心理损害,psychological hurt
1)psychological hurt心理损害
1.Study on appraisal of invisible damage of disasters:cause and therapy of psychological hurt and ethical scar灾害无形损害的评价研究——心理损害与伦理创伤产生的原因与抚慰

1.Study on appraisal of invisible damage of disasters:cause and therapy of psychological hurt and ethical scar灾害无形损害的评价研究——心理损害与伦理创伤产生的原因与抚慰
2.The Neuropsychological Study on Memory Impairment of Patients with Schizophrenia;精神分裂症记忆损害的神经心理学研究
3.Judicial Coordination on Psychological Health Compensation and Spiritual Damage Compensation;心理健康赔偿和精神损害赔偿的司法协调
4.A Comparative Study of Individual Psycho-social Function Damage Caused by Drug Use;吸毒对个体心理社会功能损害的对比研究
5.Conclusion Brain injury can lead to myocardial damage.结论颅脑损伤可引起明显的心肌损害。
6.histopathology of pollution injury污染损害的组织病理学
7.The Experimental Study of the Effect of Xiaoyingqiangjitang on Cardiac Muscle Disease Related to Hyperthyroidism;消瘿强肌汤对甲亢性心脏损害的治疗作用及其机理的研究
8.Pretreatment with Simvastatin Attenuates Myocardial Damage Induced by Isoproterenol in the Rats;辛伐他汀预处理对异丙肾上腺素诱导大鼠心肌损害的保护作用
9.Research about Cognitive Function and Psychosocial Function of Bipolar Disorder;双相障碍的认知功能及心理社会功能损害特点的研究
10.The Neuropsychological Features and Regional Cerebral Blood Flow of Vascular Cognitive Impairment-no Dementia;非痴呆血管性认知功能损害的神经心理特征及局部脑血流量研究
11.Research on Reservoir Damage Mechanism and Prediction of Severity of Water Lock in Gulongnan Area古龙南地区储层损害机理研究及水锁损害预测
12.Damage Protection Plan集装箱损坏赔偿条款损害修理责任
13.45 myocarditis and 1 conduction disturbance.其中有心包损害者17例,有心肌损害者45例,传导系统异常者1例。
14.But things change as the stars move, if pressure outstrips one person's innermost ability, it is the most serious harm to your health.但物极必反,压力如果超过一个人的心理承受能力,就会严重损害身心健康。
15.Clinical Study on Cardiac Muscle Lesion Secondary to Serious Brain Injury重度颅脑损伤患者继发心肌损害的临床分析
16.No harm will come to you if you're careful.只要你小心,你不会遭遇损害的。
17.Carbon monoxide is definitely capable of impairing cardiovascular function.一氧化碳确实能损害心血管机能。
18.keep one's pride intact保持自尊心完整如初 [免受损害]

Myocardial lesion心肌损害
1.Evaluation of the characteristics of electrocardiogram in neonate with myocardial lesion;新生儿心肌损害的心电图评价
2.Clinical analysis of 64 patients poisoned by organophosphorous insecticides associated with myocardial lesions急性有机磷农药中毒并心肌损害64例临床分析
3.Objective: To explore the applied value of technetium-99mMIBI myocardial resting perfusion imaging in diagnosis of myocardial lesion in children with kawasaki disease(KD).目的:探讨99mTc-MIBI心肌静息显像在诊断小儿川崎病(Kawasakidisease,KD)心肌损害中的应用价值。
3)cardiac injury心肌损害
1.Effect of Shensongyangxin Capsule in treatment of early cardiac injury caused by duchenne muscular dystrophy;参松养心胶囊治疗Duchenne型肌营养不良症早期心肌损害疗效观察
4)myocardial impairment心肌损害
1.Objective To observe the clinical and pathological characteristics of a 1imb-girdle muscular dystrophy and myocardial impairment family.【目的】观察一个肢带型肌营养不良伴心肌损害家系患者的临床病理特点。
2.Objective To Perinatal exposure to hypoxia is considered to be a cause of hypoxie-ischemic myocardial impairment in newborn associated with increase of pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance.目的观察雾化吸入硝酸甘油(NTG)对新生儿缺氧性心肌损害的保护作用。
5)myocardial damage心肌损害
1.Clinical researches on the relation of cardiac troponin I and myocardial damage in asphyxia neonatal;新生儿窒息后心肌损害与心肌肌钙蛋白I关系的临床研究
2.Level of serum ACA and its clinical significance in viral myocarditis and myocardial damage.;病毒性心肌炎与心肌损害患儿血清抗心磷脂抗体检测的临床意义
3.The Research about the Dependability between Myocardial Damage and Mycoplasma Pneumoniae;支原体肺炎患儿的心肌损害相关研究
6)myocardial injury心肌损害
1.Clinical analysis of 63 cases of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy with myocardial injury;新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病合并心肌损害63例临床分析
2.Effects of taurine on newborn with hypoxic ischemic myocardial injury following asphyxia;牛磺酸对新生儿窒息后缺氧缺血性心肌损害保护作用的初步探讨
3.Clinical value of monitoring serum cardiac biomarkers in pulmonary thromboembolism-induced myocardial injury;心肌生物标记物在肺血栓栓塞症继发心肌损害中的临床意义

心肌损害心肌损害 多指心肌细胞的变性、坏死、功能障碍,可由缺血、缺氧、中毒等原因引起。