负面价值,negative value
1)negative value负面价值
1.It has not only a positive value to modern people s social development but also a negative value.拳击运动是一项强调速度、力量、攻击性,体现阳刚之美的运动项目,它对于现代人的社会性发展既有正面价值也有负面价值,至于在实践中体现在具体某个人身上的是哪方面的价值,关键看为谁所用,如何而用。
2.In the traditional culture, Bai Jiaxuan gives expression to a kind of positive value through practice, while Lu Zilin reflects a kind of negative value.小说中的人物朱先生作为文化精英 ,能清醒地进行角色的自我定位和适时转换 ;白嘉轩主要在实践层面上体现传统文化的正面价值 ,鹿子霖主要体现了传统文化的负面价值

1.The Criticism and Correction of College English Textbook Negative Cultural Orientations大学英语教材负面价值取向的批判及矫治
2.The Rectify Function of the Olympic Spirit to Contemporary College Students Negative Value Tropism;论奥林匹克精神对当代大学生负面价值取向的矫正功能
3.total liabilities at book value按帐面价值计的总负债
4.Reflections on the Harmful Effect in the Values Heldby College Students Today;对当前大学生价值取向负面性的思考
5.The Passive Influence of Unilateral Society-based Educational Value Orientation;片面的社会本位教育价值取向的负面影响
6.Analysis of Catastrophe Press Photo:The Positive Value and Negative Effect;论灾难新闻摄影的正面价值与负面效应
7.The amount of any unamortized is added to the maturity value of the bonds payable to show the current carrying value of the liability.未摊销的溢价与应付债券到期值之和反映负债当时的账面价值。
8.Negative Influence of Popular Culture on College Students Value orientation;大众文化对大学生价值取向的负面影响
9.On the Negative Change of the Values of College Students and Adjustment in Social Transition;社会转型时期高校学生价值观负面变化及调适
10.The Negative Influence of Fad Culture upon College Students Values and the Corresponding Strategy;论时尚文化对大学生价值观的负面影响与对策
11.The Negative Effect of the Values in the Current Subject Knowledge T eaching;论我国现行学科知识教学价值取向的负面效应
12.The dislecation of life valves and its negative effect on social morals;人生价值错位及对社会道德的负面影响
13.nominal [face] value票面价值,表面价值
14.The book value of the asset formed by the guarantee shall be conducted a devalue test on the balance sheet date.因担保形成的资产的账面价值,应当在资产负债表日进行减值测试。
15.Force Vision and Statement of Common Purpose and Values警察抱负、目标和价值观
16.Currency RiskRisk that the value of a currency will by negatively affected in the event of an unfavorable movement in rates of exchange.货币风险由于外汇汇率的负面波动而对货币价值产生影响的风险。
17.Study on Negative Change of Value Outlook of College Graduates with Initiative in Their Hands to Find Jobs during the Transitional Period of Society and Countermeasures to Take;社会转型时期大学生自主择业价值观念的负面变化及其对策研究
18.On the Negative Influence of Vulgar Internet Culture on the Youth s Sense of Value and Its Countermeasures;网络低俗文化对青少年价值观的负面影响及解决对策

negative value tropism负面价值取向
3)negative cultural value负面文化价值
4)positive/negative cultural value正/负面文化价值
5)Technical negative value技术负面价值
6)negative value负价值
1.We can evaluate safety value in quantity by using negative value and value engineering method.使用负价值理论法和价值工程法可以对安全价值从量上进行初步评价。
2.More consumerism behaves as a negative value on the subject,and brings social and human with negative consequences.消费主义对主体更多的表现为一种负价值,它给社会和人带来一定的后果。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分