生存本体论,existential ontology
1)existential ontology生存本体论
1.The existential ontology implied in narrative psychotherapy;叙事心理治疗的生存本体论含义
2.Real ontology holds in high esteem of logical thinking,while existential ontology has a close relation with intuition.实在本体论推重逻辑思维,直觉则与生存本体论相联系。

1.On the Discourse Features of Heidegger s “Subsistent Ontology”;试论海德格尔“生存本体论”的话语特征
2.Thesen über Feuerbach and Ontology of Survival;《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》与生存本体论
3.Existentialism s Revolution to Ontology--The Significance of Kierkegaard s Individual Existentialism on Ontology;本体论的生存论革命——克尔凯郭尔个体生存论中的本体论意蕴
4.On the Theory of Educational Constructivism: from the Existence of Noumenon to the Formation of Essence;从本体存在到本质生成的教育建构论
5.Ontology of Emotion: A Dimension of Individual Existence in Aesthetics of Praxis;情本体——实践美学的个体生存论维度
6.The Significance of Kierkegaard s Individual Existentialism to Ontology;论克尔凯郭尔个体生存论的本体论意蕴
7.On Noumenon: A Fundamental Issue of Human Existence;“本体论”释义:人的生存根据问题
8.From Ontology to the View of Subsistence: On the Essence of Philosophical Transformation Marx Realized;从本体论到生存论——马克思实现哲学变革的实质
9.From instrument noumenon to feeling noumenon--A kind of aesthetic metaphysical survival conception in practice theory;从工具本体到情本体——一种实践论的审美形而上学生存观
10.Education: Facing the Possible Existence──The Ontological Analysis of the Existential Philosophy of Education on the Educatee s Probable Existence;教育:面向可能的存在——生存论教育哲学对受教育者存在可能性的本体论分析
11.The problems of steady current in conductors were discussed when the intrinsic Hall electric field existed at the inside of the conductors.本文讨论了导体内部自生霍尔电场存在时导体中稳恒电流的问题。
12.On Life-Being as a New Noumenon of Aesthetics;深情呼唤生活诗学——试论生活存在作为美学的一种新本体
13.On the Evolution of Ontology--A Distinction between Existentialist Ontology and Traditional Ontology;本体论的嬗变——存在主义的本体论和传统的本体论之区别
14.of or relating to ontology.属于或关于存在论、本体论的。
15.The harmoniousness talked in Utopia written by Plato includs two aspects.和谐的本体论意义是指人的生存行为对罗各斯的服从。
16.Proving the Original Value of Higher Education--based on the the existence of the human being;高等教育本体价值的确证——一种基于生存论的思考
17.Humanistic Consciousness of Existential Theory is the Premise to Enhancing Public Ethics生存论的人本意识觉悟是提升公共伦理水平的主体前提
18.From Existential Turn to Humanism Turn--On Marx s Existence Understood in Terms of Humanism;从生存论转向到人本主义转向——马克思的生存论人本主义解读

The existentially ontological dimension生存本体论维度
3)the noumenon of existence生存本体
4)the structure of ontology of human existence人的生存本体论结构
5)Noumenon of the right to exsistence生存权本体
6)individual existentialism个体生存论
1.As the central concept of Kierkegaard s individual existentialism,"The single individual" that is regarded as the real goal of life means the a person in existence consists of inwardness full of passion and the individual s subjectivity;the conception of existence is a description on t.个体生存论是克尔凯郭尔的基本哲学思想,个体生存论思想的形成缘于对思辨哲学体系的彻底批判以及欧洲浪漫主义的影响。
