特勤队伍,special service team
1)special service team特勤队伍
1.Restrictive factors and measures for specialization development of special service team in earthquake rescue制约特勤队伍地震救援专业化发展因素及对策

1.Strengthening the building of the special service team of the fire protection and improving the fire protection s ability of emergency rescue;加强特勤队伍建设 提高消防部队抢险救援能力
2.An Analysis of Professional Construction of Fire-control Army in Anti-terrorism;反恐斗争中消防特勤队伍专业化建设刍议
3.Discussion on the problems in establishing professional fire troops for special purpose;建设专业化消防特勤队伍有关问题的探讨
4.Restrictive factors and measures for specialization development of special service team in earthquake rescue制约特勤队伍地震救援专业化发展因素及对策
5.Cadre Construction is the Key to Logistics;干部队伍建设是高校后勤改革的关键
6.Thoughts on Cultivating Quality of College and University Rear-Service Team in the New Era新时期高校后勤队伍素质建设的思考
7.The Reflection on Talents Development of the Active Service Forces of Public Security;公安现役部队后勤专业人才队伍建设的思考
8.Special Air Service(of the army)(陆军的)特种空勤部队.
9.Party Committee should attach great importance to constructing good rear cadre ranks in fulfilling the socialization of rear services in colleges and universities;实现高校后勤社会化党委应高度重视后勤干部队伍建设
10.Discussions on how to improve logistical personnel troop quality in colleges and universities;谈如何进一步提高高校后勤人员队伍素质问题
11.Proposal for Constructing Logistic Teams of the Newly-established Local Colleges in Fujian;福建省新建地方性本科院校后勤队伍建设刍议
12.Enhancement of Overall Quality of the Staff Is of Paramount Importance in the Rear-service of Institutions of Higher Learning;提高队伍的整体素质是高校后勤的当务之急
13.Enhancing Team Building of Logistic Sections to Meet the Development of University;以优质服务为目标加强后勤组织队伍建设
14.Some Thoughts on Building up a Contingentof Rear Service staff in Universities;高校后勤服务实体干部职工队伍建设的思考
15.a judgment of the logistic support required for some particular military operation.对特殊部队所需要的后勤支持的估量。
16.Ground crew: Which class are you flying? This is the first class queue.地勤人员:你坐那个等级的机舱?这里是头等舱的队伍。
17.On the Significance of Team Building to the Scientific Development of Logistic Management in Universities论队伍建设对高校后勤事业科学发展的重要意义
18.Croft obviously handled the platoon well.克洛夫特显然把这支队伍带着很得法。

fire-control army消防特勤队伍
1.It is an inevitable tendency to construct professional fire-control army.专业化是反恐斗争中消防特勤队伍建设的必然趋势。
3)agent troops外勤队伍
4)rear-service team后勤队伍
1.In view of this a quality rear-service team should be built to meet the needs of rear-service socialization.随着高教事业的不断发展,面对高校后勤管理和服务提出的新标准、新要求,需要克服现有存在问题,建设一支高素质的高校后勤队伍与之相适应,以满足高校后勤社会化改革的需要。
5)Military Groups特勤部队
6)quality of the rear-service unit后勤队伍素质

特勤1.突厥﹑回纥官名,以可汗子弟及宗室充任。吐鲁番发现的木柱文字作"特银"。新﹑旧《五代史》和《辽史》﹑《元史》分别译写为"狄银"﹑"惕隐"﹑"的斤"。或讹为"特勒"。《北史.突厥传》:"大官有叶护﹐次设﹐次特勤。"《周书.突厥传》作"特勒"。《旧唐书.突厥传下》:"其官有叶护,有特勤,常以可汗子弟及宗室为之。"《新唐书.突厥传上》:"其别部典兵者曰设,子弟曰特勒,大臣曰叶护。" 2.近世在蒙古发现的唐《契苾明碑》﹑《阙特勤碑》﹐碑文及碑额皆作"特勤"。清钱大昕《十驾斋养新录.特勤当从石刻》:"顾氏《金石文字记》,历引史传中称'特勒'者甚多,而凉国公《契苾明碑》,'特勤'字再见。又柳公权《神策军碑》,亦云大特勤嗢没,斯皆书者之误。予谓……史文转写,或失其真,唯石刻出于当时真迹,况《契苾碑》宰相娄师德所撰,公权亦奉敕书,断无讹舛,当据碑以订史之误,未可轻訾疑也。"