多难兴邦,much distress regenerates the nation
1)much distress regenerates the nation多难兴邦

1.Much Distress Regerates a Nation and Our Party--Wenchuan Earthquake Manifesting of Chinese Nation s Unlimited Hopes;多难兴邦,多难砺党——汶川地震彰显中华民族的无限希望
2.Much Distress Regenerates the Nation only by Recalling over it Passed--A Rethinking about the Distress of the Wenchuan Earthquake痛定思痛方能多难兴邦——关于汶川特大地震为何如此之痛的思考
3.Walking to“the first light”-the first man of painting revived-Giotto di Bondone走向“第一束光”——绘画复兴第一人——乔托.迪.邦多内
4.After affliction and harsh labor, Judah has gone into exile.犹大因遭遇苦难,又因多服劳苦就迁到外邦。
5."More Disasters Make the Law Prosperous":Preliminary Study on the Relationship Between Disasters and Legal Development“多难兴法”:对灾难与法律发展关系的初步探讨
6.The Rise of Multilateralism due to Balance-of-Power Difficulties;从均势制衡的难题看多边主义的兴起
7.Excitement, like enthusiasm, sometimes renders us unconscious to the things of earth.兴奋象热情一样,有时会使我们忘记好多难题。
8.Always hit him with more while he's up, and never be too tough on him when he's down.他兴高采烈的时候,就让他多做点事;他心灰意懒,则不要使他太难堪。
9.Sometimes, the workaholic may have unwittingly created the problems to provide the endless thrill of more work.有时,工作狂也许会不经意的制造出难题,为更多的工作兴奋不已。
10.He was truly crying, but it would have been difficult to say whether joy or the onions produced the greatest effect on the lachrymal glands of the old inn-keeper of the Pont-du-Gard.他的确正在流眼泪,但究竟那是高兴的结果还是洋葱对邦杜加客栈老店主的泪腺起了作用,很难说。
11.WPA Federal Theatre Project公共事业振兴署联邦戏剧计画
12.WPA Federal Writers' Project公共事业振兴署联邦作家计画
13.WPA Federal Art Project公共事业振兴署联邦艺术计画
14.From a "stricken land" as Tugwell used to call it, Puerto Rico was being transformed into a thriving community.波多黎各正在从一个特格韦尔经常称之为“多灾多难的地方”变为一个兴旺的社会。
15.Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico波多黎各自由联邦会
16.Utopia--Sade s Imaginary Refuge;“乌托邦”——萨德的精神“避难所”
17.The Revival of the Spirit of Utopia:The Western Marxists’ New Reflections on Utopia乌托邦精神的复兴——西方马克思主义对乌托邦的新反思
18.As we know, our country had a very hard time during the past hundred years. Today, it has finally got over and is flourishing.我们知道,我们国家在近代一百多年来,经过了很多艰难曲折,才出现了今天走向繁荣兴盛的局面。

All is not lost that is in danger. --Anonymous.多难兴邦。无名氏
3)Create difficulties for nation难邦
1.This novel wave swims in particular, the "Create difficulties for nation" with to hit strikes these three mother to write, prominently refracted the most common populace to read the psycholog.尤其是该小说浪游、难邦与打擂这三个母题,突出地折射出当时最一般的大众阅读心理,反映他们的好恶价值观念和一些人类共通的潜意识,诸如:浪游观念、启悟结构、狂欢色彩等等。
4)Prosperity of nation by ultilizing waterpower resources水电兴邦
5)manage state affair and bring prosperity to the state治国兴邦
6)Shi Xingbang石兴邦(1923~  )
