哲学信仰,philosophical belief
1)philosophical belief哲学信仰
1.Feuerbach s philosophy is "the former philosophical belief" that Marx did not shake off in his ideological progress.费尔巴哈哲学是马克思思想进程中并未缺失的"从前的哲学信仰"。
2.The third stratum is that the philosophical belief from the distillations of Marxist philosophy and the Chinese philosoph.把马克思主义哲学与中国哲学的精华融为一体的哲学信仰作为社会主义道德建设的精神支柱和理论基础是道德建设的第三层面。

1.Three Stratums of Moral Construction:Humanity, Belief and Philosophical Belief;道德建设的三个层面:人性、信仰、哲学信仰
2.Feuerbach s Philosophy:"the Former Philosophical Belief" of Marx;费尔巴哈哲学:马克思未缺失的“从前的哲学信仰
3.An Elementary Introduction to the Value of Philosophical Belief to Transcend Artistic Compliment;浅谈哲学信仰对艺术修养提升的价值
4.Philosophical Review on Irrational Beliefs in Contemporary Chinese Society;当前中国社会非理性信仰的哲学观照
5.Formation of Philosophy in the Middle Age: An Accommodation of Logos and Belief;中世纪哲学的形成:理性与信仰的调和
6.Marx s Belief and Criticism of Feuerbach s Philosophy;马克思对费尔巴哈哲学的信仰与清算
7.One who does not believe or have faith, as in God or a philosophy.无信仰的人不相信或无信仰的人,如对上帝或哲学
8.Management Style: David swears by the Japanese manufacturing philosophy of kaizen, or continuous improvement.管理风格:大卫信仰日本凯真的生产哲学——不断进
9.The Daoism Cultural Philosophy and Its Significance in light of The Wenchang Faith从文昌信仰看道教的文化哲学及其意义
10.The Researcher on the Correction of Philosophy-oriented,Life Event towards Belief;哲学性向、生活事件与精神信仰关系的研究
11.Fang Dongmei s Interpretation and Expounding of Ancient Chinese Philosophers Ideal Political Belief;方东美释论中国古代哲学家的理想政治信仰
12.Social Philosophy Perspectives: Two Major Types of Belief and Their Relationship;社会哲学视野:信仰的两大类型及其关系
13.Reflections on the Social Strata and Their Beliefs in Contemporary China关于当代中国社会阶层及其信仰的哲学思考
14.The Rationality of the Belief in Scientific Research:One of Einstein's Thoughts of Philosophy of Science科学研究中信仰的合理性——爱因斯坦重要的科学哲学思想
15.Moral Belief Cultivation of the Contemporary University Student in Philosophy Methodology;浅议哲学方法论视野下的当代大学生道德信仰培育
16.These ideas gradually incorporated with existing religious beliefs to form a new philosophy这些观念逐渐与现存的宗教信仰结合成一种新的哲学。
17.We need a spiritual or religious faith, or a 37)philosophy of life.我们需要精神上或者宗教上的信仰,或者一套处世哲学。
18.We need some spirit or faith, or some philosophy of life.我们需要一种精神或宗教的信仰,或者是一种生活的哲学。

scientific belief科学信仰
1.During the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics, it is very imperative that the members of the Communist Party and the leaders of all levels have firm beliefs in socialism and communism, uphold science, do away with superstition, use scientific belief to overcome the non scientific belief and become atheists.在建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大时期 ,迫切需要共产党员和党的各级领导干部坚定社会主义、共产主义这一科学政治信仰 ,崇尚科学 ,破除迷信 ,用科学信仰战胜非科学信仰 ,做一个彻底的无神论
3)theological belief神学信仰
4)literature belief文学信仰
1.Therefore, rebuilding belief, rebuilding human integrity, and strengthening beliefology research is our inevitable theoretic and realistic choice.因此,重建信仰,重建人的完整性,加强信仰学的研究是我们的必然理论选择和现实选择。
6)the Confucian beliefs in Jing经学信仰

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀