多样化寻求,Variety Seeking
1)Variety Seeking多样化寻求
1.The Impact of Choice Context on Variety Seeking in Online Choice Behavior;网络中选择环境对多样化寻求行为的影响研究

1.The Impact of Choice Context on Variety Seeking in Online Choice Behavior;网络中选择环境对多样化寻求行为的影响研究
2.Catastrophes Induce Less Consumers’ Variety-seeking: A Study Based on the Theory of Terror Management大灾难可以减少消费者的多样化寻求行为:-个基于恐怖管理理论的研究
3.It already become extremely urgent problems to seek the new diversified financing channels.寻求新的多样化的融资渠道已成为迫在眉睫的问题。
4.We seek for diversified cooperation such as technology transfer, toll manufacturing, contract manufacturing and Joint Venture.我们寻求技术转让、托加工、资等多种多样的合作。
5.We must value the characters of diversities and personality, and seek the innovation of curricular contents, that should be the core concept of construction of school-basic curriculums.要重视学生"多样化"、个性化"的特点,寻求课程内容的创新应是"校本课程开发"的核心理念。
6.Freid says the Silk Road Project has launched a variety of programs this year that seek new ways to explore old traditions.佛利德表示,今年,丝绸之路工程已推出了形式多样的计划,以寻求探索古老传统文化的新途径。
7.Schools Find New Route to Diversity学校寻找实现多样化的新途径
8.The updates include changes to, again, increase diversity in the searches.升级带来的变化主要是增加搜寻的多样性。
9.She says she wants to continue to find interesting and diverse roles,她说她希望能找寻到有趣和多样化的角色,
10.2,Its variousness is the product of social development,we should search the coherence in the diversity,and use its essence to unite its variousness.二是其多样性是社会发展的产物,要在歧异中寻求一致,以其本质去统一其多样性。
11.Third, helping meet the public's diversified demands.三是满足了人们多样化的需求。
12.The government has announced plans for a new agency to manage the diversification of China's foreign exchange reserves.中国政府提出要建立一个新的投资机构,寻求外汇储备的多元化。
13.And, as always, we will continue to explore ways to maximize shareowner value.此外,我们将一如既往地寻求多方途径,使股票持有人利益最大化。
14..What kind of job or career are you seeking?·你寻求的是什么样的工作或职业?
15.You seek for knowledge and wisedom, as I once did.你在寻求真知和智慧,我一度也是这样。
16.Allen is like many talented, young, and upward-moving Chinese people looking for better job opportunities.小王就像许多中国有才能的、求上进的年轻人一样,寻找着更好的工作机会。
17.Print press is a machine which have complicated structure,high precision and multi-products.印刷机结构复杂、精度要求高、产品规格多样化。
18.As social advances anazingly, people`s demands have become increasing diversified.随着社会的发展,人们的需求变的多样化。

diversified demand多样化需求
1.In order to do well the construction of informatization, the first is to grasp the main points and make a breakthrough, the second is to satisfy the diversified demand and seek integral promotion.要搞好信息化建设,首先要抓住重点,寻求突破;其次要满足多样化需求,寻求整体推进。
3)demand diversity需求多样化
1.The analytic framework is: income gap-demand diversity of products and demand stratification of products-demand diversity of essential factors of production and demand stratification of essential factors of production-a larger price gap of essential factors of production-a larger income gap.本文试图从需求层面勾勒收入差距对教育需求分层的影响,通过构建"收入差距扩大——商品需求多样化和商品需求分层——生产要素需求分层——生产要素价格差距扩大——收入差距扩大"的研究逻辑框架,揭示收入差距扩大本身可能通过对商品需求和生产要素需求的影响,表现为一定程度的自我加强的变化趋势。
4)diversification of requirement for study学习需求多样化
5)Product Demand Diversity商品需求多样化
6)variety of housing demands多样化居住需求
