1.It is oriented to denying the totalizing homogenous foundational power,and to pursueing heterogenic conception of power,hereby to result in actively advocating micro-politics.它拒斥总体化的同源性的基础性权力,转而寻求一种异质性的权力概念,积极倡导微观政治
2.The study of micro-politics of school is a new branch of the theory of educational organization.学校微观政治研究是教育组织研究的新分支 ,是对学校各类行为主体运用权力影响他人 ,扩展利益 ,并在冲突中达成理解 ,形成互相支持与合作关系的研究。
3.The theme of "national character" created by LuXun distinctly continued in novels after the 1990s,for example,both typically wrote the theme of "mass psychology of fascism" in the "micro-politics".鲁迅小说开创的"国民性"主题在1990年代后中国小说中得到鲜明的承续,两者都典型地表现了"微观政治"中的"法西斯主义群众心理学"。

1.Micro-politics and Company Management System Building;微观政治学与企业领导管理体系建设
2.The Micropolitical Game Based on the Dynamism Deleuze s Postmodernistic Horizon on the Political Philosophy;力本论底盘上的微观政治游戏——德勒兹政治哲学的后现代地平线
3.Microscopic Political View in Daily Life--One kind Explains of Canxues Novels;日常生活中的微观政治图景——残雪小说的一种阐释
4.Representation of discourse power and body politics in White Snake;话语权力与身体政治在《白蛇》中的再现——从福柯的微观政治学角度解读《白蛇》
5.Dialectical Explanation of Marxism--Tentatively analyzing the challenge of Foucault's micro-political theory toward historical materialism马克思主义需要辩证地解读——试析福柯的微观政治理论对唯物史观的挑战
6.The Research of Political and Ethical Thought in Zhenguan Political History Record;《贞观政要》中的政治伦理思想探微
7.Order:Examining the Political Value on the Socialist Outlook on Honor and Shame;良序:社会主义荣辱观的政治价值探微
8.Foucault s Idea of Micro-Power--an analysis of a scientific knowledge by politics principles;福柯的微观权力观——一种科学知识的政治学分析
9.The Explanation on the Rise Cause of Qin Dynasty:from the angle of Political Cultural History;秦兴观阐微——从政治文化史角度进行的探讨
10.China s Local Organizing - Process and Countryside Governance: Microscopic Analysis of the Development of China s Politics;中国地方组织化与乡村治理——中国政治发展的微观分析
11.Market,State and Production Politics: Macro-explanation and Micro-description On Non-antagonistic Conflicts in the Production Politics of the State-owned Enterprises市场、国家与生产政治——关于国企生产政治中非对抗性冲突的宏观阐释与微观描述
12.The Micromechanism of Residents Political Participation in Unitary Community--A Case Research about Z Community;“单位型社区”居民政治参与的微观机制——对Z社区的个案研究
13.Analysis of the Microcosmic Factors that Influence the Citizens’ Political Socialization of China in the Social Change;社会变革影响我国公民政治社会化的微观因素分析
14.Micro-economic Issues and Policy Unit微观经济问题和政策股
15.Microeconomic Issues and Policies Branch微观经济问题和政策处
16.Government and Enterprise: From Micro Regulation to Macroeconomic Control;政府与企业:从微观规制到宏观调控
17.Talking about Mao Zedong s Political Stability and Political Environment View;试论毛泽东的政治稳定和政治环境观
18.On the Education of Undergraduates Political Opinions in the Environment of the Network Politics;论网络政治环境下大学生政治观教育

corporate micro-politics企业微观政治
1.According to the definition of corporate politics the article explains corporate micro-politics,and discusses the source and efficient utility of power and then points out that power and power competition is the essence of corporate politics.文章根据企业政治的定义对企业微观政治进行界定,探讨了权力的来源和权力的有效运用,并指出权力和权力斗争是企业政治的本质;分析了企业微观政治的诱因,并针对各种诱因和政治行为带来的负面影响提出了遏制不利政治行为的有效措施。
3)Microcosmic politics view微观政治图景
4)micro-politics studies of science科学微观政治学
1.The whole understanding to scientific hermeneutics can not leave tri-dimensions of ssk, micro-politics studies of science and micro-culture studies of .对科学解释学的完整理解离不开科学知识社会学、科学微观文化学、科学微观政治学这三重维度。
5)micro-politics behavior微观政治行为
6)micro-politics management微观政治管理

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。