高效发挥,give full play
1)give full play高效发挥
1.This essay uses disaster risk management as a starting point to analyze the present condition,problems and relevant reasons of the public education on disaster prevention systematically and then advances reasonable suggestions on how to give full play of the role of the public disaster prevention education in disaster risk management.应以灾害风险管理为切入点,系统地分析我国公众防灾教育的现状、问题和原因,并借鉴国外的经验,就可以对我国公众防灾教育在灾害风险管理中作用的高效发挥,提出合理化的建议。
2)premature vaporization效前挥发
1.Effect of premature vaporization on microtensile strengths of alcohol-based dentin bonding adhesives;效前挥发对乙醇基牙本质粘接剂微拉伸强度的影响
2.Effect of premature vaporization on microtensile strengths of acetone-based dentin bonding adhesives;效前挥发对丙酮基牙本质粘结剂微拉伸强度的影响
3)exerting the benefit效益发挥
1.This paper put forward the conceiving of the optimization of collecting books and exerting the benefit,analyze the inside relation of cause and effect and the relation of dialectic,and probe into the direction of building library on the internet and principles,basic approaches,policies for dealing with the two.提出现代图书馆馆藏优化和效益发挥的设想,分析二者之间内在的因果联系和辨证关系,探讨在网络条件下办馆方向和处理好二者关系的方针、原则及基本途径。
4)Efficacy elaboration效能发挥

1.Application Of PACS System In Regional Health Information System区域医疗协同中PACS系统的效能发挥
2.Technology of Multi-sensor Data Fusion and its Application on the Exertion of Networking Radar's Combat Effectiveness数据融合在组网雷达作战效能发挥中的应用
3.to have resource against loneliness.充分发挥内在资源的效能。
4.Try to set industry benchmark for FX market-making;有效发挥做市商功能 树立行业标杆
5.On the Full Exertive of the Public Security Army Institution Management;论公安现役部队机关管理效能的发挥
6.Building the Service-type Government and Developing the Government s Role Effective;建设服务型政府与有效发挥政府职能
7.Bringing Accounting Function into Full Play and Improving the Economic Benefit of Enterprise;充分发挥会计职能 提高企业经济效益
8.How to Give Full Play to Efficiency of Conjunct Section of Railway and Port;铁路与港口结合部如何发挥最大效能
9.Full Play the Financial Efficiency ,Promote the Adjustment of Economic Structure;充分发挥财政效能 促进经济结构调整
10.Development superiority of business bloc and improving effectiveness of fixed assests;发挥企业集团优势 提高固定资产效能
11.ENERGY efficiency is probably the most popular environmental panacea.让能源发挥效率可能是最流行的生态补救措施。
12.The Impact of Various State of Mood on Self-Efficiency and Physical Ability;不同情绪状态对自我效能和体能发挥的影响
13.The red effect also might come into play in team sports.红色还可能会在集体运动项目中发挥效力。
14.Too many data bases out there never implement a meta tag strategy.太多的数据库并不能让你的元标签发挥功效。
15.However, it does not require an absorbed vapour layer to become effective.然而,它不需要被吸收的水汽层来发挥效能。
16.Reasonable shaking and thumping. Can produce the massage effect concentrated even more.合理的频震,捶击动作.能发挥更集中的按摩效果.
17.It is often said that good people can make any organization work.人们常说,高明的人能使任何组织发挥功效。
18.On Making the Ideological and Political Education’s Educative Function Play Effectively;试论高校思想政治教育育人功能的有效发挥

premature vaporization效前挥发
1.Effect of premature vaporization on microtensile strengths of alcohol-based dentin bonding adhesives;效前挥发对乙醇基牙本质粘接剂微拉伸强度的影响
2.Effect of premature vaporization on microtensile strengths of acetone-based dentin bonding adhesives;效前挥发对丙酮基牙本质粘结剂微拉伸强度的影响
3)exerting the benefit效益发挥
1.This paper put forward the conceiving of the optimization of collecting books and exerting the benefit,analyze the inside relation of cause and effect and the relation of dialectic,and probe into the direction of building library on the internet and principles,basic approaches,policies for dealing with the two.提出现代图书馆馆藏优化和效益发挥的设想,分析二者之间内在的因果联系和辨证关系,探讨在网络条件下办馆方向和处理好二者关系的方针、原则及基本途径。
4)Efficacy elaboration效能发挥
5)efficacy exertion功效发挥
1.Objective: To find out the method of orienting efficacy exertions and usage skills of Dried ginger that has been seen in complex prescriptions that doctors had involved in it in the past dynasties.目的:发掘历代医家控制干姜在复方中功效发挥方向的方法与使用技巧,总结分析历代名方中干姜常用的配伍组合规律,正确指导临床遣药组方,为进一步阐释其减毒增效机理及开展相关现代研究提供思路。
6)to develop performance发挥效益
