沂州府,Yizhou Prefecture
1)Yizhou Prefecture沂州府
1.Yizhou Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty had 101 floods and droughts.清代沂州府地区水旱灾害频发,共发生水旱灾害101次,平均2。
2)yizhou chaenomeles沂州木瓜
1.The effects of different concentration of CaCl2 and cutting mode on yizhou chaenomeles quality were studied.以沂州木瓜为原料,采用不同浓度氯化钙处理及不同的切割方式对沂州木瓜保鲜品质进行了研究。
2.Effects of different concentration of CaCl2 and cutting mode on Yizhou chaenomeles quality were studied.实验以沂州木瓜为原料,以不同浓度氯化钙处理及不同的切割方式对沂州木瓜保鲜进行研究。

1.Effect of Cold Shock Treatment on Quality of Yizhou Papaya during Storage冷激处理时间对沂州木瓜贮藏品质的影响
2.According to the research unit of analysis, Yizhou papaya fruit varieties with good body for the 17 kinds of ammonia acid.据有关科研单位实验分析,沂州木瓜优良品种果实含人体所需17种氨工酸。
3.Studies on the Dynamics of Arthropod Communities in Plantation of Xuan Cheng s Papaya;宣州木瓜林节肢动物群落结构及动态研究
4.Nine States"Locates in the Tai-yi Mountain System;古九州方位在泰沂山系一带──九州考
5."Plants resembling true melons include the watermelon, the Chinese watermelon, the melon tree (see papaya), and the melon shrub, or pear melon (Solanum muricatum)."像甜瓜的植物包括西瓜、冬瓜、番木瓜和茄瓜。
6.The papaya main producer Shaanxi, Gansu, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi.该木瓜主产陕西、甘肃、江西、湖北、湖南、四川、云南、贵州、广西。
7.Refined papain, raw papain, papain serum, liquid papain etc.木瓜酶系列产品包括木瓜酶精酶、酶、瓜酶酶清、体木瓜酶等。
8.Study of Papaya Bisecting Theory and Design of the Papaya Bisecting Machine;木瓜切剖原理研究及木瓜剖半机设计
9.The Linyi ShenDao peach wooden craft production factory is located in the Chinese biggest commercial wholesale city, river bank Mongolia old liberated area Linyi.临沂神道桃木工艺制品厂座落在中国最大的商品批发城,沂蒙老区临沂。
10.type genus of the Caricaceae; tropical American trees: papayas.番木瓜科的模式属;热带美洲乔木;番木瓜树。
11.Direct Identification of Chaenomeles Speciosa(Sweet) Nakaai and Its Confusable Varieties by HATR-FTIR木瓜与伪品西藏木瓜及光皮木瓜的HATR-FTIR直接鉴别研究
12.Fresh fruit of pineapple, kiwi, honeydew, papaya and watermelon assorted, with spicy yogurt seasoning.凤梨、奇异果、哈密瓜、木瓜、西瓜。佐五香优格酱。
13.A New Pumpkin Hybrid ‘Lüzhou Tianshi’ Used as Cucumber Rootstock黄瓜嫁接砧木用南瓜新品种‘绿洲天使’
15.A New Pumpkin Cultivar Used as Cucumber Stock ‘Jizhen 10’黄瓜砧木用南瓜新品种‘冀砧10号’
16.You might be able to buy papaya or strawberry.你可能会买木瓜和草莓。
17.a papaya, and a pineapple.一个木瓜和一个菠萝。
18.Research and Technology for Flowering Control and Bonsai Production of Chaenomeles speciosa沂州海棠盆景制作与花期调控技术研究

yizhou chaenomeles沂州木瓜
1.The effects of different concentration of CaCl2 and cutting mode on yizhou chaenomeles quality were studied.以沂州木瓜为原料,采用不同浓度氯化钙处理及不同的切割方式对沂州木瓜保鲜品质进行了研究。
2.Effects of different concentration of CaCl2 and cutting mode on Yizhou chaenomeles quality were studied.实验以沂州木瓜为原料,以不同浓度氯化钙处理及不同的切割方式对沂州木瓜保鲜进行研究。
3)Chaenomeles Yizhou沂州海棠
1.In this paper,11 cultivars and 28 characters of Chaenomeles Yizhou were preliminary studied by numerical taxonomy methods,which developed in the recent years.该试验选取 2 8个分类性状 ,应用近年来发展起来的数量分类学原理与方法对沂州海棠 11个样本进行了初步研究。
1.The Process of Zhoufu Changed into Junfu in the Donghan Dynasty——Simultaneously Discussing the System Reason for Junfu s Rising in Swarms in the Late Han Dynasty;东汉时期州府的军府化过程——兼论汉末军府蜂起的制度原因
5)State Government州级政府
1.APA s Legislative Guideline: the Implement Land Use Plan Governance by State Government;APA立法指南:州级政府实施土地利用规划管理
2.Finally,it also gives an analysis on the role that state governments play in the field of funding for non-government schools in Australia.最后,文章还对澳大利亚州级政府在私学公助中所扮演的角色作了分析。
6)state government州政府
1.Reform of American state government administration in 20th century20世纪美国州政府的行政体制改革
2.Its evolution proves that the state government is the key player which ensures the efficient operation of the regional planning regime as well as t.美国双城地区的大都市理事会,作为有效区域规划机构的典型,其发展证明了州政府是区域规划机构有效运行、大都市区公共服务有效供给的关键因素。
3.This paper mainly deals with the roles and responsibilities of American federal government, state government and local government in early childhood care and education.本文论述了美国联邦政府、州政府和地方政府在学前儿童的保育和教育方面扮演的角色和担负的职责。
