1.China\'s traditional economic development is a kind of "material-centered" development.我国传统的经济发展是一种"以物为本"的发展模式。

1.The Explanation of "the Material-Oriented" and "People-Oriented" from the Perspective of Marxist Philosophy;从马克思哲学的高度解读“以物为本”和“以人为本”
2.The Philosophic Nature and Practical Significance of the ″Human-Oriented″ Conception and the ″Material-Oriented″ Conception;“以人为本”和“以物为本”的哲学性质及现实意义
3.On "Human-based" view and "material-based" View;浅谈“以物为本”的发展观和“以人为本”的发展观
4.Reflecting of the Ideas of “Substance-centered” and the “People-centered” From the Perspective of Marxism;从卡尔·马克思哲学的高度反思“以物为本”和“以人为本”
5.Economic Transition from "Material-Centered Economy" to "Human-Oriented Economy" and Its Reform Supports从“以物为本”向“以人为本”经济发展的转型及其创新支持
6.Godism,Matterism and Humanism--On the Meaning of Humanism from Its Historical Evolution;神本、物本、人本——从“以人为本”的历史演变论其含义
7.The Materialistic View of History with People as its Core;“以人为本”是唯物史观的核心命题
8.People Foremost:The Logical End of Historical Materialism;以人为本:历史唯物主义的逻辑终点
9.Unscrambling "People-oriented" with Historical Materialism;对“以人为本”的历史唯物主义解读
10.Agricultural Commodities Circulation--Basing on Agriculture and Serving "San Nong" Conscientiously;农业物流以农为本 切实服务“三农”
11.Discussion on the management idea--people oriented of property management enterprise;论物业管理企业“以人为本”的管理理念
12.Historical Materialism and People First坚持唯物史观 实现“以人为本”
13.People Orientation: The Historical Materialism Basis of the Scientific Outlook on Development以人为本:科学发展观的唯物史观基础
14.The Manifesto of the Right of Labor Ability--the creation of economic law from substance oriented to people oriented;劳动能力权宣言——从以“资”(物)为本到以人为本的经济法制创新
15.On Logistics Cost Management Model Based on Activity-Based Cost;以作业成本为基础的物流成本管理模式研究
16.People-oriented the fundamental principles of world outlook of dialectical materialism;以人为本——辩证唯物主义世界观的根本原则
17.Grassland A major world plant community (biome) dominated by grasses (Poaceae).草原:以禾本科草类(禾本科)为优势物种的植物群落(生物群系)。
18.Hunger breeds discontentment, and dwelling places are important for the ordinary people. Housing is the basic material prerequisite for the people's right of existence.民以食为天,以住为地,住房是确保人的生存权的基本物质条件。

taking root as base以"本"为本
1.Building a Harmonious Socialist Society Based on Humanism;坚持以人为本,构建社会主义和谐社会
2.On Cultivating Qualified College Students with Humanism;贯彻“以人为本”教育理念 培养高素质高职学生
3.Insisting upon the Sense of Humanism to Plan Development of Town and County as Whole;坚持用以人为本的理念统筹城乡发展
1.Establishing a harmonious reconnaissance unit started from human-oriented view;以人为本构建和谐地勘单位的探讨
2.Residential quarter greening with human-oriented principle;居住小区绿化要以人为本
3.On the Principle of"Human-oriented"in Journalism;在新闻传播中践行“以人为本”的原则
5)people oriented以人为本
1.Making great effort to safety management of laboratories based on people oriented in colleges and universities of petroleum;以人为本,努力做好石油高校实验室安全管理工作
2.Discussion on professional and technological management on people oriented basis;基于以人为本的专业技术管理探讨
3.Strengthening the Management Idea of People Oriented to Improve the Quality of University Student Management;论“以人为本”理念与高校学生管理工作
1.And it is concluded that the cultural psychology changed from sage-rooted to human-rooted,then going forward to the ideal of the combined root of sage and human step by step.研究表明,人类服饰心态经由以神为本转向以衣为本,再以人为本,直至向着以天人合一为本的理想层面逐级递进。

本迪戈本迪戈澳大利亚维多利亚州中部城市。位于墨尔太西北128公里。人口5.3万(1981)。 1851年在此发现金矿后开始发展,成为重要矿业城镇,名桑德赫斯特。附近为羊毛、肉牛、奶制品、水果、蔬菜产区。为小麦和活牲畜重要贸易中心。工业有炼铁、毛纺织、服装、陶瓷、肉类加工和大军械厂。