陕西洪灾,the flood disaster of Shaanxi
1)the flood disaster of Shaanxi陕西洪灾
2)Shaanxi history of famine陕西灾荒史
3)Shaanxi Association for Hazard Reduction陕西省减灾协会
1.The Position ans Functions of Disaster Prevention Association——To the 20th Anniversary of Shaanxi Association for Hazard Reduction;论减灾社团的地位和作用——纪念陕西省减灾协会成立20周年
4)Ningshan County of Shaanxi Province陕西宁陕
1.Protection and Management of Yellow River Wetlands in Shaanxi;陕西黄河湿地保护与管理
2.Discussion on Mineralization Regularity of the Eighth Ore Body of Shuangwang Gold Deposit,Shaanxi Province;陕西双王金矿床八号矿体矿化规律探讨
3.A Comprehensive Analysis of the Shaanxi Sports Clothes Market;陕西运动服装市场调研与现状分析

1.Shaanxi 4.67 4.46 4.66 4.09陕西4.674.464.664.09
2.It's Shanxi, not Shaanxi."是山西,不是陕西。”
3.A Study on "Xi'an Province",the "Big Shaanxi" and the "Small Shaanxi"“西安省”考——兼论“大陕西”和“小陕西
4.Shaanxi Consciousness and Literature Spirit;陕西意识与文学精神——与陕西学子对话
5.The boundary between Shanxi and Shaanxi is the Huanghe River.山西和陕西以黄河为界。
6.The Western Zhou dynasty moved the capital to Shannxi.西周把都城迁到了陕西
7."Shanxi has two different climate zones, the temperate zone and subtropical zone"陕西纵跨温带和亚热带
8.The peasants brought out their Shensi guitars.农民拿出陕西吉他。
9.The Research on Gentry of Shaanxi in Late Qing Dynasty;晚清陕西士绅研究(1862-1912)
11.In 1944, he called for the establishment of a Shaanxi University due to the education state of Shanxi.1944年针对陕西的教育状况,提出建立陕西大学。
12.Tourism of Shaanxi Culture and Culture of Shaanxi Tour;陕西文化的旅游化与陕西旅游的文化化
13.Study on Spreading of Christianity and Causes of Peasants′ Believing in it in Modern Shaanxi;近代基督教传入陕西陕西农民入教原因探析
14."Yaogu"(Waist Drum), especially the "ansai Yaogu"in northern Shaanxi Province, is famous around the world.陕西的腰鼓远近闻名,尤其是陕北的"安塞腰鼓",
15.The Stady of Adaptation on Re-Introducing Crested Ibis in Non-Original Habitat in Ningshan of Shaanxi Province;陕西省宁陕县朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)异地释放适应性研究
16.A study of Social influence about the Immigrants in Shaanxi during the China s Resistance War against Japan;浅析抗战时期移民入陕对陕西社会的影响
17.Market Factors and Characteristics of the Shan Shaan Huiguan of Mingqing Dynasty in Shaanxi Province;明清陕西山陕会馆的特点及市场化因素
18.Who is the Writer of the Fiction The Journey To The West;陕西全真道佳话:丘祖孕成《西游记》——陕西“隐型文化”研究之一

Shaanxi history of famine陕西灾荒史
3)Shaanxi Association for Hazard Reduction陕西省减灾协会
1.The Position ans Functions of Disaster Prevention Association——To the 20th Anniversary of Shaanxi Association for Hazard Reduction;论减灾社团的地位和作用——纪念陕西省减灾协会成立20周年
4)Ningshan County of Shaanxi Province陕西宁陕
1.Protection and Management of Yellow River Wetlands in Shaanxi;陕西黄河湿地保护与管理
2.Discussion on Mineralization Regularity of the Eighth Ore Body of Shuangwang Gold Deposit,Shaanxi Province;陕西双王金矿床八号矿体矿化规律探讨
3.A Comprehensive Analysis of the Shaanxi Sports Clothes Market;陕西运动服装市场调研与现状分析
6)Shaanxi Province陕西
1.Preliminary Estimation of Water Consumption for the Ecology in the Guanzhong Region,Shaanxi Province,China;陕西关中地区生态需水量的初步估算
2.Calculation and Analysis of Ecological Footprint of Shaanxi Province in 2004;陕西省2004年生态足迹计算与分析
3.Study on the development counterm easure of Shaanxi province garment brand;陕西省服装品牌发展对策研究

陕西方言笑话—陕西方言短信笑话1、树上各咎着两只巧,一只乖巧一只哈巧。哈巧对乖巧社:“你朝过挪一哈.”乖巧社:“挪不成,再挪奏载哈起咧!”哈巧社:“末四,载哈来饿搂着你。”乖巧害臊滴社:“哈松!” 2、曾经有一段黑巴实的爱情摆在老子的面前,哎!搞忘了珍惜.当老子失去后才晓得可惜呀!算拉!老子再找一个斗是拉撒.. 3、请高声朗读:卧似梅闻花,卧似深井冰.卧似打春绿,卧似牢木竹.喂?看懂了吗! 4、张艺谋高喊:俺红,饿想你,饿想你想的睡不捉;陕城美女高喊:涨一谋,饿想你,饿想你想的想睡觉! 5、希奇希奇真希奇,发现意投达春绿,春绿头脑有问题,不吃不喝不休息,要问春绿在哪里,正在埋头看消息! 6、曾经右倚份真诚地干情拜灾饿面浅,饿莫气拯西,挡饿史气塔地时候,饿干倒后会.人师间贼搭地通酷摸锅愚呲 7、一个女孩深情地对她的男友说:“锅,垒四轻山袄四六水。”(淮安方言:哥,你是青山我是绿水。) 8、请高声朗读:卧似梅闻花,卧似深井冰.卧似打春绿,卧似牢木竹.喂?看懂了吗! 9、入过伤舔给饿挤灰让饿从来椅回地花,饿灰对那个女娃奢饿哀馁,入过匪要吧这端干情假伤歌椅接先地花,饿希枉是椅弯撵 10、暗石绿,暗石竹,暗石透春绿,暗石透春竹。 11、人和咬井都施马省的,补同的人施人塔马的,咬施咬塔马的(人和妖精都是妈生的,不同的人是人他妈的,妖是妖他妈的) 12、饿是煮!饿是答烂煮! 13、有一妇女过河,不小心鞋子掉到了河里,她大叫俺的孩子掉河里了。 14、昨天夜了个,我又把你整生气了,我现在向你赔个不是,别在瞎寻思了 15、逆给饿电石减,饿突阿突阿奏洗冠了!(你给我点时间,我吐啊吐啊就习惯了!) 16、甲:我想获副啦,遂有豁垒。乙:我直达有豁垒,哈是归附、不怕的瞥。