,似乎是满含着责备我规劝我的意思。
3.a dark-colored spinel containing iron.一种含铁的黑色尖晶石。
4.She had still a bright black eye一直到如今,她都有一双亮晶晶的黑眼睛。
5.Although they were historically not used in divination, we have been told that they are in fact very good for using as divination tools!备有黄晶,白水晶,月亮石,黑安力士,闪光石,粉晶,紫水晶,血石,天使水晶及杂色。
6.black amino alkyd baking transistor paint黑氨基醇酸烘干晶体管漆
7.A dark igneous porphyry embedded with feldspar crystals.暗玢岩嵌有长石晶体的黑色火成斑岩
8.B & W screen LCD television set黑白屏幕液晶显示电视机
9.It looks like quartz crystals sticking up out of the dark hollow.它象石英晶体,在黑色的空间耸立着。
10.Seen from the top the stuff looked almost black, but in the decanter it gleamed like a ruby.从上面看下去,那酒几乎是黑色的,但在酒瓶里却亮晶晶地像红宝石。
11.Her dark eyes were luminous with the feeling that glowed within.她乌黑的眸子却因心潮起伏而晶莹发亮。
12.A dark green to brown or black mineral, ZnAl2O4.锌尖晶石一种暗绿至棕色或黑色的矿物,ZnAl2O4
13.a complex black mineral occuring in pegmatites.一种混合的黑色矿物,见于结晶花岗岩中。
14.The sky was black with bright, shining stars that never twinkled.天空一片漆黑, 晶莹明亮的星星一点也不闪烁。
15.Infrared Radiation Character of Natural Black Tourmalines Micro-powders and Its Corresponding Relationship to Grain Sizes黑色电气石红外辐射与晶格缺陷及粒径的关系
16.Polycrystalline Black Ceramics for Infrared Heating多晶矿化黑陶瓷红外辐射材料的研制和应用
17."Snake-locking" in Xiangxi:a Black and White Witchcraft Containing Science and Technology;湘西“锁蛇”:蕴涵科技元素的黑白巫术晶品
18.Isothermal crystallization behavior of conductive carbon black/polyester composites导电炭黑/聚酯复合材料的等温结晶行为

5)carbon black liquid crystal炭黑液晶
