经典作家,classical writers
1)classical writers经典作家
1.After the serious natural disaster occurred,marxist classical writers mostly put forward a number of shining bright light of truth and insight on how to respond to disasters and post-disaster reconstruction.马克思主义经典作家在重大自然灾难发生后大都对有关如何应对灾难和灾后重建方面提出了许多至今仍闪耀着灿烂真理光芒的真知灼见,这对于指导当前我国"汶川大地震"灾后恢复重建工作有着很强的现实意义,值得我们仔细研究和认真体会。

1.Classical Marxist Writers Morality on Love,Marriage and Family;马克思主义经典作家的爱情婚姻家庭道德观
2.State and Society: on Classical Marxist Writers;国家与社会:马克思主义经典作家之阐释
3.Hegel and Classic Authors Views on the Logic Unfolding of Philosophic System;黑格尔与经典作家论哲学体系的逻辑展开
4.Classic Marxist Writers Remarks on Education of the Young in Ideology and Theory;马克思主义经典作家论青年思想理论教育
5.Analyses of Marxism Classic Writer s Theory on Anti-corruption;试析马克思主义经典作家的反腐败理论
6.On the Long-term Transition Thought of Classical Marxist Writers ;马克思主义经典作家过渡时期长期性思想研究
7.Theory of Development in an All-Round Way about People of the Author of a Classic of Marxism;马克思主义经典作家关于人的全面发展理论
8.Classic Marxism Theory on Attracting Investors;马克思主义经典作家招商引资理论研究
9.On the Function of the Studies of Economic History in the Theoretical Framework of Economics of the Classic Marxists;论经济史研究在马克思主义经典作家经济理论体系中的地位
10.Correctly Understanding the Socialist Economic Thoughts of Classic Marxist Writers;正确认识马克思主义经典作家的社会主义经济思想
11.Marxist Classical Writers on the Social Role of Intellectuals;马克思主义经典作家对知识分子社会作用的认识
12.Historical Exploration of the Nature of Socialism--Comparison of Deng Xiaoping to Other Marxist Researchers;社会主义本质的历史探源——邓小平与马克思主义经典作家之异同
13.Critical reception of a classical writer: A socio-historic perspective on "Fitzgeraldian Phenomenon";一位经典作家的批评接受史——“菲茨杰拉德现象”解读
14.On Marxist Thought about "How to Understand Socialism";马克思主义经典作家“怎样认识社会主义”思想研究
15.A comprehensive understanding of contradiction view of Marxist classical writers;全面地准确地理解马克思主义经典作家的矛盾观
16.Among Politics, Law and Society-- Analyses of a Judge s Role by Classics;在政治、法律与社会之间——经典作家论法官的角色定位
17.Exploration of Source of Idea of Modernization of Socialist Man;社会主义人的现代化思想探源——马克思主义经典作家的有关论述
18.Japanese scientists lay stress on studying the classical work of science and technology philosophy;日本科学家研究科技哲学经典著作述评

The Confucianist classical "language" work儒家经典"语"作
3)proletarian classical writer无产阶级经典作家
4)Marxist classical writers马克思主义经典作家
1.The paper introduced the interpretation of Marxist classical writers about the meaning of the concept of the working class,summarized the academic discussions about the concept of the Chinese working class,and generalized the understanding of the great significance of the study on the contemporary Chinese working class in the domestic academic circle.介绍国内学界对马克思主义经典作家工人阶级概念含义的解读,对学界关于中国工人阶级概念的争论进行综述,概括学界对研究当代中国工人阶级重大意义的认识。
5)Taoist classics道家经典
1.Daoju appeared in the Tang Dynasty is a system of selecting government officials,to study the Taoist classics of "Laozi" "Zhuangzi","Wenzi" and "Liezi" and to enlist talents through the old civil service examination system on the account.道举制度是出现于唐代的一种选拔官吏的制度,即修习《老》、《庄》、《文》、《列》等道家经典并以此开科取士。
6)Confucian classics儒家经典
1.Classics,replacement among classics and its conditions-Analysis from the relation between Confucian classics and Marxism classics;经典、经典的替代及其条件——从儒家经典与马克思主义经典的关系切入
2.missionaries to preach at the end of the Ming Dynasty in chinese local careful interpretation of the Confucian classics.明末传教士在中国本土传教时对儒家经典进行了精心诠释,通过对很具有代表性利马窦的《天学实义》的文本解读,可以发现传教士儒家经典诠释中所显现出来的旨趣。
3.As leaders of the movement of false discernment,Qian Xuantong and Gu Jiegang held radical objections to Confucian values mainly embedded in the Confucian classics.钱玄同和顾颉刚是辨伪、疑古运动的领导者,辨伪要涉及儒家经典,二人对儒家价值观持激烈的反对态度,加之“超今文”的方法以及寻求古史真相的致思,决定了他们只注意经典中可验证的人和事。
