自然演进,natural evolution
1)natural evolution自然演进
1.This paper discusses the relationship between urban development and rivers from the respect of natural evolution of the rivers, proposing the related urban planning strategy.目前我国的快速城市化正在破坏河流的自然演进过程 ,并因此引起了水质恶化、洪旱灾害的频发。
2.The development of market ethics has its logic of natural evolution.市场伦理的发展有其自然演进的逻辑 ,随着市场及市场秩序的自发形成和发展 ,市场伦理也随之发生演变。
3.In the history of development of human system civilization,natural evolution and rational construction are the two modes of system development.在人类制度文明发展史上,自然演进和理性建构是制度发展的两种模式。

1.It would be a natural evolution of microelectronics to become nanoelectronics.它是从微电子学到奈米电子学的自然演进
2.The American constitution was planned , the British constitution evolved .美国的宪法是依计划制定的,英国的宪法是自然演进的。
3.The Evolvement of Artificial Nature and Social Progress;人工自然的形态演变过程和社会进步
4.On the Relationships between Confucian Mountain-Rivered Naturalism and the Literature of Three Kingdoms and Jin Dynasty儒家山水自然观与魏晋山水诗的演进
5.Be Following the Naturalness to Freedom: Zhuang Zi’s Enrichment and Development to Lao Zi’s Thought of “Tao Conforms to Naturalness”;因自然而自由——庄子对老子“道法自然”思想的充实与演进
6.Restructuring Natural Monopolies: Theoretical Evolution and Future Development;自然垄断产业改革的理论演进及趋势研究
7.On the Evolution of the Civilization and the Relationship Change of People and Nature;论人类文明的演进及人与自然关系的变迁
8.The evolution of the categorics of necessity and freedom in modern western philosophy;必然与自由范畴在近代西方哲学中的演进
9.The relation between the evolution and progress of ancient culture and the change of natural environment in the Qingjiang River Valley;清江流域古文化时空演进与自然环境的关系
10.Research on Problem of Natural Monopoly Industry Organization Model in China中国自然垄断产业组织模式演进问题研究
11.The artificial wells in the place were changed from natural spring. The motive of the evolution was flood.渝东地区的人工盐井都是由自然盐泉演变而来的,推动自然盐泉向人工井演进的动力是洪水。
12.Her acting was very natural.她的表演自然大方。
13.He has a stiff manner of speaking.他演讲的样子很不自然。
14.The acting of the little girl is natural and free from affectations.这小孩演得很自然。
15.Speaking comes natural to him.他的演说流畅而自然。
16.The speaker looked self-conscious.演讲人显得不大自然。
17.grow, progress, unfold, or evolve gradually through a process of evolution, natural growth, or differentiation.通过演化、自然生长或变异过程慢慢地生长、前进、开花或发展。
18.History and Logic Study of Solving the Relation Between Person and Nature;和谐与失衡的变奏——人与自然关系演进的历史与逻辑论析

Artificial promotion succession人工促进自然演替
3)natural thermal evolution自然演化
1.Obvious overpressure constraint of deep source rock evolution was found through high temperature and pressure simulation experiment, natural thermal evolution and geological case studies.热压模拟实验、烃源岩自然演化和勘探实例研究表明,深层烃源岩演化明显受到超压的抑制。
4)Natural succession自然演替
1.The paper analyzes the changes of soil in natural succession process including environmental features,nutrient and seed pool;furthermore it indicates climax community of Karst areas vegetation and specialty of direction towards community su.植被的自然演替是岩溶地区生态重建的主要方式。
2.The process of natural succession of vegetation in Karst rocky desertification area in central Guizhou was divided into the herbosa stage,the stage of herbosa-shrub,the stage of vine-shrub,the stage of subaltern tree forest and the stage of evergreen broad-leaved forest according to the characteristic of plant community.根据植物群落的特征,将黔中喀斯特地区石漠化后植被自然演替过程分成草丛阶段、草灌阶段、藤刺灌丛阶段、次生乔林阶段和常绿阔叶林阶段,应用物种丰富度指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数分别研究各演替阶段草本层、灌木层、乔木层和群落总体的物种多样性。
5)natural deduction自然演绎
1.Abstract operator logic and its natural deduction system;抽象算子逻辑及其自然演绎系统
6)nature evolution自然演变

国际自然与自然资源保护联盟  由有志于自然保护的各国家成员、其他合作机构和有关的科学工作者组成。建于1948年。多年来,它与世界野生生物基金会、联合国各机构、各区域性组织和其他重要团体密切合作,开展全球性自然资源保护活动,属下有包括116个国家的537个会员组织。联盟大会、理事会和各专业委员会是其管理机构。执行机构为秘书处,总部设在瑞士的格兰德。下设由150多名专家组成的6个专业委员会,即:生态委员会,教育委员会,环境规划委员会,环境政策、法律、行政管理委员会,国家公园及保护区委员会;另外还有各种特设小组或由著名专家为审议重大问题而组成的顾问小组。联盟在非洲、中南美洲、北美洲与加勒比海、东亚、西亚、澳大利亚及大西洋、东欧、西欧等 8个地区还设区域顾问。联盟秘书处负责指导、督促各委员会及各区顾问的工作;推动各项计划的实施;支持各种项目的实施;组织制订保护法规等。全体会员代表大会每3年召开一次,选举新的主席和执行主席,研讨各种有关自然保护的技术问题。1979年,中国以国务院环境保护办公室的名义参加这个国际组织。1984年10月 5日联盟理事会第15次会议,通过决议接纳中国野生动物保护协会为联盟非政符团体会员。