
1." You really are a block-head!“地道头脑袋!
2.Rabbits breed families rapidly.兔子一繁殖快。
3.A nest or brood of pheasants.一雉一或一群野鸡
4.An armpit.Often used in the plural.腋,常用复数
5.beehive hairstyleph.1. 蜂
6."East, west, home is best."金,银,不如自己的草
7.Of, relating to, or located in an axil.腋的有关腋或在腋里的
8.Every bird likes its own nest the best.金,不如自己的草
9.56 East or west, home is best.56金,不如自家的草
10." East or West, " Beatrice said, " home's best."“金,”贝特丽丝说,“不如自家的草。”
11.This is home to me, ha, ha!"金不如自己的沙好,嗬嗬嗬……
12.A small pit, recess, or glandular cavity in the body.小囊,腺,隐身体内部的小凹陷、隐或腺腔
13.Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home. (John Howard Payne, averican drmatist and actor)金,银,不如自家的草。(美国剧作家、演员佩恩.)
14.John Howard Payne (American dramatist and actor): Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.佩恩(美国剧作家、演员):金,银,不如自家的草
15.honeycomb weathering蜂状风化〔作用〕
16.mesio-incisio-distal cavity近中-切-远中
17."You incubate ahem anyhow.“你就先‘’起来罢!
18.I love my little nest.“我爱我的小。”

3)scientific and technical terms栽
1.Exploration of the technical connotations of the two words ‘种’ and ‘栽’ in Qi Min Yao Shu——The function of modern semantic methods for research on ancient scientific and technical terms;《齐民要术》中“种”和“栽”的科技内涵探讨——兼论现代语义学方法在古代科技术语研究中的作用
4)anchor recess锚窝锚窝
5)Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing)艾窝窝
6)Stupid and cowardly窝里窝囊

【双调】殿前欢 懒云窝【诗文】:懒云窝,醒时诗酒醉时歌。瑶琴不理抛书卧,无梦南柯。得清闲尽快活,日月似撺梭过,富贵比花开落。青春去也,不乐如何?懒云窝,醒时诗酒醉时歌。瑶琴不理抛书卧,尽自磨陀。想人生待则么?富贵比花开落,日月似撺梭过。呵呵笑我,我笑呵呵。懒云窝,客至待如何?懒云窝里和衣卧,尽自婆娑。想人生待则么?贵比我高些个,富比我惗些个,呵呵笑我,我笑呵呵。【注释】:【出处】: