山区台风灾害,mountainous typhoon disasters
1)mountainous typhoon disasters山区台风灾害
2)typhoon disaster台风灾害
1.Preliminary estimation of risk distribution of typhoon disaster in Fujian;福建台风灾害风险分布的初步估计
2.Reasoning of typhoon disasters in Xiamen City and countermeasure study;厦门市台风灾害成因及对策研究
3.Spatial-temporal pattern of typhoon disaster in Fujian,2005,and risk assessment;2005年福建省台风灾害时空格局与危险性评价

1.Analysis on Typhoon Catastrophe in Fujian,taking 200519~# “Rongwang” Typhoon as an example;福建省2005年“龙王”台风灾害链巨灾分析
2.Extreme Value Prediction of Typhoon Hazards-Models and Applications台风灾害极值预测——模式和应用(英文)
3.Analysis of reliability and validity of preparedness behavior towards typhoon disaster prevention and its impacting factors台风灾害避灾行为及影响因素的信效度分析
4.Study on the Hydrological Factor in the Typhoon Hazard of Taibei City台风灾害之水文因子之探讨-以台北市为例
5.The Change of Disaster Reports:An Analysis of CCTV News Broadcasting's Relevant Reports on Typhoon "Morakot"灾害报道的变化——《新闻联播》“莫拉克”台风灾害新闻刍议
6.The Research on the Catastrophic Insurance Risk Securitization in China: the Design of Typhoon Catastrophe Bond;我国巨灾保险风险证券化研究——台风灾害债券的设计
7.Effect of Typhoon Disasters to Urban Landscape Trees and Typhoon Disaster-reducing Strategies in Shenzhen;台风灾害对深圳城市园林树木的影响和对策
8.Research on Key Technologies of Meteorological Element Visualization and Typhoon Disaster Estimation;气象要素可视化与台风灾害评估关键技术研究
9.Study on the Power Grid Construction in Typhoon-prone Coastal Areas of East China;应对台风灾害华东沿海的电网建设策略分析
10.Economic loss assessment of typhoon based on principal component analysis and neural network基于主成分神经网络的台风灾害经济损失评估
11."Research Program on Monitoring and Forecasting"Landfalling Typhoon Disasters in China" Passed Acceptance Check“我国登陆台风灾害的监测及预报技术研究”通过验收
12.A New Probability Prediction Theory of Typhoon Disasters and Its Application in Flood Protection;台风灾害概率预测新理论及其在防洪工程中的应用
13.Synthetical technology research of defending typhoon disaster on building structure in coastal important region沿海重要区域建筑结构防台风灾害综合技术措施研究
14.(v)natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or volcanic activity.自然灾害,如地震、飓风、台风、或火山活动。
15.Characters and objective assessment of disasters caused by typhoons in China.中国台风灾情特征及其灾害客观评估方法
16.Study on the calamity and counter-measure of the super typhoon storm surge along the Zhejiang coastal area浙江沿海超强台风风暴潮灾害的影响及其对策
17.In spite of the disaster, typhoons are by no means entirely destructive.台风虽然带来灾害,但决非完全是破坏性的。
18.The coastal regions should be on guard against possible disasters that may be brought about by the typhoon.沿海地区应注意预防台风可能带来的灾害。

typhoon disaster台风灾害
1.Preliminary estimation of risk distribution of typhoon disaster in Fujian;福建台风灾害风险分布的初步估计
2.Reasoning of typhoon disasters in Xiamen City and countermeasure study;厦门市台风灾害成因及对策研究
3.Spatial-temporal pattern of typhoon disaster in Fujian,2005,and risk assessment;2005年福建省台风灾害时空格局与危险性评价
3)typhoon disaster chain台风灾害链
4)prevend disasters of a typhoon防台风灾害
5)disaster of typhoons and gales台风大风灾害
6)mountain hazardous areas山区灾害区段
