公众信任,citizens trust in government
1)citizens trust in government公众信任
1.Recently,the problem of citizens trust in government becomes more and more concerned,and the Citizen-driven government performance evaluation serves as a link between citizens and the government.通过问卷调查获取的特定地区相关数据分析结果表明,政府绩效对公众信任的影响最大,其次公众参与程度和评价结果应用都在一定程度上正向影响公众信任;同时,评价结果应用通过政府绩效对公众信任产生间接影响。

1.Public trust grows from trust nurtured within a company.公众信任来源于公司内部的信任。
2.When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property.当一个人受到公众信任时,他就应该把自己看作公众的财产。
3.Citizen Participation,Performance Evaluation & Citizen Trust in Government;公众参与、绩效评价与公众信任——基于某市政府官员的实证分析
4.A Qualitative Study of Public Beliefs about Blackouts in the UK;英国大停电事故中公众信任度的定性研究(英文)
5.When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property. (Thomas Jefferson, american President)当一个人受到公众信任时,他就应该把自己看作公众的财产。(美国总统杰斐逊)
6.Reporting accurate figures to stakeholders is crucial for gaining public trust.向利益相关者提供正确的数据有利于赢得公众信任
7.Popular distrust in court was further intensified in 1895.公众对法院的不信任,1895年进一步加深。
8.Making this information available promotes government accountability and trust in the government by the public.公开信息将增加公众对政府的信任度和政府自身的责任感。
9.Research about "Public Trust on Chinese Mass Communication Media" in the View of Society and Social Trust社会信任视野中的我国大众传播媒介公信研究
10.Trust:the Tie between Public Policy-making by Government and the Public Participation;信任:政府公共政策制定与公众参与之间的纽带
11.following the mass line and trusting the masses;比如群众路线,信任群众。
12.but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.但不得以宗教信仰作为担任合众国任何官职或公职的必要资格。
13.When a man assumes a puBlic trust he should consider himself a puBlic property.一个人接受了公众的信任以后,就应该把自己看作是公共财产。
14.When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself a pubic property.一个人接受了公众的信任之后,就应该把自己看作是公共的财产.
15.Paying Close Attention to Public Interests and Perfecting the Public Liability Insurance;关注公众利益 健全公众责任保险
16.Trade Secret means any information of UPS that UPS acquired from a third party which is not commonly known by or available to the public商业秘密意指UPS之或 UPS由第三方获得之任何不广为公众所知悉或不供公众取用的信息
17.third party legal liability第三者公众法律责任
18."In my view, international organizations like us, it is our moral obligation to share this kind of information with the general public," he said.尾身茂说,“和公众分享有关信息是我们这类国际组织的道义责任。”

the risk of bank run公众信任风险
1.However, the topic about the risk of bank runs still without systematical study deserves our investigation and deep research.然而,对民营银行公众信任风险,学术界尚未有系统的研究成果,值得深人地探讨。
3)mass trust crisis公众信任危机
4)public liability公众责任
5)populace trust民众信任
1.What guides China to the completion of economic and social system transformation with its social stability and fast economic growth? Undoubtedly,the system and the democratic participation of the masses is of vital importance,but this article believes that the fundamental reason is the breeding of social populace trusts.是什么引导中国这样的大国在保持社会稳定、经济快速增长的同时完成经济体制的转轨和社会的转型?在众多答案中,制度以及社会成员的民主参与无疑是重要的,但本文认为最根本的是社会民众信任的孕育。
6)public liability公众责任险
1.The main methods include the use of literature, questionnaire, survey method, mathematical statistics and other methods to analyze and make an conclusion, as follows: At present, the majority of colleges and universities’stadiums and gymnasiums in Beijing do not buy the public liability insurance.本文针对北京市普通高校体育场馆的责任险,采用文献资料法,问卷调查法,专家访谈法,数理统计法等方法,分析得出如下结论:目前,北京市普通高校场馆购买场馆责任险的情况不佳,大部分北京市普通高校场馆都没有购买公众责任险。
