抗洪救灾,fight against the flood
1)fight against the flood抗洪救灾

1.Overall victory has been achieved in combating floods and the disaster-relief work.抗洪救灾取得全面胜利。
2.We must call all possible forces into action to combat the flood and provide disaster relief我们必须调动一切力量抗洪救灾
3.Under the able leadership of the Central People's Government, the Chinese people have joined together in the fight against the cataclysm.在中央政府的领导下,全国人民奋起抗洪救灾
4.Information integration system used in flood control and relieve victims and water resource managment;信息集成系统在抗洪救灾及水资源管理中的应用
5.The people of Hong Kong organized themselves for territory-wide relief campaigns. We joined our compatriots on the mainland in the combat against floods as well as the relief operation that followed.香港市民全面展开赈灾行动,用捐献的方式,加入全国人民共同组成抗洪救灾行列。
6.The soldiers went to the flood-stricken areas to control the flood.洪灾爆发后战士们奔赴抗洪第一线救险。
7.Application of 3S technology to flood disaster prevention and reduction for property insurance;3S技术在财产保险防洪救灾中的应用
8.A concert was given in aid of the flooded areas.为了帮助洪涝灾区救灾筹款,举行了一次音乐会。
9.Model Company in Earthquake Relief Work in Tangshan唐山抗震救灾模范连
10.Applying Disaster Medicine Theory in Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief灾难医学理论在抗震救灾医疗救援中的应用
11."Relief of Scenic Area"--The Ideas and Practice of China National Park's Planning within Earthquake Relief“风景救灾”——抗震救灾中风景区规划思路与实践
12.The fund is for relieving distress among the flood victims.这笔款项是用于解救洪水灾民的困苦的。
13.Only helicopters can fly the relief into the flood-stricken area只有直升机才能把这些救灾物资运入洪泛区。
14.Study on the health service support during the army division participating in disaster assistance about flood and waterlogging;陆军师参加洪涝灾害救援时的卫勤保障研究
15.A survey of the status quo of rescuing knowledge about flood disaster of nurses in northern area of Guangdong province广东省粤北地区护士洪灾救护知识现状调查
16.Japan s Earthquake Relief Measures and the Lessons to be Drawn for the Recovery and Reconstruction of China s Earthquake-Stricken Areas;日本抗震救灾经验与我国地震灾区恢复重建
17.The Investigate Report of Job-relate Crime about Earthquake Relife and Reconstruction抗震救灾及灾后重建职务犯罪问题的调查报告
18.Social Mobilization for Earthquake Relief and After-Disaster Livelihood Reconstruction抗震救灾中的社会动员及灾后民生重建

flood control防洪救灾
1.The research and application of the remote sensing system of flood control;防洪救灾遥感信息系统的研制与应用
3)Fighting flood and providing disaster relief洪灾救援
4)Model Battalion in Fighting Flood and Providing DisasterRelief抗洪救灾爱民模范营
5)Disaster prevention andrelief抗灾救灾
6)Flood control and decreasing disarster抗洪减灾

抗洪救灾爱民模范营  中国人民解放军炮兵某部第 3营的荣誉称号。1975年8月,河南省驻马店地区遭受特大水灾,该营到灾情最重的遂平县抗洪救灾。8日晨,洪峰骤然到来,被洪水冲散的干部战士奋不顾身主动抢救群众。张店的2000多名群众被洪水围困,9名干部战士组织群众扎木筏转移,在洪水中搏斗10个小时,使他们全部脱险。万园村口20多人挤在一座将被淹没的草房顶上,十分危急,12名干部战士在急流中挽着手架起"人索",让群众攀着"人索"转移。该营凭一只橡皮舟和一些简易救生器材,连续与洪水搏斗27个小时,在县城和20个村庄,抢救和转移群众近万人。水退后,又帮助受灾群众恢复生产,重建家园。荣立集体一等功。1976年8月5日,中国共产党中央军事委员会授予该营"抗洪救灾爱民模范营"称号。