无形损害,invisible damage
1)invisible damage无形损害
1.Study on appraisal of invisible damage of disasters:cause and therapy of psychological hurt and ethical scar灾害无形损害的评价研究——心理损害与伦理创伤产生的原因与抚慰

1.Study on appraisal of invisible damage of disasters:cause and therapy of psychological hurt and ethical scar灾害无形损害的评价研究——心理损害与伦理创伤产生的原因与抚慰
2.innocent victim ... should not be left to bear loss or injury不应由无辜的受害者承受损失或损害
3.Impossible to damage, injure, or wound.无懈可击无法损害或伤害的
4.capable of being washed without injury.能够无损害的被洗涤。
5.The spread of pests damaged countless fruit trees.虫害的蔓延损害了无数果树。
6.impalpable darkness, horror, fear无形的黑暗、 恐怖、 害怕.
7.irreparable damage, harm, etc无法修复的损坏、 无可弥补的伤害.
8.Brain death: State of irreversible destruction of the Brain.脑死:大脑受到无法回复之损害的状态。
9.Do a job on严重损坏;对……做有害的事;使……变丑或无用
10.In a case of hypomagnesaemia in a cow there is no physical lesion.一例低镁血症病牛并无器质性损害。
11.Even more serious, the effects are also irreversible.更加严重的是,这些损害是无法恢复的。
12.Study on the Question of Compensation of Medical Tort Without Physical Damage;无人身损害的医疗侵权赔偿问题探讨
13.A Study on No-fault Liability Doctrine of Environmental Civil Damage;环境民事损害的无过错责任原则研究
14.Study on Amends Limit on No- fault Environmental Harms Caused by Pollution;无过错环境污染损害的赔偿限度研究
15.Application Research on Nondestructive Examination for Quality Defects and Diseases of Retaining Walls挡土墙质量及病害无损检测应用研究
16.It is imaginable that breaking the engagement will damage his image.可以想象,违反婚约将损害他的形象。
17.The case has hurt the government's image.那案件损害了政府的形象。
18.The scandal took away greatly from his public image.那丑闻极大地损害了他的形象.

3)type of injury损害形态
4)non-damaging drilling无损害钻井
5)zero formation damage无地层损害

无形1.不见形体。 2.不露形迹;未露形迹。 3.犹言不知不觉。