伦理创伤,ethical scar
1)ethical scar伦理创伤
1.Study on appraisal of invisible damage of disasters:cause and therapy of psychological hurt and ethical scar灾害无形损害的评价研究——心理损害与伦理创伤产生的原因与抚慰

1.Study on appraisal of invisible damage of disasters:cause and therapy of psychological hurt and ethical scar灾害无形损害的评价研究——心理损害与伦理创伤产生的原因与抚慰
2.Ethics Examining to Non- injure and Its Result--the Appearance of injure-ethics;不伤害及其结果的伦理审视——伤害伦理学的出场
3.The physical or psychological condition produced by a trauma.创伤病外伤或创伤产生的身体或心理状况
4.The Rationality of "Necessary Harm" as Ecological Ethic Norm;“必要伤害”作为生态伦理规范的合理性
5.Poe composed mystery stories as well as love poems.爱伦·坡创作爱情诗歌也创作推理小说。
6.Towards Virtue Ethics: Creating an Ethical Culture朝着美德伦理学前进:创造一种伦理文化
7.On the Creativity of Ecological Ethics;启新、拓新与创新——论生态伦理学对伦理学的贡献
8.On Development of Discipline of Environmental Ethics in China;创造中国环境伦理学学派,建设中国环境伦理学
9.The Study of the "Hurt-Retrieval" Narrative Structure in the Work of D.H. Lawrence and Zhang Xianliang;劳伦斯与张贤亮小说“创伤—拯救”叙事结构分析
10.The Problem of Linguistic Injury and Its Countermeasures in the View of Ethics;伦理学视野中的语言伤害问题及对策
11.Innovate the Theory of University Morality Education and Strengthen Network Ethics Regulation创新高校德育理论 强化网络伦理规范
12.Ethies and Humanistic Care in Empyrosis of Perineal Region in Female女性会阴部烧伤的护理伦理学和人文关怀护理
14.Inspiration of "Post-traumatic growth" research progress on China's trauma care“创伤后成长”研究进展对我国创伤护理的启示
15.The US constructed business ethics in the last century.20世纪美国创建了现行的经济伦理学。
16.The Impact of Chinese Traditional Ethic and Morality on Scientific Innovation;中国传统伦理道德对科学创新的影响
17.On the Inheritance and Innovation for Ancient Ethics of Physical Education;古代体育伦理思想的继承和创新研究
18.On the Ethic Ideology of George Eliot From Novel Writing;从小说创作论乔治·爱略特的伦理思想

Ethics Innovation伦理创新
1.Ethics Innovation Directed by Advanced Culture;用先进文化指导伦理创新
3)creating ethnics创作伦理
4)innovation ethics创新伦理
1.This paper explores the various types of the ethical crises in innovation in contemporary society from the perspective of innovation ethics.本文从创新伦理的视角出发,阐述了当代创新伦理危机的各种表现形式,探讨了创新伦理解决问题所需要倡导的视角、原则与实践平台,阐明了建设和谐社会的创新伦理诉求。
2.After given the definition of innovation ethics, the thesis create an analytical framework which include innovative ethics - risk society - post-mode.本文就是探讨转基因技术所带来的一系列创新伦理问题,通过对创新伦理这一新颖概念所具内涵的界定,形成以创新伦理—风险社会—后现代思想—责任为核心的分析框架。
5)Psychological trauma心理创伤
1.As the main participant in the process of psychological crisis intervention,teachers should make mental health s self-maintenance,reduce crises brought about by psychological trauma,with full and healthy mentality to help the psychological crisis intervention of college students.作为心理危机干预过程的主要参与者,教师应做好自我心理健康维护,减少危机事件带来的心理创伤,以饱满、健康的心态促进大学生心理危机干预工作的有效开展。
2.This article introduces the notion of trauma,psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder,PTSD Scale,intervention strategy.本文介绍了创伤、心理创伤与创伤后应激障碍的概念,创伤后应激障碍的测量及各种干预策略,以期为灾区儿童健康心理素质的重塑提供方法上的指导。
6)physical trauma物理创伤
